
  1. 下载

    npm install ionic-native-transitions –save

  2. 安装

    cordova plugin add

  3. 引入

  4. 如果是ios9,页面切换抖动,则安装

    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-wkwebvie

  5. 注入

    angular.module('yourApp', [ 
  6. 配置

           duration: 400, // in milliseconds (ms), default 400, 
           slowdownfactor: 4, // overlap views (higher number is more) or no overlap (1), default 4 
           iosdelay: -1, // ms to wait for the iOS webview to update before animation kicks in, default -1 
           androiddelay: -1, // same as above but for Android, default -1 
           winphonedelay: -1, // same as above but for Windows Phone, default -1, 
           fixedPixelsTop: 0, // the number of pixels of your fixed header, default 0 (iOS and Android) 
           fixedPixelsBottom: 0 // the number of pixels of your fixed footer (f.i. a tab bar), default 0 (iOS and Android) 
           triggerTransitionEvent: '$ionicView.afterEnter', // internal ionic-native-transitions option 
           backInOppositeDirection: false // Takes over default back transition and state back transition to use the opposite direction transition to go back 
           type: 'slide', 
           direction: 'left' 
           type: 'slide', 
           direction: 'right' 
  7. 其他参考 或者pdf


.config(function($ionicConfigProvider) {

  // Or for only a single platform, use
  // if( ionic.Platform.isAndroid() ) {
    // $ionicConfigProvider.scrolling.jsScrolling(false);
  // }


  1. 安装

    bower install –save angular-cache

  2. 注入

    angular.module(‘myApp’, [‘angular-cache’])

  3. 使用

    .controller('Posts', function (CacheFactory) {
    if (!CacheFactory.get('postCache')) {
    var postCache = CacheFactory.get('postCache');
    // Cache a post
    postCache.put(id, data);
    // Delete from cache
    // Get a post
    $ = postCache.get(id);
  4. 详情请看

使用Crosswalk WebView

  1. 安装

    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview

  2. 如果使用了第一步优化,在config.xml加入


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