

Firefox isn’t the go-to alternative browser that it used to be, but it’s still a favorite among power users and open source advocates. Here’s a brief guide on how to find out what version of Firefox you’re using…and what the different versions actually mean.

Firefox不再是过去的首选浏览器,但仍然是高级用户和开放源代码倡导者的最爱。 这是有关如何找出所使用的Firefox版本以及不同版本的实际含义的简要指南。

查找版本号 (Finding the Version Number)

In the latest versions of Firefox on Windows or Linux, click the “hamburger” menu in the upper-right corner (the one with three horizontal lines).


In the bottom of the drop-down menu, click the “i” button. Then click “About Firefox.”

在下拉菜单的底部,单击“ i”按钮。 然后点击“关于Firefox”。

The small window that appears will show you Firefox’s release and version number. Click “What’s new” for a look at the release notes.

出现的小窗口将显示Firefox的发行版和版本号。 单击“新功能”以查看发行说明。

On a Mac, the process is a little different. Just click “Firefox” in the menu bar, then “About Firefox.”

在Mac上,此过程略有不同。 只需单击菜单栏中的“ Firefox”,然后单击“关于Firefox”。

发行版本:您的稳定性如何? (Release Versions: How Stable Are You?)

Firefox comes in four primary versions: the standard release, the beta version, the developer edition, and nightly builds. Here’s what that means.

Firefox有四个主要版本 :标准版本,测试版,开发人员版本和夜间版本。 这就是这个意思。

稳定 (Stable)

This is the current release of Firefox, the one that the vast majority of users have installed. All the features have been thoroughly tested and are ready for use by the general public. Users of the stable release don’t get access to the newest tweaks and features, but it’s the one you want if you don’t like surprises in a crucial tool on your computer.

这是Firefox的当前版本,绝大多数用户已经安装了该版本。 所有功能都已经过全面测试,可供公众使用。 稳定版本的用户无法访问最新的调整和功能,但是如果您不喜欢计算机上某个关键工具带来的惊喜,这就是您想要的功能。

贝塔 (Beta)

The beta release is one “version” ahead of the stable release—at the time of writing, the stable build of Firefox is on version 53, but the beta is on version 54. This version is for those who want access to the new features a little faster. Features that make it to the beta are generally on their way to release, though they may not necessarily get there in the very next release.

Beta版本是稳定版本之前的一个“版本”,在撰写本文时,Firefox的稳定版本在版本53上,但beta版本在版本54上。此版本适用于希望使用新功能的用户快一点。 进入Beta的功能通常都在发布中,尽管不一定会在下一个版本中实现。

开发人员版 (Developer Edition)

The developer edition of Firefox is just what it says: an even earlier release primarily intended for developers of websites and Firefox extensions. This release may include more major tweaks to both the program and the Gecko rendering engine, some of which will graduate to the beta and stable versions, some of which won’t. Most end-users don’t need to go near the developer edition, unless they’re really interested in a new feature in particular. It’s considerably less stable than the full release.

Firefox的开发人员版本就是它所说的:一个更早的版本,主要用于网站和Firefox扩展的开发人员。 此版本可能包括对该程序和Gecko渲染引擎的更多重大调整,其中一些将逐步升级到Beta版和稳定版,而某些则不会。 除非最终用户特别对新功能特别感兴趣,否则大多数最终用户都不需要接近开发人员版本。 它比完整版本稳定得多。

每夜 (Nightly)

The nightly build includes cutting-edge updates from the open source Firefox project, actively fixing bugs and testing out new features. Newly-compiled versions of the browser are typically available every weekday, at the very least. But those fixes often come with program-breaking bugs of their own, frequently creating errors in rendering and extension compatibility. The nightly releases are only for the bravest of end-users who want to see the absolute newest in Firefox development, or for developers who need to see how their products will work with potentially problematic branches of the program.

夜间版本包括来自开源Firefox项目的最新更新,积极修复错误并测试新功能。 新编译的浏览器版本通常至少在每个工作日提供。 但是这些修复程序通常带有自己的程序破坏性错误,经常在渲染和扩展兼容性方面造成错误。 夜间发布版仅适用于最勇敢的最终用户,他们希望看到Firefox开发中绝对最新的信息,或者适合需要查看其产品如何与程序中可能有问题的分支一起使用的开发人员。

行动版本 (Mobile Versions)

Firefox on the desktop is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, but there are mobile versions available as well. On Android’s Play Store, the program is available in stable, beta, and “Aurora” (developer) versions, with releases generally corresponding to the desktop versions. A nightly release is available as well, but it has to be downloaded manually on this page and installed as a non-Play Store APK file.

桌面上的Firefox可用于Windows,macOS和Linux,但也提供移动版本。 在Android的Play商店中,该程序有稳定 测试版和“ Aurora ”(开发人员)版本,发行版本通常与台式机版本相对应。 夜间版本也可用,但必须在此页面上手动下载并作为非Play商店APK文件安装。

Since iOS is a more closed platform, only the stable release of Firefox is posted to the App Store. iPhone and iPad users who want to test out more recent versions need to enroll in Apple’s TestFlight program for Mozilla apps.

由于iOS是更封闭的平台,因此只有稳定版本的Firefox才会发布到App Store。 想要测试最新版本的iPhone和iPad用户需要注册Apple的 Mozilla应用程序的TestFlight程序

32位与64位:Firefox可以使用多少内存? (32-bit vs 64-bit: How Much Memory Can Firefox Use?)

Though just about every modern operating system has moved to 64-bit processing as a de facto standard, Firefox’s default download pages still direct most users towards the 32-bit version of the program. This is because the newer 64-bit releases for Windows and Linux still have some compatibility issues with older plugins. For power users who want Firefox to have access to as much memory as possible, this download page includes the latest 64-bit releases of the stable version of the Windows and Linux releases. On macOS, Firefox is a 64-bit application by default.

尽管几乎每个现代操作系统都已事实上已成为64位处理标准,但Firefox的默认下载页面仍将大多数用户引导至该程序的32位版本。 这是因为适用于Windows和Linux的较新的64位版本与较旧的插件仍然存在一些兼容性问题。 对于希望Firefox尽可能访问更多内存的高级用户, 此下载页面包括Windows和Linux稳定版本的最新64位版本。 在macOS上,Firefox默认为64位应用程序。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/305503/which-version-of-firefox-am-i-using/



