
In today’s digital world every organisation needs a website and for those sites to be online, they have to be hosted. Reseller hosting is a solution offered by web hosting companies that enables businesses, such as website designers, developers, SEO specialists and so forth to host their clients’ websites. This can become a lucrative part of these companies’ business models and for those who haven’t yet considered reseller hosting, this post will give a comprehensive guide to what’s involved.   

在当今的数字世界中,每个组织都需要一个网站,要使这些网站在线,必须托管它们。 转销商托管是网络托管公司提供的解决方案,使网站设计人员,开发人员,SEO专家等企业可以托管其客户的网站。 这可以成为这些公司业务模式中有利可图的部分,对于那些尚未考虑转销商托管的人,这篇文章将提供有关所涉及内容的全面指南。

什么是转销商托管? (What is reseller hosting?)

Reseller hosting is a hosting solution that enables companies to host their client’s websites. To become a reseller, you would purchase a reseller hosting package and this would provide you with enough storage and computing resources to set up your own, small-scale web hosting company. This way, you can host the websites of your customers or those of other organisations and individuals.

转销商托管是一种托管解决方案,使公司能够托管其客户的网站。 要成为代理商,您需要购买代理商托管包,这将为您提供足够的存储和计算资源,以建立您自己的小型网络托管公司。 这样,您可以托管您的客户或其他组织和个人的网站。

为什么要考虑转销商托管? (Why should I consider reseller hosting? )

For companies that already look after their clients’ online interests in one form or another, reseller hosting lets you offer a broader and more comprehensive range of services. This can be far more attractive to customers who would rather deal with a single agent that offers an end-to-end solution than a multitude of different providers.

对于已经以一种或另一种形式照顾客户在线利益的公司,转销商托管可让您提供更广泛,更全面的服务。 对于宁愿与提供端到端解决方案的单个代理而不是众多不同提供商的客户而言,这可能更具吸引力。

As reselling is white labelled, none of your customers need to know who your hosting service is based with. Indeed, it is possible to create your own hosting brand and set up hosting plans that are more attuned to your client’s needs than the packages they can purchase elsewhere. These can include services like hosting setup, software installation, backend management and domain management – all of which can be charged for.

由于转售带有白色标签,因此您的所有客户都无需知道托管服务所基于的人。 确实,可以创建自己的托管品牌并设置托管计划,该计划比客户在其他地方购买的软件包更能满足客户的需求。 这些可以包括托管设置,软件安装,后端管理和域管理等服务,所有这些都可以付费。

我该如何处理客户的技术问题? (How do I deal with my customers’ technical problems?)

If you are a web developer or designer, you may already have experience of setting up and managing your client’s websites on another web host’s server. However, if technical issues arise that you are unsure how to deal with, the big advantage of reseller hosting is that your host will provide all the support you need – this will include 24/7 technical support.

如果您是Web开发人员或设计师,则可能已经具有在另一个Web主机的服务器上设置和管理客户的网站的经验。 但是,如果出现不确定如何解决的技术问题,转销商托管的最大优势是您的托管商将提供您需要的所有支持-这将包括24/7技术支持。

Reseller hosting is important to web hosts and they ensure that the packages come with everything you will need. This includes taking care of backend management and the setup and maintenance of hardware and network infrastructure. In addition, they’ll also monitor security and patch and update your software.

转销商托管对网络托管商很重要,他们确保软件包随附您所需的一切。 这包括照顾后端管理以及硬件和网络基础架构的设置和维护。 此外,他们还将监视安全性并修补和更新您的软件。

转销商包装的功能是什么? (What are the features of a reseller package?)

What’s included in a reseller hosting package will depend on which hosting provider you purchase it from. You will also find that hosts offer a range of packages with varying storage space.

转销商托管软件包中的内容将取决于您从哪个托管提供商处购买。 您还将发现主机提供了一系列具有不同存储空间的软件包。

The main features of a reseller package include disk space, unlimited bandwidth, white label branding, email hosting and a range of security tools. Also, look for plans which offer unlimited email accounts and databases. Many packages include cPanel/WHM for the reseller host and some hosts also provide cPanel for the end user as well. Resellers will be able to use WHM to customise client plans and accounts and undertake clients’ website management.

转销商软件包的主要功能包括磁盘空间,无限带宽,白标商标,电子邮件托管以及一系列安全工具。 另外,寻找提供无限电子邮件帐户和数据库的计划。 许多软件包都包括用于经销商主机的cPanel / WHM,并且某些主机还为最终用户提供cPanel。 经销商将能够使用WHM来定制客户计划和帐户并进行客户的网站管理。

Technical support, which needs to be available 24/7, is normally included with the package. Daily backups are essential to restore your client’s websites if they go down, so choose a package that includes free daily backups. 

包装中通常包含需要24/7全天候提供的技术支持。 如果客户的网站出现故障,则每日备份对于还原其网站至关重要,因此请选择一个包含免费每日备份的软件包。

代理商主机中需要寻找的其他东西 (Other things to look for in a reseller host)

Aside from looking at what’s included in a reseller hosting package, you also need to take a closer look at any web host before you make a choice of provider. One of the most important things you will want to offer your customers is a reliable service and for that reason, you’ll need to make sure that there are uptime guarantees of at least 99.95% for the package you are interested in.

除了查看转销商托管软件包中包含的内容之外,您还需要在选择提供程序之前仔细查看任何Web主机。 您希望为客户提供的最重要的事情之一就是可靠的服务,因此,您需要确保对感兴趣的软件包的正常运行时间保证至少为99.95%。

Another thing to consider is the contract you take out. You don’t want to be tied to any specific vendor or package should you need to make a change or want to upgrade. For this reason, look at the minimum contract length on offer. Ideally, you want a provider that doesn’t require any minimum. 

要考虑的另一件事是您签订的合同。 如果您需要进行更改或升级,则不想被任何特定的供应商或软件包所束缚。 因此,请查看提供的最小合同期限。 理想情况下,您想要一个不需要最低要求的提供程序。

Finally, check out the vendor’s reputation by looking at their customer reviews. If you are going to set up a reseller business that is reliant on another web host, you need to make sure its existing customers are satisfied with the quality of the services it provides.

最后,通过查看他们的客户评论来检查供应商的声誉。 如果要建立依赖于另一个Web主机的经销商业务,则需要确保其现有客户对其提供的服务质量感到满意。

结论 (Conclusion)

Reseller hosting is the perfect solution for web developers, designers and other internet related businesses who want to extend their range of services. Reseller packages provide you with everything you need to host your clients’ websites without the need to set up your own web server or develop the in-house expertise to operate it. If you are interested in becoming a hosting reseller, take a look at our range of reseller plans

对于希望扩展其服务范围的Web开发人员,设计师和其他与Internet相关的业务,转销商托管是理想的解决方案。 转销商软件包为您提供了托管客户网站所需的一切,而无需设置自己的Web服务器或开发内部专家来运行它。 如果您有兴趣成为托管转售商,请查看我们的转售商计划范围

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/a-beginners-guide-to-reseller-hosting/



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