

LTE在实际使用中,并非使用1/3 Turbo编码,更多的采用 1/2 Turbo编码,即所谓的 “打孔码”。


  • 子块交织器 (Sub - block Interleaver);
  • 比特收集(Bit - Collection);
  • 比特选择与修剪(Bit Selection and Pruning);

    如图1所示为 Turbo码速率匹配过程,在 TS 36.212(复用和信道编码协议)中,对其有详细规定。后续我们会具体说明。

图1 Turbo码的速率匹配

1.1 子块交织器

对Turbo码的三组比特流 —— 1个系统比特流(Infomation bit)和 2 个校验比特流(Parity bit)中的比特排序进行调整,改进 Turbo码打孔(Puncture)后的性能。子块交织器采用交织深度 32 的 “ 行入列出 ” 块交织器。


function y = lte_RateMatcher(in, Kplus, Rate)

% Rate matching per coded block
D = Kplus + 4;
if numel(in) ~= 3*D
    error('Kplus (2nd argument) times 3 must be size of input 1.');

% Parameters
colTcSb = 32;
rowTcSb = ceil(D/colTcSb);

Kpi = colTcSb * rowTcSb;
Nd = Kpi - D;

% Bit streams
d0 = in(1:3:end);  % systematic
d1 = in(2:3:end);  % parity 1st
d2 = in(3:3:end);  % parity 2nd

1)程序实现时,列数 ColTcSb = 32,行数为  rowTcSb = \left \lceil D/ colTcSb \right \rceil ,为上去整。一般情况下,码块长度不是32的整倍数,于是有:

                                                                  Nd = colTcSb * rowTcSb - D

这里的 Nd 即表示加入的虚比特数量 (dummy bits),matlab里每一个虚比特值为 NaN。在码块头部,即码块开始部分添加 Nd 个虚比特,构成:

y = [NaN * ones(Nd,1); d];

2) 将 y 逐行逐列写入矩阵,完成矩阵排列。图2节选的是TS 36.212列出的矩阵排列方式:

3) 将矩阵按照下表,完成列置换:


function v = indexGenerator(d, colTcSb, rowTcSb, Nd)

% Sub-block interleaving for d0 and d1 streams only
colPermPat = [ 0, 16,  8, 24,  4,  20, 12,  28, 2, 18, 10, 26,  6, 22, 14, 30, ...
                        1, 17,  9,  25,  5, 21, 13, 29, 3, 19, 11, 27, 7, 23, 15, 31]; 

% For 1 and 2nd streams only
y = [NaN * ones(Nd,1); d];
inpMat = reshape(y, colTcSb, rowTcSb).';
permlnpMat = inpMat(:, colPermPat+1);
v = permlnpMat(:);


乍看这个公式比较复杂,其实是由于36. 212协议中 参数命名的问题,用matlab翻译过来:

pi = zeros(colTcSb * rowTcSb,1);
for i = 1:length(pi)
    pi(i) = colPermPat(floor((i-1) / rowTcSb)+1) + colTcSb * (mod(i-1, rowTcSb)) + 1;

% 由于i 的序列长度为 0 ~ (colTcSb * rowTcSb -1),不可能大于K_pi,因此实际实现时可省略公式最后 “ mod K_pi ” 操作;

%说明:公式中k取值为 0 ~ (colTcSb * rowTcSb -1),但 matlab中下标序列需从 1开始,因此有了 (floor((i-1) / rowTcSb)+1) 这样的复杂操作;


function v = indexGenerator2(d, colTcSb, rowTcSb, Nd)

% Sub-block interleaving for d0 and d1 streams only
colPermPat = [ 0, 16,  8, 24,  4,  20, 12,  28, 2, 18, 10, 26,  6, 22, 14, 30, ...
                        1, 17,  9,  25,  5, 21, 13,  29, 3, 19, 11, 27, 7, 23, 15, 31]; 
pi = zeros(colTcSb * rowTcSb,1);
for i = 1:length(pi)
    pi(i) = colPermPat(floor((i-1) / rowTcSb)+1) + colTcSb * (mod(i-1, rowTcSb)) + 1;

% For 1 and 2nd streams only
y = [NaN * ones(Nd,1); d];
inpMat = reshape(y, colTcSb, rowTcSb).';
ytemp = inpMat.';
y = ytemp(:);
v = y(pi);

1.2 比特收集

    对交织后的3个比特流按序排列,寄存在一个虚拟循环与缓存( Virtual Circular Buffer)。首先收集系统比特流,然后交替收集第1和第2校验比特流。按照块交织索引值,对 d0 ~ d2进行重新排列。其中,d0、d1使用子块内列交织方式进行重排,d2使用子块交织方式排列。循环缓存器按如下方式进行排列(36.212协议):

Matlab实现时主要调用 subBlkInterl 函数:

% Sub - block interleaving - per stream
v0 = subBlkInterl(d0, index);
v1 = subBlkInterl(d1, index);
v2 = subBlkInterl(d2, index2);

subBlkInterl 函数如下所示:

function out = subBlkInterl(d0, index)

out = zeros(size(index));
IndexG = find(~isnan(index)==1);
IndexB = find(isnan(index)==1);
out(IndexG) = d0(index(IndexG));

%Nd = sum(IndexB);
Nd = numel(IndexB);
out(IndexB) = nan*ones(Nd, 1);

1.3 比特选择与修剪


function y = lte_RateMatcher(in, Kplus, Rate)

% Rate matching per coded block
D = Kplus + 4;
if numel(in) ~= 3*D
    error('Kplus (2nd argument) times 3 must be size of input 1.');

% Parameters -- 按照32bit对码块进行交织,列号为32,行号为分组数
colTcSb = 32;
rowTcSb = ceil(D/colTcSb);

Kpi = colTcSb * rowTcSb;
Nd = Kpi - D;

% Bit streams
d0 = in(1:3:end);  % systematic
d1 = in(2:3:end);  % parity 1st
d2 = in(3:3:end);  % parity 2nd

i0 = (1:D)';
index = indexGenerator(i0, colTcSb, rowTcSb, Nd);
index2 = indexGenerator2(i0, colTcSb, rowTcSb, Nd);

% Sub - block interleaving - per stream
v0 = subBlkInterl(d0, index);
v1 = subBlkInterl(d1, index);
v2 = subBlkInterl(d2, index2);

v12 = vpre(:);

% Concat 0, interleave 1, 2 sub-blk streams
% Bit collection

wk = zeros(numel(in), 1);
wk(1:D) = remove_dummy_bits(v0);
wk(D+1:end) = remove_dummy_bits(v12);

% apply rate matching
N = ceil(D/Rate);
y = wk(1:N);

1.4  Turbo卷尾比特处理

    根据 36.212 协议, 小节规定了对 Turbo码的破零处理,即卷尾处理:




                                 【1 5 7 11 4 3 10 9 2 6 8 12】




    比特级绕码应用于所有 LTE TrCH 和下行链路控制信道。


                 p_1(x)=x^{31}+x^3+1            p_2(x)=x^{31}+x^3+x^2+x+1



    1)若先于去绕操作进行硬判决译码,绕码器输入为比特。这种情况下,输入比特和 Gold序列异或运算将会直接生成去绕序列输出;



function y = lte_Scrambler(u, nS)

% Downlink scarmbler
persistent hSeqGen  hInt2Bit

% p1(x) = x^31 + x^3 + 1
% p2(x) = x^31 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1
 if isempty(hSeqGen)
    maxG = 43200;
    hSeqGen = comm.GoldSequence('FirstPolynomial',[1 zeros(1,27) 1 0 0 1], ...
        'FirstInitialConditions', [zeros(1,30) 1], 'SecondPolynomial', [ 1 zeros(1,27) 1 1 1 1], ...
        'SecondInitialConditionsSource','Input port', 'Shift', 1600, 'VariableSizeOutput', true, ...
        'MaximumOutputSize', [maxG 1]);
    hInt2Bit = comm.IntegerToBit('BitsPerInteger',31);

% Parameters to compute initial condition
RNTI = 1;
NcelllD = 0;
q = 0;
% Initial conditions
c_init = RNTI * (2^14) + q * (2^13) + floor(nS/2) * (2^9) + NcelllD;

% Convert Initial conditon to binary vector
iniStates = step(hInt2Bit, c_init);

% Generate the scrambling sequence
nSamp = size(u,1);
seq = step(hSeqGen, iniStates, nSamp);
seq2 = zeros(size(u));
seq2(:) = seq(1:numel(u),1);

% Scramble input with the Scrambling sequence
y = xor(u, seq2);


% 第一种实现方式:硬比特译码下去绕
function y = lte_DescramblerHard(u, nS)

% Downlink scarmbler
persistent hSeqGen  hInt2Bit

% p1(x) = x^31 + x^3 + 1
% p2(x) = x^31 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1
if isempty(hSeqGen)
    maxG = 43200;
    hSeqGen = comm.GoldSequence('FirstPolynomial',[1 zeros(1,27) 1 0 0 1], ...
              'FirstInitialConditions', [zeros(1,30) 1], 'SecondPolynomial', ...
               [ 1 zeros(1,27) 1 1 1 1], 'SecondInitialConditionsSource', ...
               'Input port', 'Shift', 1600, 'VariableSizeOutput', true, ...
               'MaximumOutputSize', [maxG 1]);
    hInt2Bit = comm.IntergerToBit('BitsPerInteger',31);

% Parameters to compute initial condition
RNTI = 1;
NcelllD = 0;
q = 0;
% Initial conditions
c_init = RNTI * (2^14) + q * (2^13) + floor(nS/2) * (2^9) + NcelllD;

% Convert Initial conditon to binary vector
iniStates = step(hInt2Bit, c_init);

% Generate the scrambling sequence
nSamp = size(u,1);
seq = step(hSeqGen, iniStates, nSamp);

% Descramble
y = xor(u(:,1), seq2(:,1));

% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% 第二种实现方式:软译码LLR下去绕
% 从seq = step(hSeqGen, iniStates, nSamp)后面开始不同

seq2 = zeros(size(u));
seq2(:) = seq(1:numel(u),1);

% Scramble input with the Scrambling sequence
seq2 = 1- 2 * seq2;

% Descramble
y = u .* seq2;


LTE Turbo编译码综合仿真https://download.csdn.net/download/snowman898/85391832


