
1.Stochastic Neighbor Embedding(SNE)

1.1 实现方法






In particular, there is a large cost for using widely separated map points to represent nearby datapoints(i.e., for using a small q(j|i) to model a large p(j|i),but there is only a small cost for using nearby map points to represent widely separated datapoints.[1]

有了代价函数就可以使用大家非常熟悉的梯度下降法来求得对应y,使损失函数尽量小 ,代价函数对于转换后的低维点y_{i}的梯度如下

1.2 二分法求方差



The perplexity can be interpreted as asmooth measure of the effectivenumber of neighbors. The performance of SNE isfairly robust to changes in the perplexity,and typical values are between 5 and 50.

2.t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding(t_SNE)

2.1 Symmetric SNE

作为最小化条件概率之间的kullbackleibler散度之和的另一种方法,也可以最小化高维空间中的联合概率分布P和低维空间中的联合概率分布Q之间的单个KL散度,因此引入一种对称的SNE,称为Symmetric SNE,因为p_{ij}=p_{ji}, q_{ij}=q_{ji},代价函数为:



 2.2 t_SNE

为了解决SNE仍然存在的拥挤问题(Crowding Problem),t_SNE在symmetric SNE的基础上将q_{ij}修改了一下:



以下图为例,横轴是两个数据点的欧氏距离。原始的 SNE 选用的是蓝线,而在新的相似度量下,如果我们想要维持同样的概率,需要发生这样的变化:距离接近的点变得更近;距离较远的点变得更远。这样一来,SNE 的拥挤问题就得到了解决。






# coding utf-8
代码参考了作者Laurens van der Maaten的开放出的t-sne代码, 并没有用类进行实现,主要是优化了计算的实现
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits

def cal_pairwise_dist(x):
    '''计算pairwise 距离, x是matrix
    (a-b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2*a*b
    sum_x = np.sum(np.square(x), 1)
    dist = np.add(np.add(-2 * np.dot(x, x.T), sum_x).T, sum_x)
    return dist

def cal_perplexity(dist, idx=0, beta=0.01):
    '''计算perplexity, dist是距离向量,
    prob = np.exp(-dist * beta)
    # 设置自身prob为0
    prob[idx] = 0
    sum_prob = np.sum(prob)
    if sum_prob == 0:
        sum_prob= 1e-10
    perp = np.log(sum_prob) + beta * np.sum(dist * prob) / sum_prob
    prob /= sum_prob
    return perp, prob

def seach_prob(x, tol=1e-5, perplexity=30.0):

    # 初始化参数
    print("Computing pairwise distances...")
    (n, d) = x.shape
    dist = cal_pairwise_dist(x)
    pair_prob = np.zeros((n, n))
    beta = np.ones((n, 1))/100
    # 取log,方便后续计算
    base_perp = np.log(perplexity)

    for i in range(n):
        if i % 500 == 0:
            print("Computing pair_prob for point %s of %s ..." % (i, n))

        betamin = -np.inf
        betamax = np.inf
        perp, this_prob = cal_perplexity(dist[i], i, beta[i])

        # 二分搜索,寻找最佳sigma下的prob
        perp_diff = perp - base_perp
        tries = 0
        while np.abs(perp_diff) > tol and tries < 50:
            if perp_diff > 0:
                betamin = beta[i].copy()
                if betamax == np.inf or betamax == -np.inf:
                    beta[i] = beta[i] * 2
                    beta[i] = (beta[i] + betamax) / 2
                betamax = beta[i].copy()
                if betamin == np.inf or betamin == -np.inf:
                    beta[i] = beta[i] / 2
                    beta[i] = (beta[i] + betamin) / 2

            # 更新perb,prob值
            perp, this_prob = cal_perplexity(dist[i], i, beta[i])
            perp_diff = perp - base_perp
            tries = tries + 1
        # 记录prob值
        pair_prob[i,] = this_prob
    print("Mean value of sigma: ", np.mean(np.sqrt(1 / beta)))
    return pair_prob

def pca(x, no_dims=50):
    ''' PCA算法
    print("Preprocessing the data using PCA...")
    (n, d) = x.shape
    x = x - np.tile(np.mean(x, 0), (n, 1))
    l, M = np.linalg.eig(np.dot(x.T, x))
    y = np.dot(x, M[:, 0:no_dims])
    return y

def tsne(x, no_dims=2, initial_dims=50, perplexity=30.0, max_iter=2000):
    """Runs t-SNE on the dataset in the NxD array x
    to reduce its dimensionality to no_dims dimensions.
    The syntaxis of the function is Y = tsne.tsne(x, no_dims, perplexity),
    where x is an NxD NumPy array.

    # Check inputs
    if isinstance(no_dims, float):
        print("Error: array x should have type float.")
        return -1
    if round(no_dims) != no_dims:
        print("Error: number of dimensions should be an integer.")
        return -1

    # 初始化参数和变量
    x = pca(x, initial_dims).real
    (n, d) = x.shape
    initial_momentum = 0.5
    final_momentum = 0.8
    eta = 300 # 调整更新的参数,类似learning_rate
    min_gain = 0.01
    y = np.random.randn(n, no_dims)
    dy = np.zeros((n, no_dims))
    iy = np.zeros((n, no_dims))
    gains = np.ones((n, no_dims))

    # 对称化
    P = seach_prob(x, 1e-5, perplexity) # n*n的条件概率矩阵
    P = P + np.transpose(P) # 对称
    P = P / np.sum(P)
    # early exaggeration
    P = P * 4
    P = np.maximum(P, 1e-12)

    # Run iterations
    for iter in range(max_iter):
        # Compute pairwise affinities
        sum_y = np.sum(np.square(y), 1)
        y = [a b      y.T = [a c
             c d]            b d]
        y 中是两个二维数据,他们的欧氏距离的平方:(a-c)^2+(b-d)^2 = a^2+c^2+b^2+d^2-2ac-2bd
        np.add(-2 * np.dot(y, y.T), sum_y) = [a^2+b^2 ac+bd       + [a^2+b^2 = [-a^2-*b^2          -2ac-2bd+a^2+b^2
                                              ac+bd   c^2+d^2]*-2    c^2+d^2]   -2ac-2bd+c^2+d^2   -*c^2-d^2]
        np.add(np.add(-2 * np.dot(y, y.T), sum_y).T, sum_y) = [0     -2ac-2bd+c^2+d^2+a^2+b^2
                                                               -2ac-2bd+a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2   0]
        num = 1 / (1 + np.add(np.add(-2 * np.dot(y, y.T), sum_y).T, sum_y)) # q_ij的分子,两两低维点的距离,公式(4)
        num[range(n), range(n)] = 0 # q_ii=0
        Q = num / np.sum(num) # 低维数据的条件概率矩阵Q
        Q = np.maximum(Q, 1e-12)

        # Compute gradient
        PQ = P - Q
        for i in range(n):
            pqyij = PQ[:, i] * num[:, i]
            dy[i, :] = np.sum(np.tile(pqyij, (no_dims, 1)).T * (y[i, :] - y), 0) # 计算梯度,公式(5)

        # Perform the update
        if iter < 20:
            momentum = initial_momentum
            momentum = final_momentum
        gains = (gains + 0.2) * ((dy > 0) != (iy > 0)) + (gains * 0.8) * ((dy > 0) == (iy > 0)) # 动态变化的学习率?
        gains[gains < min_gain] = min_gain
        iy = momentum * iy - eta * (gains * dy) # 更新量
        y = y + iy
        y = y - np.tile(np.mean(y, 0), (n, 1))
        # Compute current value of cost function
        if (iter + 1) % 100 == 0:
            if iter > 100:
                C = np.sum(P * np.log(P / Q))
                C = np.sum(P / 4 * np.log(P / 4 / Q))
            print("Iteration ", (iter + 1), ": error is ", C)
        # Stop lying about P-values
        if iter == 100:
            P = P / 4
    print("finished training!")
    return y

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Run Y = tsne.tsne(X, no_dims, perplexity) to perform t-SNE on your dataset.
    X, labels = load_digits(return_X_y=True)
    Y = tsne(X, 2, 50, 20.0)
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    plt.scatter(Y[:, 0], Y[:, 1], 20, labels)



  • 主要用于可视化,很难用于其他目的。基于前面的学习,我们不难看出 t-SNE 只能由高维数据集产生低维数据集,这种关系是多对多的。也就是说,如果额外添加一个数据,那么 t-SNE 是不能像 PCA 那样给出新数据在低维空间下的坐标的。

  • 过于高维一般不使用,当数据维数过高时,两个矩阵的计算量是很大的。所以一般来说,我们会先用 PCA 降维到 10 维左右,再使用 t-SNE 降维到 2 或 3 维空间进行可视化。

  • t-SNE倾向于保存局部特征,对于本征维数(intrinsic dimensionality)本身就很高的数据集,是不可能完整的映射到2-3维的空间​​​​​​​


[1] L. van der Maaten and G. Hinton, “Visualizing data using t-SNE,” J. Mach. Learn. Res., vol. 9, pp. 2579–2605, Nov. 2008

[2]降维方法之t-SNE - 知乎 (zhihu.com)



