
1. 采用Android系统自带的libicuuc.so库,此库的源代码在/home/george/source/rk3168_v4.2/external/icu4c/common下

2. 采用第三方编码转换库libiconv,源码链接:http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/


a) iconv_t iconv_open (const char* tocode, const char* fromcode);

b) size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, const char* * inbuf , size_t * inbytesleft, char* * outbuf , size_t * outbytesleft);


outbytesleft:输入为outbuf所指向的缓冲区长度,输出为剩余没用到的缓冲区长度;因此转换后的字符串长度为(outbuflen - outbytesleft);

inbuf, outbuf:返回时指针都后移了,需要注意。

c) int iconv_close (iconv_t cd);



#include "libcnv.h"

/* use dl API include file */


/* typedef a function pointer to pointer ucnv_convert method */


see the source code define

int32_t ucnv_convert(const char *toConverterName, const char *fromConverterName,

char *target, int32_t targetSize,

const char *source, int32_t sourceSize,

int32_t * err)


typedef int32_t (*TUCNVCONVERT)(const char *lpcOutEcd, const char *lpcInEcd,

char* lpOutBuf, int32_t nOutBufLen,

const char* lpcInStr, int32_t nInStrLen,

int32_t *pnErrCode);

/* pointer libicuuc.so dl lib */

static void* g_lpdlIcuuc = 0;

/* ucnv_convert method pointer */

static TUCNVCONVERT g_lpfnUcnvConvert = 0;


int dl_icuuc_init()


g_lpfnUcnvConvert = 0;

g_lpdlIcuuc = dlopen("/system/lib/libicuuc.so", RTLD_LAZY);

if (g_lpdlIcuuc != 0)


int i, j;

char szDLFnName[32]={0};

i = 3;

j = 8;

//android2.1, ucnv_convert_3_8

//android2.2, ucnv_convert_4_2

//android2.3, ucnv_convert_44

//android4.0, ucnv_convert_46

//android4.0, ucnv_convert_46

//android4.1, ucnv_convert_47

//android4.2, ucnv_convert_48

//android4.3, ucnv_convert_50

//android4.4, ucnv_convert_51

//其尾椎在,在源码的common/unicode/uvernum.h:77:  #define U_ICU_VERSION_SUFFIX _48

g_lpfnUcnvConvert = (TUCNVCONVERT)dlsym(g_lpdlIcuuc, "ucnv_convert_3_8");   while (0 == g_lpfnUcnvConvert)   {    memset(szDLFnName, 0, 32*sizeof(char));    sprintf(szDLFnName, "ucnv_convert_%d%d", i, j);    g_lpfnUcnvConvert = (TUCNVCONVERT)dlsym(g_lpdlIcuuc, szDLFnName);    if (g_lpfnUcnvConvert != 0){     return 1;    }    sprintf(szDLFnName, "ucnv_convert_%d_%d", i, j);    g_lpfnUcnvConvert = (TUCNVCONVERT)dlsym(g_lpdlIcuuc, szDLFnName);    if (g_lpfnUcnvConvert != 0){     return 1;    }    j++;    if (j > 9){     j = 1;     i++;     if (i > 5){      break;     }    }   }  }  return 0; } int dl_icuuc_uninit() {  if (g_lpdlIcuuc != 0)  {   dlclose(g_lpdlIcuuc);   g_lpdlIcuuc = 0;  }  return 1; } //utf-8,gb2312,ucs4 //utf-8:  一个英文字母或者是数字占用一个字节,汉字占3个字节 //gb2312: 一个英文字母或者是数字占用一个字节,汉字占2个字节 int32_t dl_icuuc_gbk2utf8(char *outbuf, int32_t buflen, const char *instring, int32_t inlen) {  int32_t iret;  iret = 0;  if (outbuf != 0 && instring != 0)  {   if (g_lpfnUcnvConvert != 0)   {    int32_t err_code = 0;    iret = g_lpfnUcnvConvert("utf-8", "gb2312"       ,outbuf, buflen       ,instring, inlen       ,&err_code);   }  }  return iret; } int32_t dl_icuuc_utf82gbk(char *outbuf, int32_t buflen, const char *instring, int32_t inlen) {  int32_t iret;  iret = 0;  if (outbuf != 0 && instring != 0)  {   if (g_lpfnUcnvConvert != 0)   {    int32_t err_code = 0;    iret = g_lpfnUcnvConvert("gb2312", "utf-8"       ,outbuf, buflen       ,instring, inlen       ,&err_code);   }  }  return iret; } int32_t dl_icuuc_unicode2utf8(char *outbuf, int32_t buflen, const unsigned short *instring, int32_t inlen) {  int32_t iret;  iret = 0;  if (outbuf != 0 && instring != 0)  {   if (g_lpfnUcnvConvert != 0)   {    int32_t err_code = 0;    iret = g_lpfnUcnvConvert("utf-8", "ucs4"       ,outbuf, buflen       ,(const char *)instring, inlen*sizeof(unsigned short)/sizeof(char)       ,&err_code);   }  }  return iret; } int32_t dl_icuuc_utf82unicode(unsigned short *outbuf, int32_t buflen, const char *instring, int32_t inlen) {  int32_t iret;  iret = 0;  if (outbuf != 0 && instring != 0)  {   if (g_lpfnUcnvConvert != 0)   {    int32_t err_code = 0;    iret = g_lpfnUcnvConvert("ucs4", "utf-8"       ,(char *)outbuf, buflen*sizeof(unsigned short)/sizeof(char)       ,instring, inlen       ,&err_code);   }  }  return iret; }


