使用 ant 让你愉快编程(2)
[首页, 上一页, 下一页]2 通用配置摘要: 介绍 build_common.xml, common.xml 及 usage.txtbuild_common.xml <!- Copyright 2004 camry.wu@gmail.com This program is free software; you can r
2 通用配置
摘要: 介绍 build_common.xml, common.xml 及 usage.txt
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!- Copyright 2004 camry.wu@gmail.com This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -> <project name="Common build file" default="all" basedir=""> <description> 这是一个通用的 ant build 文件. Version 1.0. 感谢: 这篇文档借用了很多 Johan 的想法, 他的主页在 http://dev.kanngard.net Copyright 2004 camry.wu@gmail.com </description> <!- 读入 common.xml 配置 -> <xmlproperty file="${path.common}/common.xml" semanticAttributes="true" keepRoot="false"/> <!- 设置编译时的 classpath -> <path id="compile.classpath"> <fileset dir="${path.common}/lib"> <include name="*.jar"/> </fileset> <fileset dir="${lib}"> <include name="*.jar"/> </fileset> <pathelement location="${dist.classes}"/> </path> <!- 设置运行时的 classpath -> <path id="run-time.classpath"> <path refid="compile.classpath"/> </path> <!- 初始化过程, 会调用具体项目的初始化过程先 -> <target name="init" depends="project_init" description="Initialize environment"> </target> <!- 显示使用说明 -> <target name="usage"> <loadfile property="usage.message" srcFile="${path.common}/usage.txt"/> <echo message="${usage.message}"/> </target> <!- 预备, 通常在项目刚建立的时候运行此任务 -> <target name="common_prepare" depends="init" description="Prepare build directory"> <copy todir="." preservelastmodified="true"> <fileset dir="${path.common}/template/"> <include name="**/*"/> </fileset> </copy> </target> <!- 配置 checkstyle , 只检查 src/main 目录下的源代码 -> <target name="checkstyle" depends="init"> <taskdef resource="checkstyletask.properties" classpath="${path.common}/lib/checkstyle-all-3.4.jar"/> <checkstyle config="${build}/checkstyle_checks.xml"> <fileset dir="${src.main}" includes="**/*.java"/> <property key="checkstyle.cache.file" file="${path.common}/lib/checkstyle.cache"/> <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/> </checkstyle> </target> <!- 编译 src 下源文件, class 文件放到 dist/classes 下 -> <target name="compile" depends="init" description="Compile source"> <mkdir dir="${dist}/classes"/> <javac debug="${compile.debug}" deprecation="${compile.deprecation}" destdir="${dist}/classes" target="${compile.jdk-version.target}" source="${compile.jdk-version.source}" optimize="${compile.optimize}" srcdir="${src}"> <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/> </javac> </target> <!- 清除 dist 目录 -> <target name="clean" depends="project_clean" description="Wipeout all generated files"> <delete dir="${dist}/classes"/> <delete dir="${dist.lib}"/> <mkdir dir="${dist}/classes"/> <mkdir dir="${dist.lib}"/> </target> <!- 打包 -> <target name="jar" depends="checkstyle, compile" description="Create binary distribution"> <mkdir dir="${dist}/classes"/> <mkdir dir="${dist.lib}"/> <copy file="LICENSE" todir="${dist}/classes"/> <delete> <fileset dir="${dist.lib}" includes="*.jar"/> </delete> <jar basedir="${dist}/classes" jarfile="${dist.lib}/${component.name}-${component.version}.jar"> <include name="**/*.class"/> <exclude name="**/Test*.class"/> </jar> <delete> <fileset dir="${dist}/classes"> <include name="LICENSE"/> </fileset> </delete> </target> <!- 运行 dist/classes 目录下的所有以 Test 开头的测试类 注意, 在 ant 的 lib 目录下要包含 junit.jar. -> <target name="test" depends="compile" description="run junit tests"> <junit printsummary="on" fork="false" haltonfailure="false" failureproperty="tests.failed" showoutput="true"> <classpath refid="run-time.classpath"/> <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/> <batchtest> <fileset dir="${dist}/classes"> <include name="**/Test*.*"/> </fileset> </batchtest> </junit> <fail if="tests.failed"> ********************************************************* ********************************************************* **** One or more tests failed! Check the output... **** ********************************************************* ********************************************************* </fail> </target> <!- 发布, 会调用具体项目的发布任务 -> <target name="deploy" depends="project_deploy" description="Deploy application"/> <!- 创建文档 -> <target name="javadoc" depends="compile" description="Create component Javadoc documentation"> <delete dir="${docs.api}"/> <mkdir dir="${docs.api}"/> <javadoc author="true" bottom="${component.title}" destdir="${docs.api}" source="${compile.jdk-version.source}" doctitle="${component.title}" packagenames="*" access="protected" sourcepath="${src.main}" version="true" windowtitle="${component.title} (Version ${component.version})"> <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/> </javadoc> </target> <!- 根据 cvs 配置, 从 cvs 服务器上下载源代码 -> <target name="fetch" depends="project_fetch" description="fetch current source from cvs"> </target> <!- 将源代码文件打包, 备份 -> <target name="src-zip" depends="checkstyle,compile" description="Creates source distribution"> <copy file="LICENSE" todir="${src.main}"/> <delete> <fileset dir="${dist.lib}" includes="*-src.zip"/> </delete> <zip basedir="." destfile="${dist.lib}/${component.name}-${component.version}-src.zip" whenempty="fail"> <include name="**/*.*"/> <include name="*"/> <include name="**/*"/> <exclude name="${dist}/**/*.*"/> <exclude name="*.* "/> <!- vi(JEdit) backups -> <exclude name=".nbattrs"/> <!- Netbeans filesystem attributes -> <exclude name="*.old"/> </zip> </target> <!- 将源文件上传到服务器备份, 将目标文件上传到服务器发布. 此任务中内容由各位自行设定, 一般是运行 ftp 任务. -> <target name="publish" depends="clean,jar,javadoc,src-zip" description="publish project"> </target> <!- 构建 -> <target name="all" depends="clean,fetch,test,jar,javadoc,deploy" description="build project"/> </project>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!- Copyright 2004 camry.wu@gmail.com Common Ant build environment -> <root> <!- 路径配置, 基本不用改动. 但是假如你在一个陌生的环境中使用这套 build 工具, 也许需要稍为修改一下这些路径的配置. -> <bin value="bin"/> <build value="build"> <lib value="${build}/lib"/> </build> <dist value="dist"> <lib value="${dist}/lib"/> <classes id="dist.classes" location="${dist}/classes"/> </dist> <docs value="docs"> <api value="${docs}/api"/> </docs> <lib value="lib"/> <src value="src"> <main value="${src}/main"/> <test value="${src}/test"/> </src> <!- 编译选项 -> <compile> <debug value="true"/> <deprecation value="true"/> <jdk-version> <source value="1.4"/> <target value="1.4"/> </jdk-version> <optimize value="true"/> </compile> </root>
${component.name} build file -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Available targets are: prepare -> 初始化项目环境 checkstyle -> 检查源文件编码规范 compile -> 编译 jar -> 打包 build -> 构建 test -> 测试 clean -> 清除 deploy -> 发布到 web 服务器运行 publish -> 发布产品(源码及目标文件) fetch -> 从 cvs 上获取最新资源 docs -> 创建 api 文档 all -> 执行 clean, fetch, build, test, doc, deploy main -> 默认的构建过程(自行修改)