
摘  要




The design of the logistics automatic guided vehicle


Automatic guided vehicle (AGV), it is more than one, the assembly of the advanced theory and the application technology in the field of science and technology, combines sound, light, electricity, computer technology.AGV is flexible and reliable, good flexibility, high efficiency, simple operation, strong controllability and so on many merits, so in the flexible manufacturing system and factory automation has been widely used, greatly improve the enterprise production efficiency and automation degree. Future AGV inevitable toward more simple and efficient development, will further promote the, its application field will subsequently become more widely.

This research analyzed the development and current situation of the AGV at home and abroad, decided to design automatic guided vehicle drive to: two rear wheel independent drive. Are included in this paper, the main contents are as follows: car mechanical part design (transmission), servo DC motor selection, checking the strength of all the parts, the basic control system analysis, hardware circuit analysis, kinematics analysis, control system design software and route planning strategy. The finished car to achieve autonomous navigation operation and trajectory control function, the goal is to enable it to set in accordance with the path of travel.

Keywords  AGV;design;automation;program

目  录

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究的背景和意义

1.2   AGV的基本结构和特点 1

1.2.1 AGV的基本结构 2

1.2.2 AGV的特点 2

    .3   AGV发展简述 3

    1.4   AGV设计的主要内容                                                 4

    1.5   本章小结                                                            4

第2章 AGV的系统结构设计 5

2.1 设计任务 5

2.2 确定机械传动方案 5

    2.3   直流伺服电机的选取                                                  6

    2.4   联轴器的设计                                                        9

    2.5   蜗杆传动设计                                                       10

    2.6   轴的设计及计算                                                     14

2.6.1 前轮轴设计计算                                               14

2.6.2轮轴设计计算 17

    2.7   滚动轴承的选取校核                                                 21

        2.7.1 前轮轴的轴承                                                 21

        2.7.2轮轴的轴承                                                 22

    2.8   蜗杆轴上的轴承                                                     24

    2.9   本章小结                                                           26

第3章 小车控制系统分析与设计 27

3.1 小车控制方案简述 27

3.1.1 AT89C51单片机 27

        3.1.2 鉴相                                                         28

        3.1.3 计数的扩展                                                   29

        3.1.4 中断系统                                                     30

3.2 小车的运动分析 32

3.2.1 小车的行走策略 32

3.2.2 小车的运动学方程 33

        3.2.3 小车转弯半径                                                 34

    3.3 本章小结                                                             36




附录A  物流小车装配图                                                       40

附录B  控制系统原理图                                                       40

附录C  小车车体图                                                           41

附录D  蜗轮                                                                 41

附录E  蜗杆                                                                 42附录F  译文 43

自动导引车辆在工业环境中的自主导航 43

附录G  外文原文                                                             51




