@Time : 2023/10/27 0027 15:37
@Auth : yeqc

import random, sys
import gmpy2
from gmpy2 import f_div, mpz, mpz_urandomb, is_prime, random_state, invert, powmod, add, mul, f_mod

rand = random_state(random.randrange(sys.maxsize))

def generate_prime(bits):
    """generate an b-bit prime integer"""
    while True:
        possible = mpz(2) ** (bits - 1) + mpz_urandomb(rand, bits - 1)
        if is_prime(possible):
            return possible

# 这里的bits主要是针对n来说,pq应该为bits//2
def keyGeneration(bits):
        :param length: 二进制位数,默认128
        :return: 公钥sk=n=pq,私钥sk=(λ, v),h用来解密阶段加密用

    # def generate_primes(length):
    #     """
    #         获得两个大素数p、q
    #         :param length: 二进制位数
    #         :return: 大素数p和q
    #     """
    #     while True:
    #         p = gmpy2.next_prime(random.getrandbits(length))  # random.getrandbits(),随机获取length长度的二进制数
    #         q = gmpy2.next_prime(random.getrandbits(length))  # next_prime()获取下一个素数
    #         if gmpy2.gcd(p, q) == 1:
    #             return p, q

    # step1:随机选择两个大素数p、q
    # p, q = generate_primes(length)
    p = generate_prime(bits // 2)
    q = generate_prime(bits // 2)
    # print(f'p = {p}')
    # print(f'q = {q}')
    # step2:计算n=pq,λ=lcm(p-1,q-1)
    n = p * q
    λ = gmpy2.lcm(p - 1, q - 1)
    # step3:随机选择多个整数r,h=r^n mod n^2
    # TODO:这里先随机选择一个
    r = mpz(random.randint(1, n - 1))
    # r = 1
    h = powmod(r, n, n ** 2)  # (base ** exponent) % modulus,其中 base 是底数,exponent 是指数,modulus 是模数。
    # step4:引入秘密参数 v=λ^-1 mod n 即λ模n的逆元,λ * v % n = 1
    v = invert(λ, n)
    return n, λ, v, h

def encryption(m, n, h):
        :param m: 明文
        :param n: 公钥
        :param h: 密钥生成中的h,用来加密
        :return: 密文c
    c = mul(add(mul(m, n), 1), h)  # 密文
    return c

def decryption(c, λ, n, v):
    :param c: 密文
    :param λ: 私钥λ
    :param n: 公钥
    :param v: 私钥v
    x = powmod(c, λ, n ** 2)
    L = f_div(x - 1, n)
    de_m = f_mod(mul(v, L), n)
    return de_m

def encryption_add(n, c1, c2):
    """Add one encrypted integer to another"""
    return powmod(c1 * c2, 1, mul(n, n))

def encryption_add_const(n, m, c):
    """Add a constant to an encrypted integer"""
    return mul(m,add(mul(c,n),1))

def encryption_mul_const(n, m, c):
    """Multiply an encrypted integer by a constant"""
    return powmod(m, c, mul(n, n))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    n, λ, v, h = keyGeneration(1024)
    print(f'n = {n}')
    print(f'λ = {λ}')
    print(f'h = {h}')
    print(f'v = {v}')
    m = 30  # 明文
    c = encryption(m, n, h)  # 密文
    print(f'明文m = {m}')
    print(f'密文c = {c}')
    de_m = decryption(c, λ, n, v)
    print(f'解密明文de_m = {de_m}')

    m1, m2 = 10, 30
    c1, c2 = encryption(m1, n, h), encryption(m2, n, h)

    c1c2 = encryption_add(n, c1, c2)

    de_mm = decryption(c1c2, λ, n, v)
    print(f'解密明文 de_mm = {de_mm}')

    const_c = 25
    m3 = 40
    c3 = encryption(m3, n, h)
    c3const_c = encryption_mul_const(n, c3, const_c)
    de_mm = decryption(c3const_c, λ, n, v)
    print(f'解密明文 de_mm = {de_mm}')

    c3_add_const_c = encryption_add_const(n, c3, const_c)
    de_mm = decryption(c3_add_const_c, λ, n, v)
    print(f'解密明文 de_mm = {de_mm}')


