Gradle 2.0 用户指南翻译——第二十六章. War 插件
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第二十六章. War 插件
Chapter 26. The War Plugin
War 插件扩展了 Java插件,以添加对组装 Web 应用程序 WAR 文件的支持。它禁用 Java 插件默认的 JAR 归档生成,并添加一个默认的 WAR 归档任务。
The War plugin extends the Java plugin to add support for assembling web application WAR files. It disables the default JAR archive generation of the Java plugin and adds a default WAR archive task.
26.1. 用法
26.1. Usage
要使用 War 的插件,请在构建脚本中包含以下内容:
To use the War plugin, include in your build script:
示例 26.1. 使用 War 插件 - Example 26.1. Using the War plugin
apply plugin: 'war'
26.2. 任务
26.2. Tasks
War 插件向项目中添加了以下任务。
The War plugin adds the following tasks to the project.
表 26.1. War 插件——任务 - Table 26.1. War plugin - tasks
任务名称 Task name | 依赖于 Depends on | 类型 Type | 描述 Description |
war | compile | War | 组装应用程序 WAR 文件。 Assembles the application WAR file. |
War 插件向 Java 插件所加入的任务添加了以下的依赖。
The War plugin adds the following dependencies to tasks added by the Java plugin.
表 26.2. War 插件——额外的任务依赖 - Table 26.2. War plugin - additional task dependencies
任务名称 Task name | 依赖于 Depends on |
assemble | war |
图 26.1. War 插件——任务 - Figure 26.1. War plugin - tasks
26.3. 项目布局
26.3. Project layout
表 26.3. War 插件——项目布局 - Table 26.3. War plugin - project layout
目录 Directory | 意义 Meaning |
src/main/webapp | Web 应用程序源码 Web application sources |
26.4. 依赖管理
26.4. Dependency management
War 插件添加了两个依赖配置:providedCompile
和 providedRuntime
。这些配置与 compile
和 runtime
配置一样有各自的作用域,只是它们不会添加到 WAR 归档中。要特别注意那些 provided
配置是有传递性的。假设你添加了 commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:3.0
到任何一个 provided 的配置,而这个依赖又依赖于 commons-codec
,这意味着 httpclient
和 commons-codec
都不会被添加到你的 WAR 文件中,即使 commons-codec
在你的 compile
的依赖配置中是显式声明的。如果你不想要这种传递行为,只需把你的 provided
依赖声明成 commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:3.0@jar
The War plugin adds two dependency configurations: providedCompile
and providedRuntime
. Those configurations have the same scope as the respective compile
and runtime
configurations, except that they are not added to the WAR archive. It is important to note that those provided
configurations work transitively. Let's say you add commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:3.0
to any of the provided configurations. This dependency has a dependency on commons-codec
. This means neither httpclient
nor commons-codec
is added to your WAR, even if commons-codec
were an explicit dependency of your compile
configuration. If you don't want this transitive behavior, simply declare your provided
dependencies like commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:3.0@jar
26.5. 约定属性
26.5. Convention properties
表 26.4. War 插件——目录属性 - Table 26.4. War plugin - directory properties
属性名称 Property name | 类型 Type | 默认值 Default value | 描述 Description |
webAppDirName | String | src/main/webapp | web 应用程序源目录的名称,相当于项目目录。 The name of the web application source directory, relative to the project directory. |
webAppDir | File (只读) File (read-only) |
| Web 应用程序的源目录。 The web application source directory. |
这些属性由一个 WarPluginConvention
These properties are provided by a WarPluginConvention
convention object.
26.6. War
26.6. War
War 任务的默认行为把 src/main/webapp
的内容复制到档案的根目录下。你的 webapp
目录自然可能包含一个 WEB-INF
子目录,这个子目录还可能包含着一个 web.xml中
文件。已经编译的类被会被编译进 WEB-INF/classes
。所有的 runtime
[13] 配置的依赖会被复制到 WEB-INF/lib
The default behavior of the War task is to copy the content of src/main/webapp
to the root of the archive. Your webapp
directory may of course contain a WEB-INF
sub-directory, which again may contain a web.xml
file. Your compiled classes are compiled to WEB-INF/classes
. All the dependencies of the runtime
[13] configuration are copied to WEB-INF/lib
另请参阅 War
Have also a look at War
26.7. 自定义
26.7. Customizing
Here is an example with the most important customization options:
示例 26.2. war 插件的自定义 - Example 26.2. Customization of war plugin
configurations {
repositories {
flatDir { dirs "lib" }
dependencies {
compile module(":compile:1.0") {
dependency ":compile-transitive-1.0@jar"
dependency ":providedCompile-transitive:1.0@jar"
providedCompile "javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5"
providedCompile module(":providedCompile:1.0") {
dependency ":providedCompile-transitive:1.0@jar"
runtime ":runtime:1.0"
providedRuntime ":providedRuntime:1.0@jar"
testCompile "junit:junit:4.11"
moreLibs ":otherLib:1.0"
war {
from 'src/rootContent' // adds a file-set to the root of the archive
webInf { from 'src/additionalWebInf' } // adds a file-set to the WEB-INF dir.
classpath fileTree('additionalLibs') // adds a file-set to the WEB-INF/lib dir.
classpath configurations.moreLibs // adds a configuration to the WEB-INF/lib dir.
webXml = file('src/someWeb.xml') // copies a file to WEB-INF/web.xml
Of course one can configure the different file-sets with a closure to define excludes and includes.
配置继承自 compile
[13] The runtime
configuration extends the compile