[JavaScript 刷题] 字符串 - 价格减免, leetcode 2288
[JavaScript 刷题] 字符串 - 价格减免, leetcode 2288github repo 地址: https://github.com/GoldenaArcher/js_leetcode,Github 的目录 大概 会更新的更勤快一些。题目地址:2288. Apply Discount to Prices题目如下:A sentence is a string of single-s
[JavaScript 刷题] 字符串 - 价格减免, leetcode 2288
github repo 地址: https://github.com/GoldenaArcher/js_leetcode,Github 的目录 大概 会更新的更勤快一些。
题目地址:2288. Apply Discount to Prices
A sentence is a string of single-space separated words where each word can contain digits, lowercase letters, and the dollar sign
. A word represents a price if it is a non-negative real number preceded by a dollar sign.
- For example,
, and"$6.75"
represent prices while"100"
, and"2$3"
do not.You are given a string
representing a sentence and an integerdiscount
. For each word representing a price, apply a discount ofdiscount%
on the price and update the word in the sentence. All updated prices should be represented with exactly two decimal places.Return a string representing the modified sentence.
Input: sentence = “there are $1 $2 and 5$ candies in the shop”, discount = 50
Output: “there are $0.50 $1.00 and 5$ candies in the shop”
很明显 5$
题目中给的都是需求比较明确的,在做 weekly contest 的时候碰到一个:"1 2 $0.00 4 $0.00 $0.00 7 8$ $0.00 $10$"
,这个 $10$
对于其他语言来说可能不是问题,但是对于 JavaScript 来说,如果不另外处理就会报错……
原因是因为 JavaScript 在对数字进行转换的时候,它会取前面几个合法的值,$10$
这里就会被转为 10
其实用 Regex 来解题就很方便,偏偏我并不是很擅长 Regex,平常遇到需要用 Regex 的需求都是直接上网搜的,这个时候就尴尬了……不过也不是完全没办法,可以将其转换为数字后,使用 ==
使用 JavaScript 解题
* @param {string} sentence
* @param {number} discount
* @return {string}
var discountPrices = function (sentence, discount) {
const strs = sentence.split(" ");
for (let i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {
const currSec = strs[i];
const price = parseFloat(currSec.substr(1, currSec.length));
if (currSec[0] === "$" && !isNaN(price)) {
if (discount === 100) strs[i] = "$0.00";
else {
const discountedPrice = ((price * discount) / 100).toFixed(2);
strs[i] = "$" + discountedPrice;
return strs.join(" ");