1. outerJoinVertices函数
1 override def outerJoinVertices[U: ClassTag, VD2: ClassTag] 2 (other: RDD[(VertexId, U)]) //带插入的顶点信息 3 (updateF: (VertexId, VD, Option[U]) => VD2) //更新函数 4 (implicit eq: VD =:= VD2 = null): Graph[VD2, ED] = { 5 // The implicit parameter eq will be populated by the compiler if VD and VD2 are equal, and left 6 // null if not
// 其中,VD2表示最终生成的新图的VD类型;VD表示原图的VD类型
7 if (eq != null) { //如果新旧两个图的VD类型不一致 8 vertices.cache() 9 // updateF preserves type, so we can use incremental replication 10 val newVerts = vertices.leftJoin(other)(updateF).cache() //对图的顶点做左连接 11 val changedVerts = vertices.asInstanceOf[VertexRDD[VD2]].diff(newVerts) //比较新生成的定点序列与原始定点序列直接修改格式后的序列之间的差异 12 val newReplicatedVertexView = replicatedVertexView.asInstanceOf[ReplicatedVertexView[VD2, ED]] 13 .updateVertices(changedVerts) //根据changedVerts构造新的replicatedVertexView
14 new GraphImpl(newVerts, newReplicatedVertexView)
15 } else {
16 // updateF does not preserve type, so we must re-replicate all vertices
17 val newVerts = vertices.leftJoin(other)(updateF)
18 GraphImpl(newVerts, replicatedVertexView.edges)
19 }
20 }
其中, replicatedVertexView的官方解释是:“Manages shipping vertex attributes to the edge partitions of an EdgeRDD
. Vertex attributes may be partially shipped to construct a triplet view with vertex attributes on only one side, and they may be updated. ” 个人理解是在边对象的上面增加了顶点属性。
1 val graph = followerGraph.outerJoinVertices(users) { 2 case (uid, deg, Some(attrList)) => attrList 3 case (uid, deg, None) => Array.empty[String] 4 }
首先介绍代码目的: followerGraph是通过调用GraphLoader.edgeListFile()函数,从边文件中读入的。由于边文件中只存储了相应的顶点编号,没有定点对应的属性。因此需要使用user(VertexId, attr)来将定点信息补全。