
tmux 简介


tmux是一个终端复用器(terminal multiplexer), 可以在一个终端中切换多个程序, 分离它们(Detach, 在后台运行), 并将它们重新连接到另一个终端.

典型例子是ssh到远程计算机, 运行程序, 如果因为网络原因或者关毕连接, 会话终则进程灭, 正在运行的程序会直接停掉. 用tmux可以避免这个问题, 解绑了会话和窗口, ssh窗口断掉, tmux后台仍然可以运行程序, 下次连接, 还可以通过tmux重新进入会话, 并查看上下文.

tmux/tmux: tmux source code (, 主要是C写成的, 截止20230103, 最新版本为 3.3a, 类似的程序还有 Screen - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation 和 Rust 写的 Zellij

tmux 的两大基本功能:

  • 终端中的窗口(Window)管理
  • 会话(Session)管理



tmux 安装

apt 方式: sudo apt install tmux

release 方式 Releases · tmux/tmux (

tar -xvf tmux-*.tar.gz
cd tmux-3.3a
./configure && make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

tmux 常用命令

# 查看版本
$ tmux -V
tmux 3.3a

# tmux 默认不支持鼠标向上滚动
# 可以在tmux窗口中输入以下命令开启鼠标滚动
$ tmux set mouse on

# Session
# 查看会话 ls 或 list-session
$ tmux ls
# 分离会话, 后台运行 detach 或 Ctrl+b,d
$ tmux detach
# 新建会话
$ tmux new -s <session-name>
# 接入会话 a 或 attach
$ tmux a -t <session-name>
# 杀掉会话
$ tmux kill-session -t <session-name>

# Layout
# 上下拆分, split 或 Ctrl+b,“
$ tmux split
# 左右拆分, split -h 或 Ctrl+b,%
$ tmux split -h
# 切换上下左右窗格 select-pane -U/-D/-L-R 或 Ctrl+b,方向键
$ tmux select-pane -U
# 平铺窗格(最大化/恢复) Ctrl+b,z

tmux 快捷键

# tmux窗口中 Ctrl+b,? 查看帮助
C-b C-b     Send the prefix key	发送前缀键
C-b C-o     Rotate through the panes 旋转窗格
C-b C-z     Suspend the current client 挂起当前客户端
C-b Space   Select next layout 选择下一个布局
C-b !       Break pane to a new window 打破窗格到一个新窗口
C-b "       Split window vertically 垂直分割窗口
C-b #       List all paste buffers 列出所有粘贴缓冲区
C-b $       Rename current session 重命名当前会话
C-b %       Split window horizontally 水平分割窗口
C-b &       Kill current window 关闭当前窗口
C-b '       Prompt for window index to select 提示要选择的窗口索引
C-b (       Switch to previous client 切换到上一个客户端
C-b )       Switch to next client 切换到下一个客户端
C-b ,       Rename current window 重命名当前窗口
C-b -       Delete the most recent paste buffer 删除最近的粘贴缓冲区
C-b .       Move the current window 移动当前窗口
C-b /       Describe key binding 描述键绑定
C-b 0       Select window 0 选择窗口0
C-b 1       Select window 1
C-b 2       Select window 2
C-b 3       Select window 3
C-b 4       Select window 4
C-b 5       Select window 5
C-b 6       Select window 6
C-b 7       Select window 7
C-b 8       Select window 8
C-b 9       Select window 9
C-b :       Prompt for a command 命令提示符
C-b ;       Move to the previously active pane 移动到先前活动的窗格
C-b =       Choose a paste buffer from a list 从列表中选择粘贴缓冲
C-b ?       List key bindings 列出键绑定
C-b C       Customize options 自定义选项
C-b D       Choose a client from a list 从列表中选择一个客户端
C-b E       Spread panes out evenly 将窗格均匀摊开
C-b L       Switch to the last client 切换到最后一个客户端
C-b M       Clear the marked pane 清除已标记的窗格
C-b [       Enter copy mode 进入拷贝模式
C-b ]       Paste the most recent paste buffer 粘贴缓冲区中最近的待粘贴项
C-b c       Create a new window 创建一个新窗口
C-b d       Detach the current client 分离当前客户端
C-b f       Search for a pane 搜索一个窗格
C-b i       Display window information 显示窗口信息
C-b l       Select the previously current window 选择先前的当前窗口
C-b m       Toggle the marked pane 切换标记的窗格
C-b n       Select the next window 选择下一个窗口
C-b o       Select the next pane 选择下一个窗格
C-b p       Select the previous window 选择上一个窗口
C-b q       Display pane numbers 显示窗格编号
C-b r       Redraw the current client 重绘当前客户端
C-b s       Choose a session from a list 从列表中选择会话
C-b t       Show a clock 显示时钟
C-b w       Choose a window from a list 从列表中选择一个窗口
C-b x       Kill the active pane 关闭活动窗格
C-b z       Zoom the active pane 缩放活动窗格
C-b {       Swap the active pane with the pane above 将活动窗格与上面的窗格交换
C-b }       Swap the active pane with the pane below 将活动窗格与下面的窗格交换
C-b ~       Show messages 显示消息
C-b DC      Reset so the visible part of the window follows the cursor 重置,使窗口的可见部分跟随游标
C-b PPage   Enter copy mode and scroll up 进入复制模式并向上滚动
C-b Up      Select the pane above the active pane 选择活动窗格上方的窗格
C-b Down    Select the pane below the active pane 选择活动窗格下面的窗格
C-b Left    Select the pane to the left of the active pane 选择活动窗格左侧的窗格
C-b Right   Select the pane to the right of the active pane 选择活动窗格右侧的窗格
C-b M-1     Set the even-horizontal layout 设置均匀水平布局
C-b M-2     Set the even-vertical layout 设置均匀垂直布局
C-b M-3     Set the main-horizontal layout 设置主水平布局
C-b M-4     Set the main-vertical layout 设置主垂直布局
C-b M-5     Select the tiled layout 选择平铺布局
C-b M-n     Select the next window with an alert 选择带有警报的下一个窗口
C-b M-o     Rotate through the panes in reverse 反向旋转窗格
C-b M-p     Select the previous window with an alert 选择带有警报的前一个窗口
C-b M-Up    Resize the pane up by 5 将窗格的大小向上调整5
C-b M-Down  Resize the pane down by 5 将窗格的大小向下调整5
C-b M-Left  Resize the pane left by 5 将窗格的大小向左调整5
C-b M-Right Resize the pane right by 5 将窗格的大小向右调整5
C-b C-Up    Resize the pane up 向上调整窗格的大小
C-b C-Down  Resize the pane down 向下调整窗格的大小
C-b C-Left  Resize the pane left 向左调整窗格的大小
C-b C-Right Resize the pane right 向右调整窗格的大小
C-b S-Up    Move the visible part of the window up 向上移动窗口的可见部分
C-b S-Down  Move the visible part of the window down 向下移动窗口的可见部分
C-b S-Left  Move the visible part of the window left 向左移动窗口的可见部分
C-b S-Right Move the visible part of the window right 向右移动窗口的可见部分

分类的可以参考这篇: tmux常用命令及快捷方式 - 知乎 (

tmux 脚本


  • 不要用 ~ 表示home路径, 因为tmux脚本与systemd连用作为开机启动时是root下执行的, 此时~代表/root, 直接写全 /home/xxx
  • 每个tmux的窗格pane是独立的环境, 每个窗格都要重新source环境, 不能在外面source
  • 脚本最后不需要 tmux a -t <session-name>

下面是一个示例, 新建 session0 的会话, 会话里有 window0 的窗口, 窗口分成了4个窗格, 分别运行:

  • echo 'pane 0'
  • ping -c 2
  • source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash; roscore
  • sleep 2; source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash; rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node, 注: 最好不要在脚本中启动界面, 这里仅作为演示


# if session exists, delete it
if tmux has-session -t "$SESSION_NAME" 2>/dev/null; then
    echo "Session '$SESSION_NAME' exists, deleting it"
    tmux kill-session -t "$SESSION_NAME"

# create new session
echo "Creating new session '$SESSION_NAME'"
tmux new-session -d -s "$SESSION_NAME" -n "$WINDOW_NAME"

# split window to 4 panes
echo "Splitting pane"
tmux split-window -h -t "$SESSION_NAME:$WINDOW_NAME"
tmux split-window -v -t "$SESSION_NAME:$WINDOW_NAME".0
tmux split-window -v -t "$SESSION_NAME:$WINDOW_NAME".2

# you can use ctrl-b q to show pane numbers

# send commands to pane 0
echo "Sending commands to pane 0"
tmux send-keys -t "$SESSION_NAME:$WINDOW_NAME".0 "echo 'pane 0'" C-m

# send commands to pane 1
echo "Sending commands to pane 1"
tmux send -t "$SESSION_NAME:$WINDOW_NAME".1 "ping -c 2" C-m

# send commands to pane 2
echo "Sending commands to pane 2"
tmux send -t "$SESSION_NAME:$WINDOW_NAME".2 "source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash; roscore" Enter

# send commands to pane 3
echo "Sending commands to pane 3"
tmux send -t "$SESSION_NAME:$WINDOW_NAME".3 "sleep 2; source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash; rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node" Enter

# wait roscore to start up
roscore_pid=$(tmux capture-pane -p -t "$SESSION_NAME:$WINDOW_NAME".2 | grep -oP "process\[master\]: started with pid \K[][:digit:][]+")
while [ -z "$roscore_pid" ]; do
    echo "Waiting roscore to start up, pid: $roscore_pid"
    sleep 1
    roscore_pid=$(tmux capture-pane -p -t "$SESSION_NAME:$WINDOW_NAME".2 | grep -oP "process\[master\]: started with pid \K[][:digit:][]+")
# why this line is executed one digit short of the actual pid?
echo "Roscore started, pid: $roscore_pid"

查看 tmux a -t session0, 如图


tmux 常见问题

server version is too old for client

tmux 开机启动没有会话

  • tmux 写在脚本里开机启动, 需要 sudo su, 然后再 tmux ls 查看会话


Zellij 简介


Zellij 安装


  • 官网下载 About Zellij, 解压出来是一个约16MB的单文件zellij(v0.34.4版本), 可以放到系统路径如 /usr/bin 或 /usr/local/bin 目录

  • Github Release下载 Releases · zellij-org/zellij (

  • Cargo安装 cargo install --locked zellij

  • 临时体验 bash <(curl -L

Zellij 帮助

$ ./zellij -h
zellij 0.34.4


    -c, --config <CONFIG>            Change where zellij looks for the configuration file [env:
        --config-dir <CONFIG_DIR>    Change where zellij looks for the configuration directory [env:
    -d, --debug                      Specify emitting additional debug information
        --data-dir <DATA_DIR>        Change where zellij looks for plugins
    -h, --help                       Print help information
    -l, --layout <LAYOUT>            Name of a predefined layout inside the layout directory or the
                                     path to a layout file
        --max-panes <MAX_PANES>      Maximum panes on screen, caution: opening more panes will close
                                     old ones
    -s, --session <SESSION>          Specify name of a new session
    -V, --version                    Print version information

    action               Send actions to a specific session [aliases: ac]
    attach               Attach to a session [aliases: a] 可以不输入全称, 只输入前几个字母
    edit                 Edit file with default $EDITOR / $VISUAL [aliases: e]
    help                 Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    kill-all-sessions    Kill all sessions [aliases: ka]
    kill-session         Kill the specific session [aliases: k]
    list-sessions        List active sessions [aliases: ls]
    options              Change the behaviour of zellij
    run                  Run a command in a new pane [aliases: r]
    setup                Setup zellij and check its configuration

子命令也有相应的help, 以 action 为例

$ zellij action -h
Send actions to a specific session

    zellij action <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help    Print help information

            Close the focused pane
            Close the current tab
            Dump the focused pane to a file
            Open the specified file in a new zellij pane with your default EDITOR
            Open the pane scrollback in your default editor
            Change focus to the next pane
            Change focus to the previous pane
            Go to the next tab
            Go to the previous tab
            Go to tab with index [index]
            Scroll down half page in focus pane
            Scroll up half page in focus pane
            Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
            Move the focused pane in the specified direction. [right|left|up|down]
            Move focus to the pane or tab (if on screen edge) in the specified direction
            Change the location of the focused pane in the specified direction [right|left|up|down]
            Open a new pane in the specified direction [right|down] If no direction is specified,
            will try to use the biggest available space
            Create a new tab, optionally with a specified tab layout and name
            Scroll down one page in focus pane
            Scroll up one page in focus pane
            Renames the focused pane
            Renames the focused pane
            [increase|decrease] the focused panes area at the [left|down|up|right] border
            Scroll down in focus pane
            Scroll down to bottom in focus pane
            Scroll up in the focused pane
            Switch input mode of all connected clients [locked|pane|tab|resize|move|search|session]
            Toggle between sending text commands to all panes on the current tab and normal mode
            Toggle the visibility of all fdirectionloating panes in the current Tab, open one if
            none exist
            Toggle between fullscreen focus pane and normal layout
            Embed focused pane if floating or float focused pane if embedded
            Toggle frames around panes in the UI
            Remove a previously set pane name
            Remove a previously set tab name
            Write bytes to the terminal
            Write characters to the terminal

Zellij 快捷键




  • 新建窗格 Alt + n
  • 窗格导航 Alt + <←↓↑→>Alt + <hjkl>
  • 调整窗格(面板)大小 Alt + <+->
  • 锁定或解锁: Ctrl + g, 使用后会自动屏蔽zellij的其他快捷键, 如ctrl + q退出等
  • 窗格快捷键: Ctrl + p, 按下后, 可以直接 ←↓↑→ 移动(也可以直接鼠标点), n 新建窗格, x关闭窗格, c 重命名窗格, d 下方新建窗格, r 右边新建窗格, f 全屏, z 显示或隐藏边框, w 悬浮(居中?), e 嵌入, p 选中下一个窗格, ENTER 进入选中窗格
  • 标签页快捷键: Ctrl + Tab, 按下后, n 新建类似浏览器的标签页, ←→或Tab切换标签页(当然也可以直接鼠标点), x 关闭标签页, r 重命名标签页, s 同步模式(多个窗格可以同时输入), ENTER 进入窗格
  • 调整大小的快捷键: Ctrl + n, 按下后, 使用 <←↓↑→> 或 <hjkl> 或 <+-> 调整窗格大小
  • 移动窗格的快捷键: Ctrl + h, 按下后, 使用 <←↓↑→> 或 n(下一个) 来移动窗格位置
  • 搜索: Ctrl + s
  • 会话(session): Ctrl + o, 按下后, d Detach离开zellij (后台运行, 可以zellij a session_name重新进入会话, session_name可以只输入前面几个字母), 打印 Session detached
  • 退出: Ctrl + q, 退出会话后, 不会后台运行, 打印 Bye from Zellij!

zellij 也兼容部分tmux快捷键, 如按下 Ctrl + b 后, d 分离会话, 方向键切换窗格 等

zellij 选中即复制, 默认也支持鼠标滚动

Zellij Layout

Zellij 使用 The KDL Document Language 作为配置语言

可以用zellij的layout实现类似tmux脚本的功能, sesseion 的 tab 分成了4个pane, 分别运行:

  • echo 'pane 0'
  • ping -c 2
  • source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash; roscore
  • sleep 2; source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash; rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node, 注: 最好不要在脚本中启动界面, 这里仅作为演示

新建一个 layout_file.kdl 文件, vscode也有kdl的插件

layout {
    pane split_direction="vertical" {
        pane {
            command "echo"
            args "pane"
        pane {
            command "ping"
            args "" "-c 2"
    pane split_direction="vertical" {
        pane {
            command "bash"
            args "-c" "source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash && roscore"
        pane {
            command "bash"
            args "-c" "sleep 2 && source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash && rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node"


zellij --layout ./layout_file.kdl
# 或 zellij -l ./layout_file.kdl

# 或者给session起一个名字
# zellij --layout ./layout_file.kdl options --session-name session0

# 后台运行, 似乎不可行? 屏蔽掉界面程序也不可行?
# zellij --layout ./layout_file.kdl options --session-name session0 &
# zellij a session0

如图(ENTER重新运行命令, Ctrl-c关闭窗格pane)


官方的layout示例 Examples - Zellij User Guide 甚至可以把zellij当成一个类似vscode的编辑器来用


官方的另一个自动化任务和工作流的例子 Using Layouts for Personal Automation (


其它组合使用的例子: 逐步搭建现代大一统终端(Alacritty +Zellij -> WezTerm) - 知乎 (


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