

1. Multiagent-Envs环境的改动

  1. 本项目主要用到simple_tag环境
  2. 设定为1个good_agent,1个adversary
  3. agent运动窗口大小为-30到+30
  4. good_agent的size为0.25,adversary的size为0.2
  5. 质量均设为1.0,阻尼为0.5,captured距离为0.5
  6. 不需要用到landmark和交流信息,故将涉及到landmark和交流信息的代码都删除掉
  7. 将追与逃两个agent的动力学模型设置为论文《A Dynamics Perspective of Pursuit-Evasion Capturing and Escaping When The Pursuer Runs Faster Than The Agile Evader》中的动力学模型
  8. 添加论文《A Dynamics Perspective of Pursuit-Evasion Capturing and Escaping When The Pursuer Runs Faster Than The Agile Evader》提到的追逃策略,目的是为了与神经网络训练出来的追逃策略进行一个对比

1.1 core.py文件的改动


  1. 注释掉不需用到的代码

    # update state of the world
    def step(self): #在environment.py的step函数中调用
        # set actions for scripted agents 
        for agent in self.scripted_agents:
            agent.action = agent.action_callback(agent, self)
        # gather forces applied to entities
        p_force = [None] * len(self.entities)
        # apply agent physical controls
        p_force = self.apply_action_force(p_force)
        # apply environment forces
        # p_force = self.apply_environment_force(p_force)
        # print('p_force:', p_force)
  2. 力的改变—不需要噪声

    # gather agent action forces
    def apply_action_force(self, p_force):
        # set applied forces
        for i,agent in enumerate(self.agents):
            if agent.movable:
                noise = np.random.randn(*agent.action.u.shape) * agent.u_noise if agent.u_noise else 0.0
                p_force[i] = agent.action.u # + noise # agent的action.u=action.u*accel  environment.py line 190
                # 下面这行是在action.u*accel的基础上再次乘了accel
                # p_force[i] = (agent.mass * agent.accel if agent.accel is not None else agent.mass) * agent.action.u #+ noise
                # print(f"force{i}", p_force[i])
                # print(f"force", p_force)
        return p_force
  3. 速度计算公式的改变

    entity.state.p_vel += (p_force[i] / entity.mass -entity.state.p_vel * self.damping / entity.mass) * self.dt 


    # integrate physical state
    def integrate_state(self, p_force):
        for i,entity in enumerate(self.entities):
            if not entity.movable: continue # 如果是运动的实体则执行循环体,否则continue
            # entity.state.p_vel = entity.state.p_vel * (1 - self.damping)  # 更新agent速度:速度×(1-阻尼)`  
            # print('v',entity.state.p_vel)
            if (p_force[i] is not None):
                entity.state.p_vel += (p_force[i] / entity.mass -entity.state.p_vel * self.damping) * self.dt 
                # entity.state.p_vel += (p_force[i] / entity.mass ) * self.dt # 牛二:v=v0+f/m*t 速度=力/质量×时间
                # print(f'p_force{i}',p_force[i])
                # print('ss',p_force[i] / entity.mass -entity.state.p_vel * self.damping)
            # 实时加速度
            # a_tmp= p_force[i] / entity.mass - entity.state.p_vel * self.damping
            # print('a%d'%i,a_tmp)
            # print('p_force',p_force)
            entity.state.p_pos += entity.state.p_vel * self.dt
  4. 新增边界墙类

    # 边界类
    class Border(Entity):
        def __init__(self):
            super(Border, self).__init__()
            self.pos = None

1.2 environment.py文件的修改


  1. step函数中添加两者距离小于抓捕范围时,done_n返回True的代码(line107行)

    # 当两者距离小于抓捕范围时,done_n==true
    delta_pos = np.abs(self.agents[0].state.p_pos - self.agents[1].state.p_pos)
    dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(delta_pos)))
    # print('dist',dist)
    capture_distance=self.agents[0].size + self.agents[1].size
    if dist< capture_distance:
    # if any(done_n) == True:
    #     print("done_n:", done_n)
  2. 在离散环境情况下,即:

    self.discrete_action_space = True


    if self.discrete_action_space:
       # agent.action.u[0] += action[0][1] - action[0][2]
       # agent.action.u[1] += action[0][3] - action[0][4]
       # chh 修改  在论文中并不需要累加
       agent.action.u[0] = action[0][1] - action[0][2]
       agent.action.u[1] = action[0][3] - action[0][4]
  3. 修改显示框大小(line250行)

    self.viewers[i] = rendering.Viewer(800,800) # 修改显示框大小


  4. 修改运动窗口大小(line293行)



1.3 simple_tag.py文件的改动

  1. Scenario类中的make_world函数中修改good_agent、adversary的数量,修改两者的加速度、尺寸大小、初始质量;

    def make_world(self):
         world = World()
         # set any world properties first
         num_good_agents = 1
         num_adversaries = 1
         num_agents = num_adversaries + num_good_agents
         # add agents
         world.agents = [Agent() for i in range(num_agents)]
         for i, agent in enumerate(world.agents):#agent的设置
             agent.name = 'agent %d' % i
             agent.collide = True
             agent.adversary = True if i < num_adversaries else False
             agent.size = 0.25 if agent.adversary else 0.2
             # agent.accel = 3 if agent.adversary else 5 #这组加速度agent逃跑后adversary和good agent 会处在某个位置不动
             # 加速度  enviroment.py line 188
             agent.accel = 4 if agent.adversary else 2.4
             # agent.max_speed = 1.0 if agent.adversary else 1.0
             agent.initial_mass = 1.0 if agent.adversary else 1.0 # chh 10.19  质量的差别影响很大,红球总是能追上小球
         # make initial conditions
         return world
  2. 添加边界墙

            # 加入 borders
            world.borders = [Border() for i in range(num_borders)]
            for i, border in enumerate(world.borders):
                border.name = 'border %d' % i
                border.collide = True
                border.movable = False
                border.size = 0.15  # 边界大小
                border.boundary = True
                # 改变边界厚度border.shape
                border.shape = [[-0.05, -0.05], [0.05, -0.05],
                                [0.05, 0.05], [-0.05, 0.05]]
  3. Scenario类中的reset_world函数中修改agent颜色、初始位置以及初始速度

    def reset_world(self, world):
        # random properties for agents
        for i, agent in enumerate(world.agents):# agent颜色
            agent.color = np.array([0.35, 0.85, 0.35]) if not agent.adversary else np.array([0.85, 0.35, 0.35])
            # agent.state.p_pos = np.asarray([0.0, 0.0]) if agent.adversary else np.random.uniform(-0.5, +0.5, world.dim_p)   # agent初始位置状态 [x,y]=[0,0]是在视野中心
            agent.state.p_pos = np.asarray([0.0, -4.0]) if agent.adversary else np.asarray([0.0, 0.0])   # agent初始位置状态 [x,y]=[0,0]是在视野中心
            # agent.state.p_pos = np.random.uniform(-10, +10, world.dim_p)
            agent.state.p_vel = np.zeros(world.dim_p)  # agent初始速度
  4. 在判断碰撞的函数中(line58行)将判断碰撞的距离 改为0.5

    def is_collision(self, agent1, agent2):
      	delta_pos = agent1.state.p_pos - agent2.state.p_pos
       	dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(delta_pos)))
       	dist_min = agent1.size + agent2.size
       # return True if dist < dist_min else False
       	return True if dist < 0.5 else False
  5. observation函数中修改传给obs_n的值(line139)

    # 返回一个1*8的数据
    def observation(self, agent, world):
        other_pos = []
        other_vel = []
        for other in world.agents:
            if other is agent: continue
            other_pos.append(other.state.p_pos - agent.state.p_pos) #相对位置
            # other_pos.append(other.state.p_pos ) #chh  修改 默认策略 # 绝对位置
            other_vel.append(other.state.p_vel) # 绝对速度
            # other_vel.append(other.state.p_vel - agent.state.p_vel) #相对速度
            # if not other.adversary:# if  other.adversary ==False:
                # other_vel.append(other.state.p_vel)
        #         print('agent.state.p_vel:',agent.state.p_vel)  # 1*2
        #         print('other_vel:',other_vel) # 1*2
        #         print('*'*30)
        #     print('other_vel2 :',other_vel ) # 1*2
        # print('agent.state.p_vel:',agent.state.p_vel)  # 1*2
        # print("other_pos:",other_pos)  # 1*2
        # print("entity_pos:",entity_pos) # 空
        # print("agent.state.p_pos:",agent.state.p_pos) # 1*2
        return np.concatenate([agent.state.p_pos] + other_pos + [agent.state.p_vel] + other_vel)



2.1 神经网络部分


2.2 在train函数中添加论文中给的追逃策略,通过覆盖掉神经网络的追逃策略来实现

主要是在函数中的while True循环中添加,在

action_n = [agent.action(obs) for agent, obs in zip(trainers, obs_n)]


# 追捕者adversary
delta_pos_a = [obs_n[0][2]-obs_n[0][0], obs_n[0][3]-obs_n[0][1]]
distance_a = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(delta_pos_a)))
d_t = delta_pos_a / distance_a # the unitary relative-positional vector
## ----------------
# 离散情况下
# action_n[0][1] = d_t[0]
# action_n[0][3] = d_t[1]
# action_n[0][0], action_n[0][2], action_n[0][4] = 0, 0, 0
## -----------------
# 连续情况下
action_n[0][0] = d_t[0]
action_n[0][1] = d_t[1]
## ----------------

# # # print('delta_pos_a',distance_a)
# # print('d_t',d_t)
# # print('adv',obs_n[0][0:2])
# # print('eva',obs_n[0][2:4])
# # # # #逃避者evader
delta_pos_b = [obs_n[1][0]-obs_n[1][2], obs_n[1][1]-obs_n[1][3]]
distance_b = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(delta_pos_b)))
d_t = np.array(delta_pos_b / distance_b)
if distance_b > 2.4:# 两者的距离大于既定距离时
   fe_t = d_t
   R_l = np.array([[0, -1], [1, 0]])
   R_r = np.array([[0, 1], [-1, 0]])
   x_ = np.array([obs_n[1][4], obs_n[1][5]]) # 速度
    # print(x_)
   neiji = np.dot(d_t, x_) # 内积
    # print('d_t',d_t)
    # print('x_',x_)
    # print('neiji',neiji)
   mo_x_ = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(x_)))  # 模
   mo_d_t = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(d_t)))  # d(t)的模
    # print(mo_x_)
   cos = neiji / (mo_x_*mo_d_t)
    # print('cos,', cos) #cos范围是-1到1
   x__ = np.append(x_, np.array([0])) #将速度拼接成1*3维向量  方便计算叉积 判断速度与d(t)的相对方向问题
   d_t_ = np.append(d_t, np.array([0])) #将d(t)拼接成1*3维向量
    # print('d_t_',d_t_)
   chaji1 = np.cross(x__, d_t_)
   chaji2 = np.cross(d_t_, x__)
    # print('chaji1',chaji1)
    # print('chaji2',chaji2)
   if chaji1.any() > 0 or mo_x_ == 0 or cos == 1:
       fe_t = R_l * d_t
       fe_t = np.array([fe_t[0][1], fe_t[1][0]])
        # print('dt',d_t)
        # print('fet',fe_t)
       fe_t = R_r * d_t
       fe_t = np.array([fe_t[0][1], fe_t[1][0]])
## ===================
# 离散情况下
# action_n[1][1] = fe_t[0]
# action_n[1][3] = fe_t[1]
# action_n[1][0], action_n[1][2], action_n[1][4] = 0, 0, 0
# 连续情况下
action_n[1][0] = fe_t[0]
action_n[1][1] = fe_t[1]

2.3 保存数据:实时位置、实时速度、action、step步数、reward

step = [i for i in range(arglist.max_episode_len+1)]  #161行
step_episode.append(rew_n[0]) #保存adversary的reward  258行
action_save.append(action_n) #储存action  282行


# 取相对位置相对速度时-------------------------
# import copy
# obs_n_ = copy.copy(obs_n)
# p_x = obs_n_[0][0]+obs_n_[0][2]
# p_y = obs_n_[0][1]+obs_n_[0][3]
# obs_n_[0][2] = p_x
# obs_n_[0][3] = p_y
# position_.append(obs_n_[0][0:4])

# v_x = obs_n_[0][4]+obs_n_[0][6]
# v_y = obs_n_[0][5]+obs_n_[0][7]
# obs_n_[0][6] = v_x
# obs_n_[0][7] = v_y
# volocity.append(obs_n_[0][4:8])


 # 取绝对位置绝对速度时

if done or terminal:(line288行)if条件中添加保存数据的代码:

if done or terminal:
    if done:
    # #
    # sio.savemat(file_folder_name + '/network_vs_network-a15_13.7.mat',{'step': step, 'position': position_, 'volocity': volocity, 'action_save': action_save})
    print('save !!!')
    # break #保存完之后退出
    episode_reward.append(step_episode) #将400个step保存进列表中

if len(episode_rewards) > arglist.num_episodes:(line386行)条件语句中添加保存所有rewards的代码:

sio.savemat(file_folder_name + '/rewards.mat', {'episode_reward': episode_reward})

由于项目已经做了很久,今天整理的时候发现整个代码不知道被我放哪了,只剩下之前当《机器学习》课程助教时基于openai particle环境修改的环境代码,就放上这个github仓库链接吧。


