Gitpod is an online IDE which can be launched from any GitHub page. Simply prefix any GitHub-URL with “” or use our browser extension that adds a button to GitHub pages.

Within seconds, Gitpod provides you with a fully working development environment, including a VS Code-powered IDE and a cloud-based Linux container configured specifically for the project at hand.

Gitpod — Online IDE For GitHub

Wechaty Getting Started

We have created a template GitHub repo for new developers. This repository should work out-of-the-box, and is the best start point for Wechaty beginners.


  1. Works out-of-the-box under Linux/Mac/Windows.
  2. Supports all puppets like Web, Pad, Windows, and Mac.
  3. Reply a dong message when it received a ding.

The Problem

Setting developing environment is hard.

Lots of developers are struggle with:

  1. fail to install Node.js
  2. fail install NPM dependencies successful (some related to GFW, some related to local build tools settings)
  3. can not read the QR Code on terminal (always related to local font settings)
  4. etc.

The Solution: Getting Started with

Gitpod is an online IDE which can be launched from any GitHub page. Within seconds, Gitpod provides you with a fully working development environment, including a VS Code-powered IDE and a cloud-based Linux container configured specifically for the project at hand.

So we’d like to suggest that the new developers should play with wechaty-getting-start repo with service because it-just-works.

👇 Click me

GitPod Ready-to-Code

Click the ☝️ above [Gitpod | Ready-to-Code] button to launch Gitpod with Wechaty Getting Started ding-dong BOT instantly inside your favorite browser.

The button will take you to this link:


GitPod Wechaty Getting Started

Wechaty ❤️ Gitpod


