Bing Maps Android SDK是一套使用JAVA语言基于微软Bing Maps AJAX v7 Control之上开发的一套GIS开发API,并开源发布于Codeplex,以帮助Android开发人员创建基于微软Bing Maps AJAX V7 Control的地图应用程序。
- Built on top of Bing Maps AJAX V7
- Touch controls added to support pinch to zoom, and double tap to zoom
- Majority of map functionalities are wrapped with Java code so that there is no need to write JavaScript code. This should make things easier for Android developers.
- Requires Bing Maps Key
- Supports Pushpins, Polylines, Polygons, EntityCollections, and TileLayers.
- Libraries for accessing Bing Maps REST service supports Geocoding (Address and query searches), Reverse Geocoding, Routing with support for all route options.
- Libraries for accessing Bing Spatial Data service supports FindByArea, FindByID, and FindByProperty.
- All service calls have an Asynchronous task which make requests to Bing Servers and parses the response on a background tread.
- Works in any orientation.
- Infobox support.
- Support for GeoRSS files.
- Support for localization.
- Documentation of code, and articles on how to use the SDK to create an application.
- UI controls for rotating Birdseye view.
- Clustering.
- Best Map View support for data.
- Location Details view.