文章目录一、ICudaEngine类记录NvInferRuntime.h头文件中的几个重要的接口类以及类中各接口函数的作用头文件中都有英文注释,这里只是简单中文翻译一下,如有误,欢迎讨论。业余时间,看多少记录多少,纯属笔记。NvInferRuntime.h是运行TensorRT的最重要的接口头文件之一,NV都说了This is the top-level API file for TensorRT
TensorRT系列传送门(不定期更新): 深度框架|TensorRT
This is the top-level API file for TensorRT extended runtime library
class ICudaEngine
// 获取绑定索引的个数,比如input绑定了一个,output绑定了一个,那索引总数就为2
virtual int getNbBindings() const noexcept = 0;
// 根据节点名,获取绑定的索引
virtual int getBindingIndex(const char* name) const noexcept = 0;
//! 根据索引,获取绑定的节点名
virtual const char* getBindingName(int bindingIndex) const noexcept = 0;
//! 确定是否是输入节点,
virtual bool bindingIsInput(int bindingIndex) const noexcept = 0;
//! 获取节点对应的维度
virtual Dims getBindingDimensions(int bindingIndex) const noexcept = 0;
//! 获取索引对于的数据类型
virtual DataType getBindingDataType(int bindingIndex) const noexcept = 0;
//! 获得最大batchSize的大小
virtual int getMaxBatchSize() const noexcept = 0;
//! \return The number of layers in the network.
virtual int getNbLayers() const noexcept = 0;
//! 获取工作空间的大小, 通常小于设置的值
virtual std::size_t getWorkspaceSize() const noexcept = 0;
//! 序列化模型,序列化之后可以保存到本地
virtual IHostMemory* serialize() const noexcept = 0;
//! 创建执行文件,创建好后,可以推断模型,见IExecutionContext
virtual IExecutionContext* createExecutionContext() noexcept = 0;
//! 销毁对象,释放空间
virtual void destroy() noexcept = 0;
//! 获取索引对应的tensor在gpu上还是cpu上
virtual TensorLocation getLocation(int bindingIndex) const noexcept = 0;
virtual ~ICudaEngine() {}
//! \see getDeviceMemorySize() IExecutionContext::setDeviceMemory()
//! 默认情况下,创建IExecutionContext时,会分配持久设备内存来保留激活数据
// 如果不想这样,可以通过这个函数创建,并通过IExecutionContext::setDeviceMemory()设置空间
virtual IExecutionContext* createExecutionContextWithoutDeviceMemory() noexcept = 0;
//! 获取设备内存大小
virtual size_t getDeviceMemorySize() const noexcept = 0;
//! 返回这个engine能否被修改
virtual bool isRefittable() const noexcept = 0;
//! 返回元素每个组成部分的字节数
virtual int getBindingBytesPerComponent(int bindingIndex) const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Return the number of components included in one element.
//! The number of elements in the vectors is returned if getBindingVectorizedDim() != -1.
//! \param bindingIndex The binding Index.
//! \see ICudaEngine::getBindingVectorizedDim()
virtual int getBindingComponentsPerElement(int bindingIndex) const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Return the binding format.
//! \param bindingIndex The binding Index.
//! 返回绑定数据格式,如NCHW
virtual TensorFormat getBindingFormat(int bindingIndex) const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Return the human readable description of the tensor format.
//! The description includes the order, vectorization, data type, strides,
//! and etc. Examples are shown as follows:
//! Example 1: kCHW + FP32
//! "Row major linear FP32 format"
//! Example 2: kCHW2 + FP16
//! "Two wide channel vectorized row major FP16 format"
//! Example 3: kHWC8 + FP16 + Line Stride = 32
//! "Channel major FP16 format where C % 8 == 0 and H Stride % 32 == 0"
//! \param bindingIndex The binding Index.
//! 返回绑定数据格式,如NCHW, 和以上不同的是,这边返回的是字符串,前面返回的是枚举
// 如NCHW fp32返回的是 Row major linear FP32 format (kLINEAR)
virtual const char* getBindingFormatDesc(int bindingIndex) const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Return the dimension index that the buffer is vectorized.
//! Specifically -1 is returned if scalars per vector is 1.
//! \param bindingIndex The binding Index.
//! 返回向量化索引内存
virtual int getBindingVectorizedDim(int bindingIndex) const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Returns the name of the network associated with the engine.
//! The name is set during network creation and is retrieved after
//! building or deserialization.
//! \see INetworkDefinition::setName(), INetworkDefinition::getName()
//! \return A zero delimited C-style string representing the name of the network.
virtual const char* getName() const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Get the number of optimization profiles defined for this engine.
//! \return Number of optimization profiles. It is always at least 1.
//! \see IExecutionContext::setOptimizationProfile()
virtual int getNbOptimizationProfiles() const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Get the minimum / optimum / maximum dimensions for a particular binding under an optimization profile.
//! \param bindingIndex The binding index (must be between 0 and getNbBindings() - 1)
//! \param profileIndex The profile index (must be between 0 and getNbOptimizationProfiles()-1)
//! \param select Whether to query the minimum, optimum, or maximum dimensions for this binding.
//! \return The minimum / optimum / maximum dimensions for this binding in this profile.
virtual Dims getProfileDimensions(int bindingIndex, int profileIndex, OptProfileSelector select) const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Get minimum / optimum / maximum values for an input shape binding under an optimization profile.
//! \param profileIndex The profile index (must be between 0 and getNbOptimizationProfiles()-1)
//! \param inputIndex The input index (must be between 0 and getNbBindings() - 1)
//! \param select Whether to query the minimum, optimum, or maximum shape values for this binding.
//! \return If the binding is an input shape binding, return a pointer to an array that has
//! the same number of elements as the corresponding tensor, i.e. 1 if dims.nbDims == 0, or dims.d[0]
//! if dims.nbDims == 1, where dims = getBindingDimensions(inputIndex). The array contains
//! the elementwise minimum / optimum / maximum values for this shape binding under the profile.
//! If either of the indices is out of range, or if the binding is not an input shape binding, return
//! nullptr.
virtual const int32_t* getProfileShapeValues(int profileIndex, int inputIndex, OptProfileSelector select) const
= 0;
//! \brief True if tensor is required as input for shape calculations or output from them.
//! TensorRT evaluates a network in two phases:
//! 1. Compute shape information required to determine memory allocation requirements
//! and validate that runtime sizes make sense.
//! 2. Process tensors on the device.
//! Some tensors are required in phase 1. These tensors are called "shape tensors", and always
//! have type Int32 and no more than one dimension. These tensors are not always shapes
//! themselves, but might be used to calculate tensor shapes for phase 2.
//! isShapeBinding(i) returns true if the tensor is a required input or an output computed in phase 1.
//! isExecutionBinding(i) returns true if the tensor is a required input or an output computed in phase 2.
//! For example, if a network uses an input tensor with binding i as an addend
//! to an IElementWiseLayer that computes the "reshape dimensions" for IShuffleLayer,
//! then isShapeBinding(i) == true.
//! It's possible to have a tensor be required by both phases. For instance, a tensor
//! can be used for the "reshape dimensions" and as the indices for an IGatherLayer
//! collecting floating-point data.
//! It's also possible to have a tensor be required by neither phase, but nonetheless
//! shows up in the engine's inputs. For example, if an input tensor is used only
//! as an input to IShapeLayer, only its shape matters and its values are irrelevant.
//! \see isExecutionBinding()
virtual bool isShapeBinding(int bindingIndex) const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief True if pointer to tensor data is required for execution phase, false if nullptr can be supplied.
//! For example, if a network uses an input tensor with binding i ONLY as the "reshape dimensions"
//! input of IShuffleLayer, then isExecutionBinding(i) is false, and a nullptr can be
//! supplied for it when calling IExecutionContext::execute or IExecutionContext::enqueue.
//! \see isShapeBinding()
virtual bool isExecutionBinding(int bindingIndex) const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief determine that execution capability this engine has.
//! If the engine has EngineCapability::kDEFAULT, then all engine functionality is valid..
//! If the engine has EngineCapability::kSAFE_GPU, then only the functionality in safe::ICudaEngine is valid.
//! If the engine has EngineCapability::kSAFE_DLA, then only serialize, destroy, and const-accessor functions are valid.
//! \return The EngineCapability flag that the engine was built for.
virtual EngineCapability getEngineCapability() const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Set the ErrorRecorder for this interface
//! Assigns the ErrorRecorder to this interface. The ErrorRecorder will track all errors during execution.
//! This function will call incRefCount of the registered ErrorRecorder at least once. Setting
//! recorder to nullptr unregisters the recorder with the interface, resulting in a call to decRefCount if
//! a recorder has been registered.
//! \param recorder The error recorder to register with this interface.
//! \see getErrorRecorder
virtual void setErrorRecorder(IErrorRecorder* recorder) noexcept = 0;
//! \brief get the ErrorRecorder assigned to this interface.
//! Retrieves the assigned error recorder object for the given class. A default error recorder does not exist,
//! so a nullptr will be returned if setErrorRecorder has not been called.
//! \return A pointer to the IErrorRecorder object that has been registered.
//! \see setErrorRecorder
virtual IErrorRecorder* getErrorRecorder() const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Query whether the engine was built with an implicit batch dimension.
//! \return True if tensors have implicit batch dimension, false otherwise.
//! This is an engine-wide property. Either all tensors in the engine
//! have an implicit batch dimension or none of them do.
//! hasImplicitBatchDimension() is true if and only if the INetworkDefinition
//! from which this engine was built was created with createNetwork() or
//! createNetworkV2() without NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kEXPLICIT_BATCH flag.
//! \see createNetworkV2
virtual bool hasImplicitBatchDimension() const TRTNOEXCEPT = 0;
执行推断的功能,建立engine后,再通过IExecutionContext进行推断 一个ICudaEngine实例可能存在多个执行context,从而允许将同一引擎用于同时执行多个批处理。如果引擎支持动态形状,则并发使用的每个执行上下文必须使用单独的优化配置文件。
class IExecutionContext
//! \return True if execution succeeded.
//! 同步执行推断
virtual bool execute(int batchSize, void** bindings) noexcept = 0;
//! \return True if the kernels were enqueued successfully.
//! 异步推断
virtual bool enqueue(int batchSize, void** bindings, cudaStream_t stream, cudaEvent_t* inputConsumed) noexcept = 0;
//! 设置同步调试标志,如果将此标志设置为true,则引擎将在execute()期间记录每个内核的成功执行。 使用enqueue()时无效。
virtual void setDebugSync(bool sync) noexcept = 0;
//! \see setDebugSync()
//! 获取是否设置同步标志
virtual bool getDebugSync() const noexcept = 0;
//! 设置分析接口,利用IProfiler回调函数。比如用来查看网络每层的消耗的时间
virtual void setProfiler(IProfiler*) noexcept = 0;
//! \see IProfiler setProfiler()
//! 获取这个IProfiler 类
virtual IProfiler* getProfiler() const noexcept = 0;
//! 获取关联的Engine
virtual const ICudaEngine& getEngine() const noexcept = 0;
//! 释放
virtual void destroy() noexcept = 0;
virtual ~IExecutionContext() noexcept {}
//! \brief Set the name of the execution context.
//! This method copies the name string.
//! \see getName()
virtual void setName(const char* name) noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Return the name of the execution context.
//! \see setName()
//! 获取名字
virtual const char* getName() const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief set the device memory for use by this execution context.
//! The memory must be aligned with cuda memory alignment property (using cudaGetDeviceProperties()), and its size must be at least that
//! returned by getDeviceMemorySize(). If using enqueue() to run the network, The memory is in
//! use from the invocation of enqueue() until network execution is complete. If using execute(),
//! it is in use until execute() returns. Releasing or otherwise using the memory for other
//! purposes during this time will result in undefined behavior.
//! \see ICudaEngine::getDeviceMemorySize() ICudaEngine::createExecutionContextWithoutDeviceMemory()
//! 设置设备内存供此执行上下文使用。
// 内存必须与cuda内存对齐属性对齐(使用cudaGetDeviceProperties()),并且其大小必须至少为
//! 由getDeviceMemorySize()返回。 如果使用enqueue()运行网络,则从调用enqueue()到网络执行完成之前一直在使用内存。
//! 如果使用execute(),它将一直使用,直到execute()返回。 在此期间释放或以其他方式使用内存将导致不确定的行为。
virtual void setDeviceMemory(void* memory) noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Return the strides of the buffer for the given binding.
//! Note that strides can be different for different execution contexts
//! with dynamic shapes.
//! \param bindingIndex The binding index.
//! 返回给定绑定的内存的stride。
virtual Dims getStrides(int bindingIndex) const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Select an optimization profile for the current context.
//! \param profileIndex Index of the profile. It must lie between 0 and
//! getEngine().getNbOptimizationProfiles() - 1
// !
// ! The selected profile will be used in subsequent calls to execute() or enqueue().
// !
// ! If the associated CUDA engine has dynamic inputs, this method must be called at least once
// ! with a unique profileIndex before calling execute or enqueue (i.e. the profile index
// ! may not be in use by another execution context that has not been destroyed yet).
// ! For the first execution context that is created for an engine, setOptimizationProfile(0)
// ! is called implicitly.
// !
// ! If the associated CUDA engine does not have inputs with dynamic shapes, this method need not be
// ! called, in which case the default profile index of 0 will be used (this is particularly
// ! the case for all safe engines).
// !
// ! setOptimizationProfile() must be called before calling setBindingDimensions() and
// ! setInputShapeBinding() for all dynamic input tensors or input shape tensors, which in
// ! turn must be called before either execute() or enqueue().
// !
// ! \return true if the call succeeded, else false (e.g. input out of range)
// !
// ! \see ICudaEngine::getNbOptimizationProfiles()
// 为context选择一个优化的配置文件,输入的是配置文件的索引
virtual bool setOptimizationProfile(int profileIndex) noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Get the index of the currently selected optimization profile.
//! If the profile index has not been set yet (implicitly to 0 for the first execution context
//! to be created, or explicitly for all subsequent contexts), an invalid value of -1 will be returned
//! and all calls to enqueue() or execute() will fail until a valid profile index has been set.
//! 获取当前所选优化配置文件的索引。
virtual int getOptimizationProfile() const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Set the dynamic dimensions of a binding
//! Requires the engine to be built without an implicit batch dimension.
//! The binding must be an input tensor, and all dimensions must be compatible with
//! the network definition (i.e. only the wildcard dimension -1 can be replaced with a
//! new dimension > 0). Furthermore, the dimensions must be in the valid range for the
//! currently selected optimization profile, and the corresponding engine must not be
//! safety-certified.
//! This method will fail unless a valid optimization profile is defined for the current
//! execution context (getOptimizationProfile() must not be -1).
//! For all dynamic non-output bindings (which have at least one wildcard dimension of -1),
//! this method needs to be called before either enqueue() or execute() may be called.
//! This can be checked using the method allInputDimensionsSpecified().
//! \return false if an error occurs (e.g. index out of range), else true
// 设置绑定的动态尺寸
// 要求构建的引擎没有隐式批处理维度 绑定必须是输入张量,并且所有维都必须与网络定义兼容(即只有通配符维-1可以替换为新维> 0)。
// 此外,尺寸必须在当前选择的优化配置文件的有效范围内,并且相应的引擎不得经过安全认证。
// 除非为当前执行上下文定义了有效的优化配置文件,否则此方法将失败 是-1)。
// 对于所有动态非输出绑定(其至少一个通配符维为-1),需要在调用enqueue()或execute()之前调用此方法。
// 可以使用allInputDimensionsSpecified()方法进行检查。
virtual bool setBindingDimensions(int bindingIndex, Dims dimensions) noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Get the dynamic dimensions of a binding
//! If the engine was built with an implicit batch dimension, same as ICudaEngine::getBindingDimensions.
//! If setBindingDimensions() has been called on this binding (or if there are no
//! dynamic dimensions), all dimensions will be positive. Otherwise, it is necessary to
//! call setBindingDimensions() before enqueue() or execute() may be called.
//! If the bindingIndex is out of range, an invalid Dims with nbDims == -1 is returned.
//! The same invalid Dims will be returned if the engine was not built with an implicit
//! batch dimension and if the execution context is not currently associated with a valid
//! optimization profile (i.e. if getOptimizationProfile() returns -1).
//! If ICudaEngine::bindingIsInput(bindingIndex) is false, then both
//! allInputDimensionsSpecified() and allInputShapesSpecified() must be true
//! before calling this method.
//! \return Currently selected binding dimensions
virtual Dims getBindingDimensions(int bindingIndex) const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Set values of input tensor required by shape calculations.
//! \param bindingIndex index of an input tensor for which
//! ICudaEngine::isShapeBinding(bindingIndex) and ICudaEngine::bindingIsInput(bindingIndex)
//! are both true.
//! \param data pointer to values of the input tensor. The number of values should be
//! the product of the dimensions returned by getBindingDimensions(bindingIndex).
//! If ICudaEngine::isShapeBinding(bindingIndex) and ICudaEngine::bindingIsInput(bindingIndex)
//! are both true, this method must be called before enqueue() or execute() may be called.
//! This method will fail unless a valid optimization profile is defined for the current
//! execution context (getOptimizationProfile() must not be -1).
virtual bool setInputShapeBinding(int bindingIndex, const int32_t* data) noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Get values of an input tensor required for shape calculations or an output tensor produced by shape calculations.
//! \param bindingIndex index of an input or output tensor for which
//! ICudaEngine::isShapeBinding(bindingIndex) is true.
//! \param data pointer to where values will be written. The number of values written is
//! the product of the dimensions returned by getBindingDimensions(bindingIndex).
//! If ICudaEngine::bindingIsInput(bindingIndex) is false, then both
//! allInputDimensionsSpecified() and allInputShapesSpecified() must be true
//! before calling this method. The method will also fail if no valid optimization profile
//! has been set for the current execution context, i.e. if getOptimizationProfile() returns -1.
//! \see isShapeBinding(bindingIndex)
virtual bool getShapeBinding(int bindingIndex, int32_t* data) const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Whether all dynamic dimensions of input tensors have been specified
//! \return True if all dynamic dimensions of input tensors have been specified
//! by calling setBindingDimensions().
//! Trivially true if network has no dynamically shaped input tensors.
//! \see setBindingDimensions(bindingIndex,dimensions)
virtual bool allInputDimensionsSpecified() const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Whether all input shape bindings have been specified
//! \return True if all input shape bindings have been specified by setInputShapeBinding().
//! Trivially true if network has no input shape bindings.
//! \see isShapeBinding(bindingIndex)
virtual bool allInputShapesSpecified() const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Set the ErrorRecorder for this interface
//! Assigns the ErrorRecorder to this interface. The ErrorRecorder will track all errors during execution.
//! This function will call incRefCount of the registered ErrorRecorder at least once. Setting
//! recorder to nullptr unregisters the recorder with the interface, resulting in a call to decRefCount if
//! a recorder has been registered.
//! \param recorder The error recorder to register with this interface.
//! \see getErrorRecorder
virtual void setErrorRecorder(IErrorRecorder* recorder) noexcept = 0;
//! \brief get the ErrorRecorder assigned to this interface.
//! Retrieves the assigned error recorder object for the given class. A default error recorder does not exist,
//! so a nullptr will be returned if setErrorRecorder has not been called.
//! \return A pointer to the IErrorRecorder object that has been registered.
//! \see setErrorRecorder
virtual IErrorRecorder* getErrorRecorder() const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Synchronously execute inference a network.
//! This method requires an array of input and output buffers. The mapping from tensor names to indices can be
//! queried using ICudaEngine::getBindingIndex().
//! This method only works for execution contexts built with full dimension networks.
//! \param bindings An array of pointers to input and output buffers for the network.
//! \return True if execution succeeded.
//! \see ICudaEngine::getBindingIndex() ICudaEngine::getMaxBatchSize()
//! 同步推断网络V2版本
virtual bool executeV2(void** bindings) noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Asynchronously execute inference.
//! This method requires an array of input and output buffers. The mapping from tensor names to indices can be
//! queried using ICudaEngine::getBindingIndex().
//! This method only works for execution contexts built with full dimension networks.
//! \param bindings An array of pointers to input and output buffers for the network.
//! \param stream A cuda stream on which the inference kernels will be enqueued
//! \param inputConsumed An optional event which will be signaled when the input buffers can be refilled with new
//! data
//! \return True if the kernels were enqueued successfully.
//! \see ICudaEngine::getBindingIndex() ICudaEngine::getMaxBatchSize()
//! 异步推断网络V2版本
virtual bool enqueueV2(void** bindings, cudaStream_t stream, cudaEvent_t* inputConsumed) noexcept = 0;
//! 允许一个序列化功能不安全的engine能够被反序列化
class IRuntime
//! \brief Deserialize an engine from a stream.
//! \param blob The memory that holds the serialized engine.
//! \param size The size of the memory.
//! \param pluginFactory The plugin factory, if any plugins are used by the network, otherwise nullptr.
//! \return The engine, or nullptr if it could not be deserialized.
//! 从流上反序列化engine
// 第三个参数,如果增加了额外的操作,就需要使用这个,否则不需要,
virtual nvinfer1::ICudaEngine* deserializeCudaEngine(const void* blob, std::size_t size, IPluginFactory* pluginFactory) noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Set the DLA core that the deserialized engine must execute on.
//! \param dlaCore The DLA core to execute the engine on (0 to N-1, where N is the maximum number of DLA's present on the device). Default value is 0.
//! \see getDLACore()
//! 设置反序列化引擎必须在其上执行的DLA核心。
virtual void setDLACore(int dlaCore) noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Get the DLA core that the engine executes on.
//! \return If setDLACore is called, returns DLA core from 0 to N-1, else returns 0.
virtual int getDLACore() const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Returns number of DLA hardware cores accessible.
virtual int getNbDLACores() const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Destroy this object.
virtual void destroy() noexcept = 0;
virtual ~IRuntime() {}
//! \brief Set the GPU allocator.
//! \param allocator Set the GPU allocator to be used by the runtime. All GPU memory acquired will use this allocator. If NULL is passed, the default allocator will be used.
//! Default: uses cudaMalloc/cudaFree.
//! If nullptr is passed, the default allocator will be used.
virtual void setGpuAllocator(IGpuAllocator* allocator) noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Set the ErrorRecorder for this interface
//! Assigns the ErrorRecorder to this interface. The ErrorRecorder will track all errors during execution.
//! This function will call incRefCount of the registered ErrorRecorder at least once. Setting
//! recorder to nullptr unregisters the recorder with the interface, resulting in a call to decRefCount if
//! a recorder has been registered.
//! \param recorder The error recorder to register with this interface.
//! \see getErrorRecorder
virtual void setErrorRecorder(IErrorRecorder* recorder) noexcept = 0;
//! \brief get the ErrorRecorder assigned to this interface.
//! Retrieves the assigned error recorder object for the given class. A default error recorder does not exist,
//! so a nullptr will be returned if setErrorRecorder has not been called.
//! \return A pointer to the IErrorRecorder object that has been registered.
//! \see setErrorRecorder
virtual IErrorRecorder* getErrorRecorder() const noexcept = 0;
//! \brief Deserialize an engine from a stream when plugin factory is not used.
//! \param blob The memory that holds the serialized engine.
//! \param size The size of the memory.
//! \return The engine, or nullptr if it could not be deserialized.
nvinfer1::ICudaEngine* deserializeCudaEngine(const void* blob, std::size_t size) noexcept
return deserializeCudaEngine(blob, size, nullptr);
IRefitter 更新Engine上的weights
IProfiler 以回调函数的方式传入到context中,主要用用是用来分析每一层消耗的时间
// gLogger是一个日志类,必须要有,但又不是那么重要,可以自己继承
IRuntime* runtime = createInferRuntime(gLogger);
文件 : sampleCaffeClassf.cc
功能 : TensorRT学习系列4、ICudaEngine接口类
#include "NvCaffeParser.h"
#include "NvInfer.h"
#include "NvInferPlugin.h"
#include "NvInferRuntimeCommon.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "cuda_runtime_api.h"
#include "common.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace nvinfer1;
using namespace plugin;
using namespace nvcaffeparser1;
const int MODEL_HEIGHT = 256;
const int MODEL_WIDTH = 256;
const int MODEL_CHANNEL = 3;
const int MODEL_OUTPUT_SIZE = 5; // 5分类
* @brief 先resize、再减均值、除方差
* @param src
* @param dst
* @return
void preData(cv::Mat &matSrc, cv::Mat &matDst)
cv::resize(matSrc, matSrc, cv::Size(MODEL_WIDTH, MODEL_HEIGHT));
cv::Mat matMean(MODEL_HEIGHT, MODEL_WIDTH, CV_32FC3, \
cv::Scalar(103.53f, 116.28f, 123.675f)); // 均值
cv::Mat matStd(256, 256, CV_32FC3, \
cv::Scalar(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); // 方差
cv::Mat matF32Img;
matSrc.convertTo(matF32Img, CV_32FC3);
matDst = (matF32Img - matMean) / matStd;
int main()
std::string strTrtSavedPath = "./savedTrt.trt";
// gLogger
// gLogger是一个日志类,必须要有,但又不是那么重要,可以自己继承
IRuntime* runtime = createInferRuntime(gLogger);
std::ifstream fin(strTrtSavedPath);
// 1、将文件中的内容读取至cached_engine字符串
std::string modelData = "";
while (fin.peek() != EOF){ // 使用fin.peek()防止文件读取时无限循环
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << fin.rdbuf();
// 2、 将序列化得到的结果进行反序列化,以执行后续的inference
ICudaEngine* engine = runtime->deserializeCudaEngine(modelData.data(), modelData.size(), nullptr);
// inference推断过程
IExecutionContext *context = engine->createExecutionContext(); // inference推断过程
int nInputIdx = engine->getBindingIndex("data"); // 获取输入节点索引
int nOutputIndex = engine->getBindingIndex("prob"); // 获取输出节点索引
int nNumIndex = engine->getNbBindings(); // 获取总索引个数
char achInputTensorName[128];
strcpy(achInputTensorName, engine->getBindingName(nInputIdx));//获取对应索引的节点名
bool bIsInputTensor = engine->bindingIsInput(nInputIdx); // 是否是输入节点
Dims tDimInput = engine->getBindingDimensions(nInputIdx); // 获取输入检点的维度
DataType emInputDataType = engine->getBindingDataType(nInputIdx);// 获取输入数据的类型
int nMaxBatchSize = engine->getMaxBatchSize(); // 获取最大BatchSize
int nNumLayers = engine->getNbLayers(); // 获取网络层的个数
int nWorkSpaceSize = engine->getWorkspaceSize(); // 获取工作空间的大小, 通常小于设置的值
TensorLocation emLocattion= engine->getLocation(nInputIdx); // 获取索引对应的tensor在gpu上还是cpu上
int nBindingSize = engine->getBindingBytesPerComponent(0); //返回元素每个组成部分的字节数
TensorFormat emTensorFormat = engine->getBindingFormat(nInputIdx); // 返回数据格式
std::cout << " 输入节点索引 nInputIdx = " << nInputIdx << std::endl;
std::cout << " 输入节点索引 nOutputIdx = " << nOutputIndex << std::endl;
std::cout << " 总索引个数 nNumIndex = " << engine->getNbBindings() << std::endl;
std::cout << " input 节点名 = " << achInputTensorName << std::endl;
for(int i=0; i<tDimInput.nbDims; ++i)
std::cout << " 输入维度 dim[" << i << "] = " << tDimInput.d[i] << std::endl;
std::cout << " 输入数据类型为 " << int(emInputDataType) << std::endl;
std::cout << " 工作空间大小为 " << nWorkSpaceSize << std::endl;
std::cout << " 输入数据在 " << int(emLocattion) << std::endl;
std::cout << " 每个元素空间字节大小:" << nBindingSize << std::endl;
std::cout << " 输入数据格式: " << int(emTensorFormat) << std::endl;
std::cout << " 输入数据格式: " << engine->getBindingFormatDesc(nInputIdx) << std::endl;
// inference推断过程
std::cout << " 网络layer的个数:" << nNumLayers << std::endl;
void* buffers[2] = {NULL, NULL};
int nBatchSize = 1;
int nOutputSize = MODEL_OUTPUT_SIZE;
CHECK(cudaMalloc(&buffers[nInputIdx], nBatchSize * MODEL_CHANNEL * MODEL_HEIGHT * MODEL_WIDTH * sizeof(float)));
CHECK(cudaMalloc(&buffers[nOutputIndex], nBatchSize * nOutputSize * sizeof(float)));
// 创建cuda流
cudaStream_t stream;
cudaEvent_t start, end; //calculate run time
cv::Mat matBgrImg = cv::imread("./data/fram_25.jpg");
cv::Mat matNormImage;
preData(matBgrImg, matNormImage); // 减均值除方差
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Mat>> nChannels;
std::vector<cv::Mat> rgbChannels(3);
cv::split(matNormImage, rgbChannels);
nChannels.push_back(rgbChannels); // NHWC 转NCHW
void *data = malloc(nBatchSize * MODEL_CHANNEL * MODEL_HEIGHT * MODEL_WIDTH *sizeof(float));;
if (NULL == data)
printf("malloc error!\n");
return 0;
for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
cv::Mat cur_imag_plane = nChannels[0][c];
memcpy(data + c * MODEL_HEIGHT * MODEL_WIDTH * sizeof(float), cur_imag_plane.ptr<unsigned char>(0), 256 *256 * sizeof(float));
// DMA input batch data to device, infer on the batch asynchronously, and DMA output back to host
CHECK(cudaMemcpyAsync(buffers[nInputIdx], data, \
nBatchSize * MODEL_CHANNEL * MODEL_WIDTH * MODEL_HEIGHT * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream));
bool bIsSucess = context->execute(nBatchSize, buffers); // 同步执行
if ( !bIsSucess)
std::cerr << " 推断执行失败 " << std::endl;
return -1;
std::cout <<"context 名为 " << context->getName() << std::endl;
tDimInput = context->getStrides(nInputIdx);
for(int i=0; i<tDimInput.nbDims; ++i)
std::cout << " 输入维度 dim[" << i << "] = " << tDimInput.d[i] << std::endl;
printf("\nend ... TensorRt \n");
return 0;