npm install error

npm WARN addRemoteGit Error: Command failed: git -c core.longpaths=true config --get remote.origin.url
npm WARN addRemoteGit
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:211:12)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:191:7)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:885:16)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:226:5)
npm WARN addRemoteGit  amcharts/ammap3 resetting remote C:\Users\holdlg\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_git-remotes\git-github-com-amcharts-ammap3-git-5b4c9c11 because of error: { Error: Command failed: git -c core.longpaths=true config --get remote.origin.url
npm WARN addRemoteGit
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:211:12)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:191:7)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:885:16)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:226:5)
npm WARN addRemoteGit   killed: false,
npm WARN addRemoteGit   code: 1,
npm WARN addRemoteGit   signal: null,
npm WARN addRemoteGit   cmd: 'git -c core.longpaths=true config --get remote.origin.url' }
npm WARN addRemoteGit Error: Command failed: git -c core.longpaths=true config --get remote.origin.url
npm WARN addRemoteGit
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:211:12)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:191:7)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:885:16)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at Socket.<anonymous> (internal/child_process.js:334:11)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at Pipe._handle.close [as _onclose] (net.js:501:12)
npm WARN addRemoteGit  amcharts/amcharts3 resetting remote C:\Users\holdlg\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_git-remotes\git-github-com-amcharts-amcharts3-git-867ad69c because of error: { Error: Command failed: git -c core.longpaths=true config --get remote.origin.url
npm WARN addRemoteGit
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:211:12)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:191:7)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:885:16)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at Socket.<anonymous> (internal/child_process.js:334:11)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
npm WARN addRemoteGit     at Pipe._handle.close [as _onclose] (net.js:501:12)
npm WARN addRemoteGit   killed: false,
npm WARN addRemoteGit   code: 1,
npm WARN addRemoteGit   signal: null,
npm WARN addRemoteGit   cmd: 'git -c core.longpaths=true config --get remote.origin.url' }


是因为npm缓存目录去缓存了个 _git-remotes 目录
删除_git-remotes 再继续npm install。

git config –global http.proxy
git config –global https.proxy
git config –global http.proxy ‘socks5://’
git config –global https.proxy ‘socks5://’
git config –global –unset http.proxy
git config –global –unset https.proxy


