SInt64 RTSPSession::Run()


    // get events

    EventFlags events = this->GetEvents();
    QTSS_Error err = QTSS_NoErr;
    QTSSModule* theModule = NULL;
    UInt32 numModules = 0;
    Assert(fLastRTPSessionIDPtr.Ptr == &fLastRTPSessionID[0]);

    // Some callbacks look for this struct in the thread object

    // set current thread's fThreadData= &fModuleState

    OSThreadDataSetter theSetter(&fModuleState, NULL);
    //check for a timeout or a kill. If so, just consider the session dead
    if ((events & Task::kTimeoutEvent) || (events & Task::kKillEvent))
        fLiveSession = false;
    while (this->IsLiveSession())
        // RTSP Session state machine. There are several well defined points in an RTSP request
        // where this session may have to return from its run function and wait for a new event.
        // Because of this, we need to track our current state and return to it.
        switch (fState)
            case kReadingFirstRequest:
                if ((err = fInputStream.ReadRequest()) == QTSS_NoErr)
                    // If the RequestStream returns QTSS_NoErr, it means
                    // that we've read all outstanding data off the socket,
                    // and still don't have a full request. Wait for more data.

                    //+rt use the socket that reads the data, may be different now.

                    // register read event once again for an uncompletely request

                    return 0;
                if ((err != QTSS_RequestArrived) && (err != E2BIG))
                    // Any other error implies that the client has gone away. At this point,
                    // we can't have 2 sockets, so we don't need to do the "half closed" check
                    // we do below

                    Assert(err > 0); 

                // A complete request received, state transfer to kHTTPFilteringRequest
                if (err == QTSS_RequestArrived)
                    fState = kHTTPFilteringRequest;
                // If we get an E2BIG, it means our buffer was overfilled.
                // In that case, we can just jump into the following state, and

                // the code their does a check for this error and returns an error.

                // transfer state to kHaveNonTunnelMessage

                if (err == E2BIG)
                    fState = kHaveNonTunnelMessage;
            case kHTTPFilteringRequest:
                HTTP_TRACE( "RTSPSession::Run kHTTPFilteringRequest\n" )
                // transfer state to kHaveNonTunnelMessage
                fState = kHaveNonTunnelMessage; // assume it's not a tunnel setup message
                                                // prefilter will set correct tunnel state if it is.

                // if no http tunneled or normal http tunneled, QTSS_NoErr  will be returned from PreFilterForHTTPProxyTunnel

                QTSS_Error  preFilterErr = this->PreFilterForHTTPProxyTunnel();
                if ( preFilterErr == QTSS_NoErr )
                    HTTP_TRACE( "RTSPSession::Run kHTTPFilteringRequest\n" )
                    // pre filter error indicates a tunnelling message that could 
                    // not join to a session.
                    HTTP_TRACE( "RTSPSession::Run kHTTPFilteringRequest Tunnel protocol ERROR.\n" )
                    return -1;
            case kWaitingToBindHTTPTunnel:
                //flush the GET response, if it's there
                err = fOutputStream.Flush();
                if (err == EAGAIN)
                    // If we get this error, we are currently flow-controlled and should
                    // wait for the socket to become writeable again

                return 0;
            case kSocketHasBeenBoundIntoHTTPTunnel:
                // DMS - Can this execute either? I don't think so... this one
                // we may not need...
                // I've been joined, it's time to kill this session.
                Assert(!this->IsLiveSession()); // at least the socket should not report connected any longer
                HTTP_TRACE( "RTSPSession has died of snarfage.\n" )
            case kReadingRequest:
                // We should lock down the session while reading in data,

                // because we can't snarf up a POST while reading.

                OSMutexLocker readMutexLocker(&fReadMutex);

                // we should be only reading an RTSP request here, no HTTP tunnel messages
                if ((err = fInputStream.ReadRequest()) == QTSS_NoErr)
                    // If the RequestStream returns QTSS_NoErr, it means
                    // that we've read all outstanding data off the socket,
                    // and still don't have a full request. Wait for more data.
                    //+rt use the socket that reads the data, may be different now.

                    return 0;
                if ((err != QTSS_RequestArrived) && (err != E2BIG) && (err != QTSS_BadArgument))
                    //Any other error implies that the input connection has gone away.
                    // We should only kill the whole session if we aren't doing HTTP.
                    // (If we are doing HTTP, the POST connection can go away)
                    Assert(err > 0);
                    if (fOutputSocketP->IsConnected())
                        // If we've gotten here, this must be an HTTP session with
                        // a dead input connection. If that's the case, we should
                        // clean up immediately so as to not have an open socket
                        // needlessly lingering around, taking up space.
                        Assert(fOutputSocketP != fInputSocketP);
                        return 0;
                fState = kHaveNonTunnelMessage;
                // fall thru to kHaveNonTunnelMessage
            case kHaveNonTunnelMessage:
                // should only get here when fInputStream has a full message built.
                Assert( fInputStream.GetRequestBuffer() );
                Assert(fRequest == NULL);
                fRequest = NEW RTSPRequest(this);
                fRoleParams.rtspRequestParams.inRTSPRequest = fRequest;
                fRoleParams.rtspRequestParams.inRTSPHeaders = fRequest->GetHeaderDictionary();

                // We have an RTSP request and are about to begin processing. We need to
                // make sure that anyone sending interleaved data on this session won't
                // be allowed to do so until we are done sending our response
                // We also make sure that a POST session can't snarf in while we're
                // processing the request.
                // The fOutputStream's fBytesWritten counter is used to
                // count the # of bytes for this RTSP response. So, at
                // this point, reset it to 0 (we can then just let it increment
                // until the next request comes in)
                // Check for an overfilled buffer, and return an error.
                if (err == E2BIG)
                    (void)QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponse(fRequest, qtssClientBadRequest,
                    fState = kPostProcessingRequest;
                // Check for a corrupt base64 error, return an error
                if (err == QTSS_BadArgument)
                    (void)QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponse(fRequest, qtssClientBadRequest,
                    fState = kPostProcessingRequest;

                Assert(err == QTSS_RequestArrived);
                fState = kFilteringRequest;
                // Note that there is no break here. We'd like to continue onto the next
                // state at this point. This goes for every case in this case statement
            case kFilteringRequest:
                // We received something so auto refresh
                // The need to auto refresh is because the api doesn't allow a module to refresh at this point

                // Before we even do this, check to see if this is a *data* packet,
                // in which case this isn't an RTSP request, so we don't need to go
                // through any of the remaining steps
                if (fInputStream.IsDataPacket()) // can this interfere with MP3?
                    fState = kCleaningUp;
                // In case a module wants to replace the request
                char* theReplacedRequest = NULL;
                char* oldReplacedRequest = NULL;
                // Setup the filter param block
                QTSS_RoleParams theFilterParams;
                theFilterParams.rtspFilterParams.inRTSPSession = this;
                theFilterParams.rtspFilterParams.inRTSPRequest = fRequest;
                theFilterParams.rtspFilterParams.outNewRequest = &theReplacedRequest;
                // Invoke filter modules
                numModules = QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kRTSPFilterRole);
                for (; (fCurrentModule < numModules) && ((!fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent()) || fModuleState.eventRequested); fCurrentModule++)
                    fModuleState.eventRequested = false;
                    fModuleState.idleTime = 0;
                    if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested )
                    {   fModuleState.globalLockRequested = false;
                        fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = true;
                    theModule = QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kRTSPFilterRole, fCurrentModule);
                    (void)theModule->CallDispatch(QTSS_RTSPFilter_Role, &theFilterParams);
                    fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = false;
                    // If this module has requested an event, return and wait for the event to transpire
                    if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested) // call this request back locked
                        return this->CallLocked();
                    if (fModuleState.eventRequested)
                        this->ForceSameThread();    // We are holding mutexes, so we need to force
                                                    // the same thread to be used for next Run()
                        return fModuleState.idleTime; // If the module has requested idle time...
                    // Check to see if this module has replaced the request. If so, check
                    // to see if there is an old replacement that we should delete
                    if (theReplacedRequest != NULL)
                        if (oldReplacedRequest != NULL)
                            delete [] oldReplacedRequest;
                        fRequest->SetVal(qtssRTSPReqFullRequest, theReplacedRequest, ::strlen(theReplacedRequest));
                        oldReplacedRequest = theReplacedRequest;
                        theReplacedRequest = NULL;
                fCurrentModule = 0;
                if (fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent())
                    fState = kPostProcessingRequest;

                if (fSentOptionsRequest && this->ParseOptionsResponse())
                    fRoundTripTime = (SInt32) (OS::Milliseconds() - fOptionsRequestSendTime);
                    //qtss_printf("RTSPSession::Run RTT time = %"_S32BITARG_" msec\n", fRoundTripTime);
                    fState = kSendingResponse;
                // Otherwise, this is a normal request, so parse it and get the RTPSession.
                // This might happen if there is some syntax or other error,
                // or if it is an OPTIONS request
                if (fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent())
                    fState = kPostProcessingRequest;
                fState = kRoutingRequest;
            case kRoutingRequest:
                // Invoke router modules
                numModules = QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kRTSPRouteRole);
                    // Manipulation of the RTPSession from the point of view of
                    // a module is guaranteed to be atomic by the API.
                    Assert(fRTPSession != NULL);
                    OSMutexLocker   locker(fRTPSession->GetSessionMutex());
                    for (; (fCurrentModule < numModules) && ((!fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent()) || fModuleState.eventRequested); fCurrentModule++)
                        fModuleState.eventRequested = false;
                        fModuleState.idleTime = 0;
                        if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested )
                        {   fModuleState.globalLockRequested = false;
                            fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = true;
                        theModule = QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kRTSPRouteRole, fCurrentModule);
                        (void)theModule->CallDispatch(QTSS_RTSPRoute_Role, &fRoleParams);
                        fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = false;

                        if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested) // call this request back locked
                            return this->CallLocked();

                        // If this module has requested an event, return and wait for the event to transpire
                        if (fModuleState.eventRequested)
                            this->ForceSameThread();    // We are holding mutexes, so we need to force
                                                        // the same thread to be used for next Run()
                            return fModuleState.idleTime; // If the module has requested idle time...
                fCurrentModule = 0;
                // SetupAuthLocalPath must happen after kRoutingRequest and before kAuthenticatingRequest
                // placed here so that if the state is shifted to kPostProcessingRequest from a response being sent
                // then the AuthLocalPath will still be set.
                if (fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent())
                    fState = kPostProcessingRequest;
                    // Skip the authentication and authorization states
                    // The foll. normally gets executed at the end of the authorization state 
                    // Prepare for kPreprocessingRequest state.
                    fState = kPreprocessingRequest;

                    if (fRequest->GetMethod() == qtssSetupMethod)
                    // Make sure to erase the session ID stored in the request at this point.
                    // If we fail to do so, this same session would be used if another
                    // SETUP was issued on this same TCP connection.
                        fLastRTPSessionIDPtr.Len = 0;
                    else if (fLastRTPSessionIDPtr.Len == 0)
                        fLastRTPSessionIDPtr.Len = ::strlen(fLastRTPSessionIDPtr.Ptr); 
                    fState = kAuthenticatingRequest;
            case kAuthenticatingRequest:
                Bool16      allowedDefault = QTSServerInterface::GetServer()->GetPrefs()->GetAllowGuestDefault();
                Bool16      allowed = allowedDefault; //server pref?
                Bool16      hasUser = false; 
                Bool16      handled = false;
                Bool16      wasHandled = false;

                StrPtrLenDel prefRealm(QTSServerInterface::GetServer()->GetPrefs()->GetAuthorizationRealm());      
                if (prefRealm.Ptr != NULL)
                    fRequest->SetValue(qtssRTSPReqURLRealm,0, prefRealm.Ptr, prefRealm.Len, kDontObeyReadOnly);

                QTSS_RTSPMethod method = fRequest->GetMethod();
                if (method != qtssIllegalMethod) do  
                {   //Set the request action before calling the authentication module
                    if((method == qtssAnnounceMethod) || ((method == qtssSetupMethod) && fRequest->IsPushRequest()))
                    {   fRequest->SetAction(qtssActionFlagsWrite);
                    void* theSession = NULL;
                    UInt32 theLen = sizeof(theSession);
                    if (QTSS_NoErr == fRTPSession->GetValue(sClientBroadcastSessionAttr, 0,  &theSession, &theLen) )
                    {   fRequest->SetAction(qtssActionFlagsWrite); // an incoming broadcast session

                } while (false);
                {   Assert(0);
                if(fRequest->GetAuthScheme() == qtssAuthNone)
                    QTSS_AuthScheme scheme = QTSServerInterface::GetServer()->GetPrefs()->GetAuthScheme();
                    if( scheme == qtssAuthBasic)
                    else if( scheme == qtssAuthDigest)
                    if( scheme == qtssAuthDigest)
                        debug_printf("RTSPSession.cpp:kAuthenticatingRequest  scheme == qtssAuthDigest\n");
                // Setup the authentication param block
                QTSS_RoleParams theAuthenticationParams;
                theAuthenticationParams.rtspAthnParams.inRTSPRequest = fRequest;
                fModuleState.eventRequested = false;
                fModuleState.idleTime = 0;


                StrPtrLen* lastUsedDigestChallengePtr = this->GetValue(qtssRTSPSesLastDigestChallenge);
                if (lastUsedDigestChallengePtr != NULL)
                    (void) fRequest->SetValue(qtssRTSPReqDigestChallenge,(UInt32) 0,(void *) lastUsedDigestChallengePtr->Ptr,lastUsedDigestChallengePtr->Len, QTSSDictionary::kDontObeyReadOnly);

                numModules = QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kRTSPAthnRole);
                for (fCurrentModule = 0; (fCurrentModule < numModules) && ((!fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent()) || fModuleState.eventRequested); fCurrentModule++)
                    debug_printf("RTSPSession.cpp:kAuthenticatingRequest  fCurrentModule = %lu numModules=%lu\n", fCurrentModule,numModules);
                    fModuleState.eventRequested = false;
                    fModuleState.idleTime = 0;
                    if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested )
                    {   fModuleState.globalLockRequested = false;
                        fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = true;

                    theModule = QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kRTSPAthnRole, fCurrentModule);
                    if (NULL == theModule)
            if (__RTSP_AUTH_DEBUG__)
            {    theModule->GetValue(qtssModName)->PrintStr("QTSSModule::CallDispatch ENTER module=", "\n");

                    (void)theModule->CallDispatch(QTSS_RTSPAuthenticate_Role, &theAuthenticationParams);
                    fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = false;

                    if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested) // call this request back locked
                        return this->CallLocked();
                    // If this module has requested an event, return and wait for the event to transpire
                    if (fModuleState.eventRequested)
                        this->ForceSameThread();    // We are holding mutexes, so we need to force
                                                    // the same thread to be used for next Run()
                        return fModuleState.idleTime; // If the module has requested idle time...

                    allowed = fRequest->GetAllowed();
                    hasUser = fRequest->GetHasUser();
                    handled = fRequest->GetAuthHandled();
                    debug_printf("RTSPSession::Run Role(kAuthenticatingRequest) allowedDefault =%d allowed= %d hasUser = %d handled=%d \n",allowedDefault, allowed,hasUser, handled);
                    if (handled) 
                        wasHandled = handled;
                    if (hasUser || handled ) 
                        debug_printf("RTSPSession.cpp::Run(kAuthenticatingRequest)  skipping other modules fCurrentModule = %lu numModules=%lu\n", fCurrentModule,numModules);

                if (!wasHandled) //don't check and possibly fail the user if it the user has already been checked.
                fCurrentModule = 0;
                if (fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent())
                    fState = kPostProcessingRequest;
                fState = kAuthorizingRequest;
            case kAuthorizingRequest:
                // Invoke authorization modules
                numModules = QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kRTSPAuthRole);
                Bool16      allowedDefault = QTSServerInterface::GetServer()->GetPrefs()->GetAllowGuestDefault();
                Bool16      allowed = true;
                Bool16      hasUser = false;
                Bool16      handled = false;
                QTSS_Error  theErr = QTSS_NoErr;
                // Invoke authorization modules
                // Manipulation of the RTPSession from the point of view of
                // a module is guaranteed to be atomic by the API.
                Assert(fRTPSession != NULL);
                OSMutexLocker   locker(fRTPSession->GetSessionMutex());

                for (; (fCurrentModule < numModules) && ((!fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent()) || fModuleState.eventRequested); fCurrentModule++)
                    debug_printf("RTSPSession.cpp:kAuthorizingRequest  BEFORE DISPATCH fCurrentModule = %lu numModules=%lu\n", fCurrentModule,numModules);

                    fModuleState.eventRequested = false;
                    fModuleState.idleTime = 0;
                    if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested )
                    {   fModuleState.globalLockRequested = false;
                        fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = true;
                    theModule = QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kRTSPAuthRole, fCurrentModule);
                   if (NULL == theModule)
            if (__RTSP_AUTH_DEBUG__)
            {    theModule->GetValue(qtssModName)->PrintStr("QTSSModule::CallDispatch ENTER module=", "\n");

                    (void)theModule->CallDispatch(QTSS_RTSPAuthorize_Role, &fRoleParams);
                    fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = false;

                    if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested) // call this request back locked
                        return this->CallLocked();
                    // If this module has requested an event, return and wait for the event to transpire
                    if (fModuleState.eventRequested)
                        this->ForceSameThread();    // We are holding mutexes, so we need to force
                                                    // the same thread to be used for next Run()
                        return fModuleState.idleTime; // If the module has requested idle time...

                    // allowed != default means a module has set the result
                    // handled means a module wants to be the primary for this request
                    // -- example qtaccess says only allow valid user and allowed default is false.  So module says handled, hasUser is false, allowed is false
                    allowed = fRequest->GetAllowed();
                    hasUser = fRequest->GetHasUser();
                    handled = fRequest->GetAuthHandled();
                    debug_printf("RTSPSession::Run Role(kAuthorizingRequest) allowedDefault =%d allowed= %d hasUser = %d handled=%d \n",allowedDefault, allowed,hasUser, handled);
                    if (!allowed && !handled)  //old module break on !allowed
                        debug_printf("RTSPSession.cpp::Run(kAuthorizingRequest)  skipping other modules fCurrentModule = %lu numModules=%lu\n", fCurrentModule,numModules);
                    if (!allowed && hasUser && handled)  //new module break on !allowed
                        debug_printf("RTSPSession.cpp::Run(kAuthorizingRequest)  skipping other modules fCurrentModule = %lu numModules=%lu\n", fCurrentModule,numModules);


                if (!allowed) 
                    if (false == fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent())
                        QTSS_AuthScheme challengeScheme = fRequest->GetAuthScheme();
                        if( challengeScheme == qtssAuthDigest)
                        {    debug_printf("RTSPSession.cpp:kAuthorizingRequest  scheme == qtssAuthDigest)\n");
                        else if( challengeScheme == qtssAuthBasic)
                        {     debug_printf("RTSPSession.cpp:kAuthorizingRequest  scheme == qtssAuthBasic)\n");

                        if(challengeScheme == qtssAuthBasic) {
                            theErr = fRequest->SendBasicChallenge();
                        else if(challengeScheme == qtssAuthDigest) {
                            fRTPSession->UpdateDigestAuthChallengeParams(false, false, RTSPSessionInterface::kNoQop);
                            theErr = fRequest->SendDigestChallenge(fRTPSession->GetAuthQop(), fRTPSession->GetAuthNonce(), fRTPSession->GetAuthOpaque());
                        else {
                            // No authentication scheme is given and the request was not allowed,
                            // so send a 403: Forbidden message
                            theErr = fRequest->SendForbiddenResponse();
                        if (QTSS_NoErr != theErr) // We had an error so bail on the request quit the session and post process the request.
                            fCurrentModule = 0;
                            fState = kPostProcessingRequest;
                fCurrentModule = 0;
                if (fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent())
                    fState = kPostProcessingRequest;

                // Prepare for kPreprocessingRequest state.
                fState = kPreprocessingRequest;

                if (fRequest->GetMethod() == qtssSetupMethod)
                    // Make sure to erase the session ID stored in the request at this point.
                    // If we fail to do so, this same session would be used if another
                    // SETUP was issued on this same TCP connection.
                    fLastRTPSessionIDPtr.Len = 0;
                 else if (fLastRTPSessionIDPtr.Len == 0)
                    fLastRTPSessionIDPtr.Len = ::strlen(fLastRTPSessionIDPtr.Ptr); 
            case kPreprocessingRequest:
                // Invoke preprocessor modules
                numModules = QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kRTSPPreProcessorRole);
                    // Manipulation of the RTPSession from the point of view of
                    // a module is guarenteed to be atomic by the API.
                    Assert(fRTPSession != NULL);
                    OSMutexLocker   locker(fRTPSession->GetSessionMutex());
                    for (; (fCurrentModule < numModules) && ((!fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent()) || fModuleState.eventRequested); fCurrentModule++)
                        fModuleState.eventRequested = false;
                        fModuleState.idleTime = 0;
                        if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested )
                        {   fModuleState.globalLockRequested = false;
                            fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = true;
                        theModule = QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kRTSPPreProcessorRole, fCurrentModule);
                        (void)theModule->CallDispatch(QTSS_RTSPPreProcessor_Role, &fRoleParams);
                        fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = false;

                        // The way the API is set up currently, the first module that adds a stream
                        // to the session is responsible for sending RTP packets for the session.
                        if (fRTPSession->HasAnRTPStream() && (fRTPSession->GetPacketSendingModule() == NULL))
                        if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested) // call this request back locked
                            return this->CallLocked();

                        // If this module has requested an event, return and wait for the event to transpire
                        if (fModuleState.eventRequested)
                            this->ForceSameThread();    // We are holding mutexes, so we need to force
                                                        // the same thread to be used for next Run()
                            return fModuleState.idleTime; // If the module has requested idle time...
                fCurrentModule = 0;
                if (fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent())
                    fState = kPostProcessingRequest;
                fState = kProcessingRequest;

            case kProcessingRequest:
                // If no preprocessor sends a response, move onto the request processing module. It
                // is ALWAYS supposed to send a response, but if it doesn't, we have a canned error
                // to send back.
                fModuleState.eventRequested = false;
                fModuleState.idleTime = 0;
                if (QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kRTSPRequestRole) > 0)
                    // Manipulation of the RTPSession from the point of view of
                    // a module is guarenteed to be atomic by the API.
                    Assert(fRTPSession != NULL);
                    OSMutexLocker   locker(fRTPSession->GetSessionMutex());
                    if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested )
                    {   fModuleState.globalLockRequested = false;
                        fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = true;

                    theModule = QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kRTSPRequestRole, 0);
                    (void)theModule->CallDispatch(QTSS_RTSPRequest_Role, &fRoleParams);
                    fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = false;

                    // Do the same check as above for the preprocessor
                    if (fRTPSession->HasAnRTPStream() && fRTPSession->GetPacketSendingModule() == NULL)

                    if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested) // call this request back locked
                        return this->CallLocked();

                    // If this module has requested an event, return and wait for the event to transpire
                    if (fModuleState.eventRequested)
                        this->ForceSameThread();    // We are holding mutexes, so we need to force
                                                    // the same thread to be used for next Run()
                        return fModuleState.idleTime; // If the module has requested idle time...

                if (!fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent())
                    // no modules took this one so send back a parameter error
                    if (fRequest->GetMethod() == qtssSetParameterMethod) // keep session
                        QTSS_RTSPStatusCode statusCode = qtssSuccessOK; //qtssClientParameterNotUnderstood;
                        fRequest->SetValue(qtssRTSPReqStatusCode, 0, &statusCode, sizeof(statusCode));
                        QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponse(fRequest, qtssServerInternal, qtssMsgNoModuleForRequest);

                fState = kPostProcessingRequest;

            case kPostProcessingRequest:
                // Post process the request *before* sending the response. Therefore, we
                // will post process regardless of whether the client actually gets our response
                // or not.
                //if this is not a keepalive request, we should kill the session NOW
                fLiveSession = fRequest->GetResponseKeepAlive();
                if (fRTPSession != NULL)
                    // Invoke postprocessor modules only if there is an RTP session. We do NOT want
                    // postprocessors running when filters or syntax errors have occurred in the request!
                    numModules = QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kRTSPPostProcessorRole);
                        // Manipulation of the RTPSession from the point of view of
                        // a module is guarenteed to be atomic by the API.
                        OSMutexLocker   locker(fRTPSession->GetSessionMutex());
                        // Make sure the RTPSession contains a copy of the realStatusCode in this request
                        UInt32 realStatusCode = RTSPProtocol::GetStatusCode(fRequest->GetStatus());
                        (void) fRTPSession->SetValue(qtssCliRTSPReqRealStatusCode,(UInt32) 0,(void *) &realStatusCode, sizeof(realStatusCode), QTSSDictionary::kDontObeyReadOnly);

                        // Make sure the RTPSession contains a copy of the qtssRTSPReqRespMsg in this request
                        StrPtrLen* theRespMsg = fRequest->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqRespMsg);
                        if (theRespMsg->Len > 0)
                            (void)fRTPSession->SetValue(qtssCliRTSPReqRespMsg, 0, theRespMsg->Ptr, theRespMsg->Len, QTSSDictionary::kDontObeyReadOnly);
                        // Set the current RTSP session for this RTP session.
                        // We do this here because we need to make sure the SessionMutex
                        // is grabbed while we do this. Only do this if the RTSP session
                        // is still alive, of course.
                        if (this->IsLiveSession())
                        for (; (fCurrentModule < numModules) ||  (fModuleState.eventRequested) ; fCurrentModule++)
                            fModuleState.eventRequested = false;
                            fModuleState.idleTime = 0;
                            if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested )
                            {   fModuleState.globalLockRequested = false;
                                fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = true;
                            theModule = QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kRTSPPostProcessorRole, fCurrentModule);
                            (void)theModule->CallDispatch(QTSS_RTSPPostProcessor_Role, &fRoleParams);
                            fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = false;
                            if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested) // call this request back locked
                                return this->CallLocked();
                            // If this module has requested an event, return and wait for the event to transpire
                            if (fModuleState.eventRequested)
                                this->ForceSameThread();    // We are holding mutexes, so we need to force
                                                            // the same thread to be used for next Run()
                                return fModuleState.idleTime; // If the module has requested idle time...
                fCurrentModule = 0;
                fState = kSendingResponse;

            case kSendingResponse:
                // Sending the RTSP response consists of making sure the
                // RTSP request output buffer is completely flushed to the socket.
                Assert(fRequest != NULL);
                // If x-dynamic-rate header is sent with a value of 1, send OPTIONS request
                if ((fRequest->GetMethod() == qtssSetupMethod) && (fRequest->GetStatus() == qtssSuccessOK)
                    && (fRequest->GetDynamicRateState() == 1) && fRoundTripTimeCalculation)
                if (fSentOptionsRequest && (fRequest->GetMethod() == qtssIllegalMethod))
                    fSentOptionsRequest = false;
                err = fOutputStream.Flush();
                if (err == EAGAIN)
                    // If we get this error, we are currently flow-controlled and should
                    // wait for the socket to become writeable again
                    this->ForceSameThread();    // We are holding mutexes, so we need to force
                                                // the same thread to be used for next Run()
                    return 0;
                else if (err != QTSS_NoErr)
                    // Any other error means that the client has disconnected, right?
                fState = kCleaningUp;
            case kCleaningUp:
                // Cleaning up consists of making sure we've read all the incoming Request Body
                // data off of the socket
                if (this->GetRemainingReqBodyLen() > 0)
                    err = this->DumpRequestData();
                    if (err == EAGAIN)
                        this->ForceSameThread();    // We are holding mutexes, so we need to force
                                                    // the same thread to be used for next Run()
                        return 0;
                // If we've gotten here, we've flushed all the data. Cleanup,
                // and wait for our next request!
                fState = kReadingRequest;
    // Make absolutely sure there are no resources being occupied by the session
    // at this point.

    // Only delete if it is ok to delete!
    if (fObjectHolders == 0)
        return -1;

    // If we are here because of a timeout, but we can't delete because someone
    // is holding onto a reference to this session, just reschedule the timeout.
    // At this point, however, the session is DEAD.
    return 0;

