1. 源由




2. AP_GPS类

class AP_GPS
    friend class AP_GPS_ERB;
    friend class AP_GPS_GSOF;
    friend class AP_GPS_MAV;
    friend class AP_GPS_MSP;
    friend class AP_GPS_ExternalAHRS;
    friend class AP_GPS_NMEA;
    friend class AP_GPS_NOVA;
    friend class AP_GPS_PX4;
    friend class AP_GPS_SBF;
    friend class AP_GPS_SBP;
    friend class AP_GPS_SBP2;
    friend class AP_GPS_SIRF;
    friend class AP_GPS_UBLOX;
    friend class AP_GPS_Backend;
    friend class AP_GPS_DroneCAN;


    /* Do not allow copies */

    static AP_GPS *get_singleton() {
        return _singleton;

    // allow threads to lock against GPS update
    HAL_Semaphore &get_semaphore(void) {
        return rsem;
    // GPS driver types
    enum GPS_Type {
        GPS_TYPE_NONE  = 0,
        GPS_TYPE_AUTO  = 1,
        GPS_TYPE_UBLOX = 2,
        // GPS_TYPE_MTK   = 3,  // driver removed
        // GPS_TYPE_MTK19 = 4,  // driver removed
        GPS_TYPE_NMEA  = 5,
        GPS_TYPE_SIRF  = 6,
        GPS_TYPE_HIL   = 7,
        GPS_TYPE_SBP   = 8,
        GPS_TYPE_UAVCAN = 9,
        GPS_TYPE_SBF   = 10,
        GPS_TYPE_GSOF  = 11,
        GPS_TYPE_ERB = 13,
        GPS_TYPE_MAV = 14,
        GPS_TYPE_NOVA = 15,
        GPS_TYPE_HEMI = 16, // hemisphere NMEA
        GPS_TYPE_MSP = 19,
        GPS_TYPE_ALLYSTAR = 20, // AllyStar NMEA
        GPS_TYPE_SITL = 100,

    /// GPS status codes.  These are kept aligned with MAVLink by
    /// static_assert in AP_GPS.cpp
    enum GPS_Status {
        NO_GPS = 0,                  ///< No GPS connected/detected
        NO_FIX = 1,                  ///< Receiving valid GPS messages but no lock
        GPS_OK_FIX_2D = 2,           ///< Receiving valid messages and 2D lock
        GPS_OK_FIX_3D = 3,           ///< Receiving valid messages and 3D lock
        GPS_OK_FIX_3D_DGPS = 4,      ///< Receiving valid messages and 3D lock with differential improvements
        GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FLOAT = 5, ///< Receiving valid messages and 3D RTK Float
        GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FIXED = 6, ///< Receiving valid messages and 3D RTK Fixed

    // GPS navigation engine settings. Not all GPS receivers support
    // this
    enum GPS_Engine_Setting {
        GPS_ENGINE_NONE        = -1,
        GPS_ENGINE_PORTABLE    = 0,
        GPS_ENGINE_SEA         = 5,

    // role for auto-config
    enum GPS_Role {

    // GPS Covariance Types matching ROS2 sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix
    enum class CovarianceType : uint8_t {
        UNKNOWN = 0,  ///< The GPS does not support any accuracy metrics
        APPROXIMATED = 1,  ///< The accuracy is approximated through metrics such as HDOP/VDOP
        DIAGONAL_KNOWN = 2, ///< The diagonal (east, north, up) components of covariance are reported by the GPS
        KNOWN = 3, ///< The full covariance array is reported by the GPS

      The GPS_State structure is filled in by the backend driver as it
      parses each message from the GPS.
    struct GPS_State {
        uint8_t instance; // the instance number of this GPS

        // all the following fields must all be filled by the backend driver
        GPS_Status status;                  ///< driver fix status
        uint32_t time_week_ms;              ///< GPS time (milliseconds from start of GPS week)
        uint16_t time_week;                 ///< GPS week number
        Location location;                  ///< last fix location
        float ground_speed;                 ///< ground speed in m/s
        float ground_course;                ///< ground course in degrees
        float gps_yaw;                      ///< GPS derived yaw information, if available (degrees)
        uint32_t gps_yaw_time_ms;           ///< timestamp of last GPS yaw reading
        bool  gps_yaw_configured;           ///< GPS is configured to provide yaw
        uint16_t hdop;                      ///< horizontal dilution of precision in cm
        uint16_t vdop;                      ///< vertical dilution of precision in cm
        uint8_t num_sats;                   ///< Number of visible satellites
        Vector3f velocity;                  ///< 3D velocity in m/s, in NED format
        float speed_accuracy;               ///< 3D velocity RMS accuracy estimate in m/s
        float horizontal_accuracy;          ///< horizontal RMS accuracy estimate in m
        float vertical_accuracy;            ///< vertical RMS accuracy estimate in m
        float gps_yaw_accuracy;           ///< heading accuracy of the GPS in degrees
        bool have_vertical_velocity;      ///< does GPS give vertical velocity? Set to true only once available.
        bool have_speed_accuracy;         ///< does GPS give speed accuracy? Set to true only once available.
        bool have_horizontal_accuracy;    ///< does GPS give horizontal position accuracy? Set to true only once available.
        bool have_vertical_accuracy;      ///< does GPS give vertical position accuracy? Set to true only once available.
        bool have_gps_yaw;                ///< does GPS give yaw? Set to true only once available.
        bool have_gps_yaw_accuracy;       ///< does the GPS give a heading accuracy estimate? Set to true only once available
        float undulation;                   //<height that WGS84 is above AMSL at the current location
        bool have_undulation;               ///<do we have a value for the undulation
        uint32_t last_gps_time_ms;          ///< the system time we got the last GPS timestamp, milliseconds
        uint64_t last_corrected_gps_time_us;///< the system time we got the last corrected GPS timestamp, microseconds
        bool corrected_timestamp_updated;  ///< true if the corrected timestamp has been updated
        uint32_t lagged_sample_count;       ///< number of samples with 50ms more lag than expected

        // all the following fields must only all be filled by RTK capable backend drivers
        uint32_t rtk_time_week_ms;         ///< GPS Time of Week of last baseline in milliseconds
        uint16_t rtk_week_number;          ///< GPS Week Number of last baseline
        uint32_t rtk_age_ms;               ///< GPS age of last baseline correction in milliseconds  (0 when no corrections, 0xFFFFFFFF indicates overflow)
        uint8_t  rtk_num_sats;             ///< Current number of satellites used for RTK calculation
        uint8_t  rtk_baseline_coords_type; ///< Coordinate system of baseline. 0 == ECEF, 1 == NED
        int32_t  rtk_baseline_x_mm;        ///< Current baseline in ECEF x or NED north component in mm
        int32_t  rtk_baseline_y_mm;        ///< Current baseline in ECEF y or NED east component in mm
        int32_t  rtk_baseline_z_mm;        ///< Current baseline in ECEF z or NED down component in mm
        uint32_t rtk_accuracy;             ///< Current estimate of 3D baseline accuracy (receiver dependent, typical 0 to 9999)
        int32_t  rtk_iar_num_hypotheses;   ///< Current number of integer ambiguity hypotheses
        // UBX Relative Position and Heading message information
        float relPosHeading;               ///< Reported Heading in degrees
        float relPosLength;                ///< Reported Position horizontal distance in meters
        float relPosD;                     ///< Reported Vertical distance in meters
        float accHeading;                  ///< Reported Heading Accuracy in degrees
        uint32_t relposheading_ts;        ///< True if new data has been received since last time it was false

    /// Startup initialisation.
    void init(const class AP_SerialManager& serial_manager);

    /// Update GPS state based on possible bytes received from the module.
    /// This routine must be called periodically (typically at 10Hz or
    /// more) to process incoming data.
    void update(void);

    // Pass mavlink data to message handlers (for MAV type)
    void handle_msg(const mavlink_message_t &msg);
    void handle_msp(const MSP::msp_gps_data_message_t &pkt);
    void handle_external(const AP_ExternalAHRS::gps_data_message_t &pkt);

    // Accessor functions

    // return number of active GPS sensors. Note that if the first GPS
    // is not present but the 2nd is then we return 2. Note that a blended
    // GPS solution is treated as an additional sensor.
    uint8_t num_sensors(void) const;

    // Return the index of the primary sensor which is the index of the sensor contributing to
    // the output. A blended solution is available as an additional instance
    uint8_t primary_sensor(void) const {
        return primary_instance;

    /// Query GPS status
    GPS_Status status(uint8_t instance) const {
        if (_force_disable_gps && state[instance].status > NO_FIX) {
            return NO_FIX;
        return state[instance].status;
    GPS_Status status(void) const {
        return status(primary_instance);

    // return a single human-presentable character representing the
    // fix type.  For space-constrained human-readable displays
    char status_onechar(void) const {
        switch (status()) {
        case AP_GPS::NO_GPS:
            return ' ';
        case AP_GPS::NO_FIX:
            return '-';
        case AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D:
            return '2';
        case AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D:
            return '3';
        case AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_DGPS:
            return '4';
        case AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FLOAT:
            return '5';
        case AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FIXED:
            return '6';
        // should never reach here; compiler flags guarantees this.
        return '?';

    // Query the highest status this GPS supports (always reports GPS_OK_FIX_3D for the blended GPS)
    GPS_Status highest_supported_status(uint8_t instance) const WARN_IF_UNUSED;

    // location of last fix
    const Location &location(uint8_t instance) const {
        return state[instance].location;
    const Location &location() const {
        return location(primary_instance);

    // get the difference between WGS84 and AMSL. A positive value means
    // the AMSL height is higher than WGS84 ellipsoid height
    bool get_undulation(uint8_t instance, float &undulation) const;

    // get the difference between WGS84 and AMSL. A positive value means
    // the AMSL height is higher than WGS84 ellipsoid height
    bool get_undulation(float &undulation) const {
        return get_undulation(primary_instance, undulation);

    // report speed accuracy
    bool speed_accuracy(uint8_t instance, float &sacc) const;
    bool speed_accuracy(float &sacc) const {
        return speed_accuracy(primary_instance, sacc);

    bool horizontal_accuracy(uint8_t instance, float &hacc) const;
    bool horizontal_accuracy(float &hacc) const {
        return horizontal_accuracy(primary_instance, hacc);

    bool vertical_accuracy(uint8_t instance, float &vacc) const;
    bool vertical_accuracy(float &vacc) const {
        return vertical_accuracy(primary_instance, vacc);

    CovarianceType position_covariance(const uint8_t instance, Matrix3f& cov) const WARN_IF_UNUSED;

    // 3D velocity in NED format
    const Vector3f &velocity(uint8_t instance) const {
        return state[instance].velocity;
    const Vector3f &velocity() const {
        return velocity(primary_instance);

    // ground speed in m/s
    float ground_speed(uint8_t instance) const {
        return state[instance].ground_speed;
    float ground_speed() const {
        return ground_speed(primary_instance);

    // ground speed in cm/s
    uint32_t ground_speed_cm(void) const {
        return ground_speed() * 100;

    // ground course in degrees
    float ground_course(uint8_t instance) const {
        return state[instance].ground_course;
    float ground_course() const {
        return ground_course(primary_instance);
    // ground course in centi-degrees
    int32_t ground_course_cd(uint8_t instance) const {
        return ground_course(instance) * 100;
    int32_t ground_course_cd() const {
        return ground_course_cd(primary_instance);

    // yaw in degrees if available
    bool gps_yaw_deg(uint8_t instance, float &yaw_deg, float &accuracy_deg, uint32_t &time_ms) const;
    bool gps_yaw_deg(float &yaw_deg, float &accuracy_deg, uint32_t &time_ms) const {
        return gps_yaw_deg(primary_instance, yaw_deg, accuracy_deg, time_ms);

    // number of locked satellites
    uint8_t num_sats(uint8_t instance) const {
        return state[instance].num_sats;
    uint8_t num_sats() const {
        return num_sats(primary_instance);

    // GPS time of week in milliseconds
    uint32_t time_week_ms(uint8_t instance) const {
        return state[instance].time_week_ms;
    uint32_t time_week_ms() const {
        return time_week_ms(primary_instance);

    // GPS week
    uint16_t time_week(uint8_t instance) const {
        return state[instance].time_week;
    uint16_t time_week() const {
        return time_week(primary_instance);

    // horizontal dilution of precision
    uint16_t get_hdop(uint8_t instance) const {
        return state[instance].hdop;
    uint16_t get_hdop() const {
        return get_hdop(primary_instance);

    // vertical dilution of precision
    uint16_t get_vdop(uint8_t instance) const {
        return state[instance].vdop;
    uint16_t get_vdop() const {
        return get_vdop(primary_instance);

    // the time we got our last fix in system milliseconds. This is
    // used when calculating how far we might have moved since that fix
    uint32_t last_fix_time_ms(uint8_t instance) const {
        return timing[instance].last_fix_time_ms;
    uint32_t last_fix_time_ms(void) const {
        return last_fix_time_ms(primary_instance);

    // the time we last processed a message in milliseconds. This is
    // used to indicate that we have new GPS data to process
    uint32_t last_message_time_ms(uint8_t instance) const {
        return timing[instance].last_message_time_ms;
    uint32_t last_message_time_ms(void) const {
        return last_message_time_ms(primary_instance);

    // system time delta between the last two reported positions
    uint16_t last_message_delta_time_ms(uint8_t instance) const {
        return timing[instance].delta_time_ms;
    uint16_t last_message_delta_time_ms(void) const {
        return last_message_delta_time_ms(primary_instance);

    // return true if the GPS supports vertical velocity values
    bool have_vertical_velocity(uint8_t instance) const {
        return state[instance].have_vertical_velocity;
    bool have_vertical_velocity(void) const {
        return have_vertical_velocity(primary_instance);

    // return true if the GPS currently has yaw available
    bool have_gps_yaw(uint8_t instance) const {
        return !_force_disable_gps_yaw && state[instance].have_gps_yaw;
    bool have_gps_yaw(void) const {
        return have_gps_yaw(primary_instance);

    // return true if the GPS is configured to provide yaw. This will
    // be true if we expect the GPS to provide yaw, even if it
    // currently is not able to provide yaw
    bool have_gps_yaw_configured(uint8_t instance) const {
        return state[instance].gps_yaw_configured;
    // the expected lag (in seconds) in the position and velocity readings from the gps
    // return true if the GPS hardware configuration is known or the lag parameter has been set manually
    bool get_lag(uint8_t instance, float &lag_sec) const;
    bool get_lag(float &lag_sec) const {
        return get_lag(primary_instance, lag_sec);

    // return a 3D vector defining the offset of the GPS antenna in meters relative to the body frame origin
    const Vector3f &get_antenna_offset(uint8_t instance) const;

    // lock out a GPS port, allowing another application to use the port
    void lock_port(uint8_t instance, bool locked);

    //MAVLink Status Sending
    void send_mavlink_gps_raw(mavlink_channel_t chan);
    void send_mavlink_gps2_raw(mavlink_channel_t chan);

    void send_mavlink_gps_rtk(mavlink_channel_t chan, uint8_t inst);

    // Returns true if there is an unconfigured GPS, and provides the instance number of the first non configured GPS
    bool first_unconfigured_gps(uint8_t &instance) const WARN_IF_UNUSED;
    void broadcast_first_configuration_failure_reason(void) const;

    // pre-arm check that all GPSs are close to each other.  farthest distance between GPSs (in meters) is returned
    bool all_consistent(float &distance) const;

    // pre-arm check of GPS blending.  False if blending is unhealthy, True if healthy or blending is not being used
    bool blend_health_check() const;

    // handle sending of initialisation strings to the GPS - only used by backends
    void send_blob_start(uint8_t instance);
    void send_blob_start(uint8_t instance, const char *_blob, uint16_t size);
    void send_blob_update(uint8_t instance);

    // return last fix time since the 1/1/1970 in microseconds
    uint64_t time_epoch_usec(uint8_t instance) const;
    uint64_t time_epoch_usec(void) const {
        return time_epoch_usec(primary_instance);

    uint64_t last_message_epoch_usec(uint8_t instance) const;
    uint64_t last_message_epoch_usec() const {
        return last_message_epoch_usec(primary_instance);

    // convert GPS week and millis to unix epoch in ms
    static uint64_t istate_time_to_epoch_ms(uint16_t gps_week, uint32_t gps_ms);

    static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];

    void Write_AP_Logger_Log_Startup_messages();

    // indicate which bit in LOG_BITMASK indicates gps logging enabled
    void set_log_gps_bit(uint32_t bit) { _log_gps_bit = bit; }

    // report if the gps is healthy (this is defined as existing, an update at a rate greater than 4Hz,
    // as well as any driver specific behaviour)
    bool is_healthy(uint8_t instance) const;
    bool is_healthy(void) const { return is_healthy(primary_instance); }

    // returns true if all GPS instances have passed all final arming checks/state changes
    bool prepare_for_arming(void);

    // returns true if all GPS backend drivers haven't seen any failure
    // this is for backends to be able to spout pre arm error messages
    bool backends_healthy(char failure_msg[], uint16_t failure_msg_len);

    // returns false if any GPS drivers are not performing their logging appropriately
    bool logging_failed(void) const;

    bool logging_present(void) const { return _raw_data != 0; }
    bool logging_enabled(void) const { return _raw_data != 0; }

    // used to disable GPS for GPS failure testing in flight
    void force_disable(bool disable) {
        _force_disable_gps = disable;

    // used to disable GPS yaw for GPS failure testing in flight
    void set_force_disable_yaw(bool disable) {
        _force_disable_gps_yaw = disable;

    // handle possibly fragmented RTCM injection data
    void handle_gps_rtcm_fragment(uint8_t flags, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len);

    // get configured type by instance
    GPS_Type get_type(uint8_t instance) const {
        return instance>=GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS? GPS_Type::GPS_TYPE_NONE : GPS_Type(_type[instance].get());

    // get iTOW, if supported, zero otherwie
    uint32_t get_itow(uint8_t instance) const;

    bool get_error_codes(uint8_t instance, uint32_t &error_codes) const;
    bool get_error_codes(uint32_t &error_codes) const { return get_error_codes(primary_instance, error_codes); }

    enum class SBAS_Mode : int8_t {
        Disabled = 0,
        Enabled = 1,
        DoNotChange = 2,

    // methods used by UAVCAN GPS driver and AP_Periph for moving baseline
    void inject_MBL_data(uint8_t* data, uint16_t length);
    void get_RelPosHeading(uint32_t &timestamp, float &relPosHeading, float &relPosLength, float &relPosD, float &accHeading);
    bool get_RTCMV3(const uint8_t *&bytes, uint16_t &len);
    void clear_RTCMV3();


    // configuration parameters
    AP_Int8 _type[GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS];
    AP_Int8 _navfilter;
    AP_Int8 _auto_switch;
    AP_Int8 _min_dgps;
    AP_Int16 _sbp_logmask;
    AP_Int8 _inject_to;
    uint32_t _last_instance_swap_ms;
    AP_Enum<SBAS_Mode> _sbas_mode;
    AP_Int8 _min_elevation;
    AP_Int8 _raw_data;
    AP_Int8 _gnss_mode[GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS];
    AP_Int16 _rate_ms[GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS];   // this parameter should always be accessed using get_rate_ms()
    AP_Int8 _save_config;
    AP_Int8 _auto_config;
    AP_Vector3f _antenna_offset[GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS];
    AP_Int16 _delay_ms[GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS];
    AP_Int8  _com_port[GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS];
    AP_Int8 _blend_mask;
    AP_Float _blend_tc;
    AP_Int16 _driver_options;
    AP_Int8 _primary;
    AP_Int32 _node_id[GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS];
    AP_Int32 _override_node_id[GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS];
    MovingBase mb_params[GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS];

    uint32_t _log_gps_bit = -1;

    enum DriverOptions : int16_t {
        UBX_MBUseUart2    = (1U << 0U),
        SBF_UseBaseForYaw = (1U << 1U),
        UBX_Use115200     = (1U << 2U),
        UAVCAN_MBUseDedicatedBus  = (1 << 3U),
        HeightEllipsoid   = (1U << 4),

    // check if an option is set
    bool option_set(const DriverOptions option) const {
        return (uint8_t(_driver_options.get()) & uint8_t(option)) != 0;

    static AP_GPS *_singleton;
    HAL_Semaphore rsem;

    // returns the desired gps update rate in milliseconds
    // this does not provide any guarantee that the GPS is updating at the requested
    // rate it is simply a helper for use in the backends for determining what rate
    // they should be configuring the GPS to run at
    uint16_t get_rate_ms(uint8_t instance) const;

    struct GPS_timing {
        // the time we got our last fix in system milliseconds
        uint32_t last_fix_time_ms;

        // the time we got our last message in system milliseconds
        uint32_t last_message_time_ms;

        // delta time between the last pair of GPS updates in system milliseconds
        uint16_t delta_time_ms;

        // count of delayed frames
        uint8_t delayed_count;

        // the average time delta
        float average_delta_ms;
    // Note allowance for an additional instance to contain blended data
    GPS_timing timing[GPS_MAX_INSTANCES];
    GPS_State state[GPS_MAX_INSTANCES];
    AP_GPS_Backend *drivers[GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS];

    /// primary GPS instance
    uint8_t primary_instance;

    /// number of GPS instances present
    uint8_t num_instances;

    // which ports are locked
    uint8_t locked_ports;

    // state of auto-detection process, per instance
    struct detect_state {
        uint32_t last_baud_change_ms;
        uint8_t current_baud;
        bool auto_detected_baud;
        struct UBLOX_detect_state ublox_detect_state;
        struct SIRF_detect_state sirf_detect_state;
        struct NMEA_detect_state nmea_detect_state;
        struct SBP_detect_state sbp_detect_state;
        struct SBP2_detect_state sbp2_detect_state;
        struct ERB_detect_state erb_detect_state;
    } detect_state[GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS];

    struct {
        const char *blob;
        uint16_t remaining;
    } initblob_state[GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS];

    static const uint32_t  _baudrates[];
    static const char _initialisation_blob[];
    static const char _initialisation_raw_blob[];

    void detect_instance(uint8_t instance);
    // run detection step for one GPS instance. If this finds a GPS then it
    // will return it - otherwise nullptr
    AP_GPS_Backend *_detect_instance(uint8_t instance);

    void update_instance(uint8_t instance);

      buffer for re-assembling RTCM data for GPS injection.
      The 8 bit flags field in GPS_RTCM_DATA is interpreted as:
              1 bit for "is fragmented"
              2 bits for fragment number
              5 bits for sequence number

      The rtcm_buffer is allocated on first use. Once a block of data
      is successfully reassembled it is injected into all active GPS
      backends. This assumes we don't want more than 4*180=720 bytes
      in a RTCM data block
    struct rtcm_buffer {
        uint8_t fragments_received;
        uint8_t sequence;
        uint8_t fragment_count;
        uint16_t total_length;
        uint8_t buffer[MAVLINK_MSG_GPS_RTCM_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN*4];
    } *rtcm_buffer;

    struct {
        uint16_t fragments_used;
        uint16_t fragments_discarded;
    } rtcm_stats;

    // re-assemble GPS_RTCM_DATA message
    void handle_gps_rtcm_data(const mavlink_message_t &msg);
    void handle_gps_inject(const mavlink_message_t &msg);

    //Inject a packet of raw binary to a GPS
    void inject_data(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);
    void inject_data(uint8_t instance, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);

    // GPS blending and switching
    Vector3f _blended_antenna_offset; // blended antenna offset
    float _blended_lag_sec; // blended receiver lag in seconds
    float _blend_weights[GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS]; // blend weight for each GPS. The blend weights must sum to 1.0 across all instances.
    float _omega_lpf; // cutoff frequency in rad/sec of LPF applied to position offsets
    bool _output_is_blended; // true when a blended GPS solution being output
    uint8_t _blend_health_counter;  // 0 = perfectly health, 100 = very unhealthy

    // calculate the blend weight.  Returns true if blend could be calculated, false if not
    bool calc_blend_weights(void);

    // calculate the blended state
    void calc_blended_state(void);

    bool should_log() const;

    bool needs_uart(GPS_Type type) const;

    /// Update primary instance
    void update_primary(void);

    // helper function for mavlink gps yaw
    uint16_t gps_yaw_cdeg(uint8_t instance) const;

    // Auto configure types
    enum GPS_AUTO_CONFIG {

    enum class GPSAutoSwitch {
        NONE        = 0,
        USE_BEST    = 1,
        BLEND       = 2,
        //USE_SECOND  = 3, deprecated for new primary param
        USE_PRIMARY_IF_3D_FIX = 4,

    // used for flight testing with GPS loss
    bool _force_disable_gps;

    // used for flight testing with GPS yaw loss
    bool _force_disable_gps_yaw;

    // logging support
    void Write_GPS(uint8_t instance);


2.1 GPS_Type

支持的GPS类型种类繁多,通常我们常听说的应该是 NMEA/UBLOX/MSP,除此之外ArduPilot还支持以下类型:

    // GPS driver types
    enum GPS_Type {
        GPS_TYPE_NONE  = 0,
        GPS_TYPE_AUTO  = 1,
        GPS_TYPE_UBLOX = 2,
        // GPS_TYPE_MTK   = 3,  // driver removed
        // GPS_TYPE_MTK19 = 4,  // driver removed
        GPS_TYPE_NMEA  = 5,
        GPS_TYPE_SIRF  = 6,
        GPS_TYPE_HIL   = 7,
        GPS_TYPE_SBP   = 8,
        GPS_TYPE_UAVCAN = 9,
        GPS_TYPE_SBF   = 10,
        GPS_TYPE_GSOF  = 11,
        GPS_TYPE_ERB = 13,
        GPS_TYPE_MAV = 14,
        GPS_TYPE_NOVA = 15,
        GPS_TYPE_HEMI = 16, // hemisphere NMEA
        GPS_TYPE_MSP = 19,
        GPS_TYPE_ALLYSTAR = 20, // AllyStar NMEA
        GPS_TYPE_SITL = 100,

2.2 GPS_Status



    /// GPS status codes.  These are kept aligned with MAVLink by
    /// static_assert in AP_GPS.cpp
    enum GPS_Status {
        NO_GPS = 0,                  ///< No GPS connected/detected
        NO_FIX = 1,                  ///< Receiving valid GPS messages but no lock
        GPS_OK_FIX_2D = 2,           ///< Receiving valid messages and 2D lock
        GPS_OK_FIX_3D = 3,           ///< Receiving valid messages and 3D lock
        GPS_OK_FIX_3D_DGPS = 4,      ///< Receiving valid messages and 3D lock with differential improvements
        GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FLOAT = 5, ///< Receiving valid messages and 3D RTK Float
        GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FIXED = 6, ///< Receiving valid messages and 3D RTK Fixed

3. AP_GPS类方法

3.1 AP_GPS类初始化


 └──> init_ardupilot
     └──> AP_GPS::init


 ├──> <(_auto_switch.get() == 3) && !_primary.configured()>  // Set new primary param based on old auto_switch use second option
 │   ├──> _primary.set_and_save(1)
 │   └──> _auto_switch.set_and_save(0)
 ├──> [search for serial ports with gps protocol]
 ├──> _omega_lpf = 1.0f / constrain_float(_blend_tc, 5.0f, 30.0f)  // Initialise class variables used to do GPS blending
 ├──> [prep the state instance fields]
 └──> [sanity check update rate]

3.2 AP_GPS任务

SCHED_TASK_CLASS(AP_GPS,               &copter.gps,                 update,          50, 200,   9),


 ├──> update_instance //将GPS实例进行逐一更新
 ├──> [calculate number of instances] num_instances
 ├──> <HAL_LOGGING_ENABLED> <primary_instance != old_primary>
 │   └──> AP::logger().Write_Event(LogEvent::GPS_PRIMARY_CHANGED)
 └──> <HAL_BUILD_AP_PERIPH> // update notify with gps status. We always base this on the primary_instance
     ├──> AP_Notify::flags.gps_status = state[primary_instance].status;
     └──> AP_Notify::flags.gps_num_sats = state[primary_instance].num_sats;

3.3 AP_GPS动态维护


 ├──> <_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_HIL> // in HIL, leave info alone
 │   └──> return
 ├──> <_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_NONE> // not enabled
 │   ├──> state[instance].status = NO_GPS;
 │   ├──> state[instance].hdop = GPS_UNKNOWN_DOP;
 │   └──> state[instance].vdop = GPS_UNKNOWN_DOP;
 ├──> <locked_ports & (1U<<instance)> // the port is locked by another driver
 │   └──> return
 ├──> <drivers[instance] == nullptr> // we don't yet know the GPS type of this one, or it has timed out and needs to be re-initialised
 │   ├──> detect_instance(instance)  // GPS实例如果在总线上发现,则进行实例初始化
 │   └──> return
 ├──> <_auto_config >= GPS_AUTO_CONFIG_ENABLE_SERIAL_ONLY> 
 │   └──> send_blob_update(instance)
 │   // we have an active driver for this instance
 ├──> bool result = drivers[instance]->read()
 ├──> uint32_t tnow = AP_HAL::millis()
 ├──> [if we did not get a message, and the idle timer of 4 seconds has expired, re-initialise the GPS. This will cause GPS detection to run again]
 │   ├──> memset((void *)&state[instance], 0, sizeof(state[instance]));
 │   ├──> state[instance].instance = instance
 │   ├──> state[instance].hdop = GPS_UNKNOWN_DOP
 │   ├──> state[instance].vdop = GPS_UNKNOWN_DOP
 │   ├──> timing[instance].last_message_time_ms = tnow
 │   ├──> timing[instance].delta_time_ms = GPS_TIMEOUT_MS;
 │   ├──> <GPS_TYPE_MAV/GPS_TYPE_UAVCAN/GPS_TYPE_UAVCAN_RTK_BASE/GPS_TYPE_UAVCAN_RTK_ROVER>  // do not try to detect again if type is MAV or UAVCAN
 │   │   └──> state[instance].status = NO_FIX
 │   ├──> <GPS_TYPE others> // free the driver before we run the next detection, so we don't end up with two allocated at any time
 │   │   ├──> delete drivers[instance]
 │   │   ├──> drivers[instance] = nullptr
 │   │   └──> state[instance].status = NO_GPS
 │   └──> data_should_be_logged = true
 ├──> [Get GPS data]
 │   ├──> <state[instance].corrected_timestamp_updated>
 │   │      // set the timestamp for this messages based on
 │   │      // set_uart_timestamp() or per specific transport in backend
 │   │      // , if available
 │   │   ├──> tnow = state[instance].last_corrected_gps_time_us/1000U;
 │   │   └──> state[instance].corrected_timestamp_updated = false
 │   ├──> [delta will only be correct after parsing two messages]
 │   │   ├──> timing[instance].delta_time_ms = tnow - timing[instance].last_message_time_ms;
 │   │   └──> timing[instance].last_message_time_ms = tnow
 │   ├──> <state[instance].status >= GPS_OK_FIX_2D && !_force_disable_gps>   // if GPS disabled for flight testing then don't update fix timing value
 │   │   └──> timing[instance].last_fix_time_ms = tnow
 │   └──> data_should_be_logged = true
 └──> <GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS > 1> <drivers[instance] && _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_UBLOX_RTK_BASE)> 
     └──> <drivers[instance]->get_RTCMV3(rtcm_data, rtcm_len)>
         └──> for (uint8_t i=0; i< GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS; i++) {
             └──> <i != instance && _type[i] == GPS_TYPE_UBLOX_RTK_ROVER>  // pass the data to the rover
                 ├──> inject_data(i, rtcm_data, rtcm_len);
                 ├──> drivers[instance]->clear_RTCMV3();
                 └──> break;

3.4 GPS实例初始化


 ├──> const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis()
 ├──> state[instance].status = NO_GPS
 ├──> state[instance].hdop = GPS_UNKNOWN_DOP
 ├──> state[instance].vdop = GPS_UNKNOWN_DOP
 ├──> AP_GPS_Backend *new_gps = _detect_instance(instance)
 ├──> <new_gps == nullptr> return
 ├──> state[instance].status = NO_FIX
 ├──> drivers[instance] = new_gps
 ├──> timing[instance].last_message_time_ms = now
 ├──> timing[instance].delta_time_ms = GPS_TIMEOUT_MS
 └──> new_gps->broadcast_gps_type()

3.5 GPS实例发现


 ├──> <GPS_TYPE_MAV>
 │   ├──> dstate->auto_detected_baud = false; // specified, not detected
 │   └──> return new AP_GPS_MAV(*this, state[instance], nullptr);
 │   ├──> dstate->auto_detected_baud = false; // specified, not detected
 │   └──> return AP_GPS_DroneCAN::probe(*this, state[instance]);
 ├──> <GPS_TYPE_MSP>
 │   ├──> dstate->auto_detected_baud = false; // specified, not detected
 │   └──> return new AP_GPS_MSP(*this, state[instance], nullptr);
 │   ├──> dstate->auto_detected_baud = false; // specified, not detected
 │   └──> return new AP_GPS_ExternalAHRS(*this, state[instance], nullptr);
 ├──> <_port[instance] == nullptr> return nullptr; // UART not available,以下GPS实例初始化必须依赖串行口
 │  // all remaining drivers automatically cycle through baud rates to detect
 │  // the correct baud rate, and should have the selected baud broadcast
 ├──> dstate->auto_detected_baud = true;
 ├──> const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
 ├──> [auto try baud rates] // {9600U, 115200U, 4800U, 19200U, 38400U, 57600U, 230400U, 460800U}
 ├──> <_auto_config >= GPS_AUTO_CONFIG_ENABLE_SERIAL_ONLY>
 │   └──> send_blob_update(instance);
 ├──> <GPS_TYPE_SBF>
 │   └──> return new AP_GPS_SBF(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
 │   └──> return new AP_GPS_GSOF(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
 │   └──> return new AP_GPS_NOVA(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
 │   └──> return new AP_GPS_SITL(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
 ├──> <initblob_state[instance].remaining != 0> return nullptr;
 │  // byte serial data detect
 ├──> uint16_t bytecount = MIN(8192U, _port[instance]->available());
 │   ├──> AP_GPS_UBLOX::_detect(dstate->ublox_detect_state, data)) {
 │   └──> return new AP_GPS_UBLOX(*this, state[instance], _port[instance], GPS_ROLE_NORMAL);
 │   ├──> AP_GPS_UBLOX::_detect(dstate->ublox_detect_state, data)) {
 │   └──> return new AP_GPS_UBLOX(*this, state[instance], _port[instance], role);
 ├──> <GPS_TYPE_SBP>
 │   ├──> AP_GPS_SBP2::_detect(dstate->sbp2_detect_state, data)) {
 │   │   └──> return new AP_GPS_SBP2(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
 │   ├──> AP_GPS_SBP::_detect(dstate->sbp_detect_state, data)) {
 │   └──> return new AP_GPS_SBP(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
 │   ├──> AP_GPS_SIRF::_detect(dstate->sirf_detect_state, data)) {
 │   └──> return new AP_GPS_SIRF(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
 ├──> <GPS_TYPE_ERB>
 │   ├──> AP_GPS_ERB::_detect(dstate->erb_detect_state, data)) {
 │   └──> return new AP_GPS_ERB(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
 │   ├──> AP_GPS_NMEA::_detect(dstate->nmea_detect_state, data)) {
 │   └──> return new AP_GPS_NMEA(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
 └──> return nullptr;

4. 实例理解


class AP_GPS_UBLOX : public AP_GPS_Backend
    AP_GPS_UBLOX(AP_GPS &_gps, AP_GPS::GPS_State &_state, AP_HAL::UARTDriver *_port, AP_GPS::GPS_Role role);
    ~AP_GPS_UBLOX() override;

    // Methods
    bool read() override;

    AP_GPS::GPS_Status highest_supported_status(void) override { return AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FIXED; }

    static bool _detect(struct UBLOX_detect_state &state, uint8_t data);

    bool is_configured(void) const override {
        if (!gps._auto_config) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return !_unconfigured_messages;
        return true;

    bool get_error_codes(uint32_t &error_codes) const override {
        error_codes = _unconfigured_messages;
        return true;

    void broadcast_configuration_failure_reason(void) const override;
    void Write_AP_Logger_Log_Startup_messages() const override;

    // get the velocity lag, returns true if the driver is confident in the returned value
    bool get_lag(float &lag_sec) const override;

    const char *name() const override { return "u-blox"; }

    // support for retrieving RTCMv3 data from a moving baseline base
    bool get_RTCMV3(const uint8_t *&bytes, uint16_t &len) override;
    void clear_RTCMV3(void) override;

    // ublox specific healthy checks
    bool is_healthy(void) const override;
    // u-blox UBX protocol essentials
    struct PACKED ubx_header {
        uint8_t preamble1;
        uint8_t preamble2;
        uint8_t msg_class;
        uint8_t msg_id;
        uint16_t length;
    struct PACKED ubx_cfg_gnss {
        uint8_t msgVer;
        uint8_t numTrkChHw;
        uint8_t numTrkChUse;
        uint8_t numConfigBlocks;
        PACKED struct configBlock {
            uint8_t gnssId;
            uint8_t resTrkCh;
            uint8_t maxTrkCh;
            uint8_t reserved1;
            uint32_t flags;
        } configBlock[UBLOX_MAX_GNSS_CONFIG_BLOCKS];
    struct PACKED ubx_cfg_nav_rate {
        uint16_t measure_rate_ms;
        uint16_t nav_rate;
        uint16_t timeref;
    struct PACKED ubx_cfg_msg {
        uint8_t msg_class;
        uint8_t msg_id;
    struct PACKED ubx_cfg_msg_rate {
        uint8_t msg_class;
        uint8_t msg_id;
        uint8_t rate;
    struct PACKED ubx_cfg_msg_rate_6 {
        uint8_t msg_class;
        uint8_t msg_id;
        uint8_t rates[6];
    struct PACKED ubx_cfg_nav_settings {
        uint16_t mask;
        uint8_t dynModel;
        uint8_t fixMode;
        int32_t fixedAlt;
        uint32_t fixedAltVar;
        int8_t minElev;
        uint8_t drLimit;
        uint16_t pDop;
        uint16_t tDop;
        uint16_t pAcc;
        uint16_t tAcc;
        uint8_t staticHoldThresh;
        uint8_t res1;
        uint32_t res2;
        uint32_t res3;
        uint32_t res4;
    struct PACKED ubx_cfg_tp5 {
        uint8_t tpIdx;
        uint8_t version;
        uint8_t reserved1[2];
        int16_t antCableDelay;
        int16_t rfGroupDelay;
        uint32_t freqPeriod;
        uint32_t freqPeriodLock;
        uint32_t pulseLenRatio;
        uint32_t pulseLenRatioLock;
        int32_t userConfigDelay;
        uint32_t flags;
    struct PACKED ubx_cfg_prt {
        uint8_t portID;
    struct PACKED ubx_cfg_sbas {
        uint8_t mode;
        uint8_t usage;
        uint8_t maxSBAS;
        uint8_t scanmode2;
        uint32_t scanmode1;
    // F9 config keys
    enum class ConfigKey : uint32_t {
        TMODE_MODE = 0x20030001,
        CFG_RATE_MEAS                   = 0x30210001,

        CFG_UART1_BAUDRATE              = 0x40520001,
        CFG_UART1_ENABLED               = 0x10520005,
        CFG_UART1INPROT_UBX             = 0x10730001,
        CFG_UART1INPROT_NMEA            = 0x10730002,
        CFG_UART1INPROT_RTCM3X          = 0x10730004,
        CFG_UART1OUTPROT_UBX            = 0x10740001,
        CFG_UART1OUTPROT_NMEA           = 0x10740002,
        CFG_UART1OUTPROT_RTCM3X         = 0x10740004,

        CFG_UART2_BAUDRATE              = 0x40530001,
        CFG_UART2_ENABLED               = 0x10530005,
        CFG_UART2INPROT_UBX             = 0x10750001,
        CFG_UART2INPROT_NMEA            = 0x10750002,
        CFG_UART2INPROT_RTCM3X          = 0x10750004,
        CFG_UART2OUTPROT_UBX            = 0x10760001,
        CFG_UART2OUTPROT_NMEA           = 0x10760002,
        CFG_UART2OUTPROT_RTCM3X         = 0x10760004,

        MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE4072_0_UART1 = 0x209102ff,
        MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE4072_1_UART1 = 0x20910382,
        MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1077_UART1   = 0x209102cd,
        MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1087_UART1   = 0x209102d2,
        MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1097_UART1   = 0x20910319,
        MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1127_UART1   = 0x209102d7,
        MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1230_UART1   = 0x20910304,
        MSGOUT_UBX_NAV_RELPOSNED_UART1  = 0x2091008e,

        MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE4072_0_UART2 = 0x20910300,
        MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE4072_1_UART2 = 0x20910383,
        MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1077_UART2   = 0x209102ce,
        MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1087_UART2   = 0x209102d3,
        MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1097_UART2   = 0x2091031a,
        MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1127_UART2   = 0x209102d8,
        MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1230_UART2   = 0x20910305,
        MSGOUT_UBX_NAV_RELPOSNED_UART2  = 0x2091008f,

        // enable specific signals and constellations
        CFG_SIGNAL_GPS_ENA              = 0x1031001f,
        CFG_SIGNAL_GPS_L1CA_ENA         = 0x10310001,
        CFG_SIGNAL_GPS_L2C_ENA          = 0x10310003,
        CFG_SIGNAL_GPS_L5_ENA           = 0x10310004,
        CFG_SIGNAL_SBAS_ENA             = 0x10310020,
        CFG_SIGNAL_SBAS_L1CA_ENA        = 0x10310005,
        CFG_SIGNAL_GAL_ENA              = 0x10310021,
        CFG_SIGNAL_GAL_E1_ENA           = 0x10310007,
        CFG_SIGNAL_GAL_E5A_ENA          = 0x10310009,
        CFG_SIGNAL_GAL_E5B_ENA          = 0x1031000a,
        CFG_SIGNAL_BDS_ENA              = 0x10310022,
        CFG_SIGNAL_BDS_B1_ENA           = 0x1031000d,
        CFG_SIGNAL_BDS_B1C_ENA          = 0x1031000f,
        CFG_SIGNAL_BDS_B2_ENA           = 0x1031000e,
        CFG_SIGNAL_BDS_B2A_ENA          = 0x10310028,
        CFG_SIGNAL_QZSS_ENA             = 0x10310024,
        CFG_SIGNAL_QZSS_L1CA_ENA        = 0x10310012,
        CFG_SIGNAL_QZSS_L1S_ENA         = 0x10310014,
        CFG_SIGNAL_QZSS_L2C_ENA         = 0x10310015,
        CFG_SIGNAL_QZSS_L5_ENA          = 0x10310017,
        CFG_SIGNAL_GLO_ENA              = 0x10310025,
        CFG_SIGNAL_GLO_L1_ENA           = 0x10310018,
        CFG_SIGNAL_GLO_L2_ENA           = 0x1031001a,
        CFG_SIGNAL_NAVIC_ENA            = 0x10310026,
        CFG_SIGNAL_NAVIC_L5_ENA         = 0x1031001d,

        // other keys
        CFG_NAVSPG_DYNMODEL             = 0x20110021,


    // layers for VALSET
    #define UBX_VALSET_LAYER_RAM 0x1U
    #define UBX_VALSET_LAYER_BBR 0x2U
    #define UBX_VALSET_LAYER_ALL 0x7U

    struct PACKED ubx_cfg_valset {
        uint8_t version;
        uint8_t layers;
        uint8_t transaction;
        uint8_t reserved[1];
        uint32_t key;
    struct PACKED ubx_cfg_valget {
        uint8_t version;
        uint8_t layers;
        uint8_t reserved[2];
        // variable length data, check buffer length
    struct PACKED ubx_nav_posllh {
        uint32_t itow;                                  // GPS msToW
        int32_t longitude;
        int32_t latitude;
        int32_t altitude_ellipsoid;
        int32_t altitude_msl;
        uint32_t horizontal_accuracy;
        uint32_t vertical_accuracy;
    struct PACKED ubx_nav_status {
        uint32_t itow;                                  // GPS msToW
        uint8_t fix_type;
        uint8_t fix_status;
        uint8_t differential_status;
        uint8_t res;
        uint32_t time_to_first_fix;
        uint32_t uptime;                                // milliseconds
    struct PACKED ubx_nav_dop {
        uint32_t itow;                                  // GPS msToW
        uint16_t gDOP;
        uint16_t pDOP;
        uint16_t tDOP;
        uint16_t vDOP;
        uint16_t hDOP;
        uint16_t nDOP;
        uint16_t eDOP;
    struct PACKED ubx_nav_solution {
        uint32_t itow;
        int32_t time_nsec;
        uint16_t week;
        uint8_t fix_type;
        uint8_t fix_status;
        int32_t ecef_x;
        int32_t ecef_y;
        int32_t ecef_z;
        uint32_t position_accuracy_3d;
        int32_t ecef_x_velocity;
        int32_t ecef_y_velocity;
        int32_t ecef_z_velocity;
        uint32_t speed_accuracy;
        uint16_t position_DOP;
        uint8_t res;
        uint8_t satellites;
        uint32_t res2;
    struct PACKED ubx_nav_pvt {
        uint32_t itow; 
        uint16_t year; 
        uint8_t month, day, hour, min, sec; 
        uint8_t valid; 
        uint32_t t_acc; 
        int32_t nano; 
        uint8_t fix_type; 
        uint8_t flags; 
        uint8_t flags2; 
        uint8_t num_sv; 
        int32_t lon, lat; 
        int32_t h_ellipsoid, h_msl;
        uint32_t h_acc, v_acc; 
        int32_t velN, velE, velD, gspeed; 
        int32_t head_mot; 
        uint32_t s_acc; 
        uint32_t head_acc; 
        uint16_t p_dop; 
        uint8_t flags3;
        uint8_t reserved1[5];
        int32_t headVeh;
        int16_t magDec;
        uint16_t magAcc;
    struct PACKED ubx_nav_relposned {
        uint8_t version;
        uint8_t reserved1;
        uint16_t refStationId;
        uint32_t iTOW;
        int32_t relPosN;
        int32_t relPosE;
        int32_t relPosD;
        int32_t relPosLength;
        int32_t relPosHeading;
        uint8_t reserved2[4];
        int8_t relPosHPN;
        int8_t relPosHPE;
        int8_t relPosHPD;
        int8_t relPosHPLength;
        uint32_t accN;
        uint32_t accE;
        uint32_t accD;
        uint32_t accLength;
        uint32_t accHeading;
        uint8_t reserved3[4];
        uint32_t flags;

    struct PACKED ubx_nav_velned {
        uint32_t itow;                                  // GPS msToW
        int32_t ned_north;
        int32_t ned_east;
        int32_t ned_down;
        uint32_t speed_3d;
        uint32_t speed_2d;
        int32_t heading_2d;
        uint32_t speed_accuracy;
        uint32_t heading_accuracy;

    struct PACKED ubx_nav_timegps {
        uint32_t itow;
        int32_t ftow;
        uint16_t week;
        int8_t leapS;
        uint8_t valid; //  leapsvalid | weekvalid | tow valid;
        uint32_t tAcc;

    // Lea6 uses a 60 byte message
    struct PACKED ubx_mon_hw_60 {
        uint32_t pinSel;
        uint32_t pinBank;
        uint32_t pinDir;
        uint32_t pinVal;
        uint16_t noisePerMS;
        uint16_t agcCnt;
        uint8_t aStatus;
        uint8_t aPower;
        uint8_t flags;
        uint8_t reserved1;
        uint32_t usedMask;
        uint8_t VP[17];
        uint8_t jamInd;
        uint16_t reserved3;
        uint32_t pinIrq;
        uint32_t pullH;
        uint32_t pullL;
    // Neo7 uses a 68 byte message
    struct PACKED ubx_mon_hw_68 {
        uint32_t pinSel;
        uint32_t pinBank;
        uint32_t pinDir;
        uint32_t pinVal;
        uint16_t noisePerMS;
        uint16_t agcCnt;
        uint8_t aStatus;
        uint8_t aPower;
        uint8_t flags;
        uint8_t reserved1;
        uint32_t usedMask;
        uint8_t VP[25];
        uint8_t jamInd;
        uint16_t reserved3;
        uint32_t pinIrq;
        uint32_t pullH;
        uint32_t pullL;
    struct PACKED ubx_mon_hw2 {
        int8_t ofsI;
        uint8_t magI;
        int8_t ofsQ;
        uint8_t magQ;
        uint8_t cfgSource;
        uint8_t reserved0[3];
        uint32_t lowLevCfg;
        uint32_t reserved1[2];
        uint32_t postStatus;
        uint32_t reserved2;
    struct PACKED ubx_mon_ver {
        char swVersion[30];
        char hwVersion[10];
        char extension; // extensions are not enabled
    struct PACKED ubx_nav_svinfo_header {
        uint32_t itow;
        uint8_t numCh;
        uint8_t globalFlags;
        uint16_t reserved;
    struct PACKED ubx_rxm_raw {
        int32_t iTOW;
        int16_t week;
        uint8_t numSV;
        uint8_t reserved1;
        struct ubx_rxm_raw_sv {
            double cpMes;
            double prMes;
            float doMes;
            uint8_t sv;
            int8_t mesQI;
            int8_t cno;
            uint8_t lli;
        } svinfo[UBLOX_MAX_RXM_RAW_SATS];
    struct PACKED ubx_rxm_rawx {
        double rcvTow;
        uint16_t week;
        int8_t leapS;
        uint8_t numMeas;
        uint8_t recStat;
        uint8_t reserved1[3];
        PACKED struct ubx_rxm_rawx_sv {
            double prMes;
            double cpMes;
            float doMes;
            uint8_t gnssId;
            uint8_t svId;
            uint8_t reserved2;
            uint8_t freqId;
            uint16_t locktime;
            uint8_t cno;
            uint8_t prStdev;
            uint8_t cpStdev;
            uint8_t doStdev;
            uint8_t trkStat;
            uint8_t reserved3;
        } svinfo[UBLOX_MAX_RXM_RAWX_SATS];

    struct PACKED ubx_ack_ack {
        uint8_t clsID;
        uint8_t msgID;

    struct PACKED ubx_cfg_cfg {
        uint32_t clearMask;
        uint32_t saveMask;
        uint32_t loadMask;

    struct PACKED ubx_tim_tm2 {
        uint8_t ch;
        uint8_t flags;
        uint16_t count;
        uint16_t wnR;
        uint16_t wnF;
        uint32_t towMsR;
        uint32_t towSubMsR;
        uint32_t towMsF;
        uint32_t towSubMsF;
        uint32_t accEst;

    // Receive buffer
    union PACKED {
        ubx_nav_posllh posllh;
        ubx_nav_status status;
        ubx_nav_dop dop;
        ubx_nav_solution solution;
        ubx_nav_pvt pvt;
        ubx_nav_timegps timegps;
        ubx_nav_velned velned;
        ubx_cfg_msg_rate msg_rate;
        ubx_cfg_msg_rate_6 msg_rate_6;
        ubx_cfg_nav_settings nav_settings;
        ubx_cfg_nav_rate nav_rate;
        ubx_cfg_prt prt;
        ubx_mon_hw_60 mon_hw_60;
        ubx_mon_hw_68 mon_hw_68;
        ubx_mon_hw2 mon_hw2;
        ubx_mon_ver mon_ver;
        ubx_cfg_tp5 nav_tp5;
        ubx_cfg_gnss gnss;
        ubx_cfg_sbas sbas;
        ubx_cfg_valget valget;
        ubx_nav_svinfo_header svinfo_header;
        ubx_nav_relposned relposned;
        ubx_rxm_raw rxm_raw;
        ubx_rxm_rawx rxm_rawx;
        ubx_ack_ack ack;
        ubx_tim_tm2 tim_tm2;
    } _buffer;

    enum class RELPOSNED {
        gnssFixOK          = 1U << 0,
        diffSoln           = 1U << 1,
        relPosValid        = 1U << 2,
        carrSolnFloat      = 1U << 3,

        carrSolnFixed      = 1U << 4,
        isMoving           = 1U << 5,
        refPosMiss         = 1U << 6,
        refObsMiss         = 1U << 7,

        relPosHeadingValid = 1U << 8,
        relPosNormalized   = 1U << 9

    enum ubs_protocol_bytes {
        PREAMBLE1 = 0xb5,
        PREAMBLE2 = 0x62,
        CLASS_NAV = 0x01,
        CLASS_ACK = 0x05,
        CLASS_CFG = 0x06,
        CLASS_MON = 0x0A,
        CLASS_RXM = 0x02,
        CLASS_TIM = 0x0d,
        MSG_ACK_NACK = 0x00,
        MSG_ACK_ACK = 0x01,
        MSG_POSLLH = 0x2,
        MSG_STATUS = 0x3,
        MSG_DOP = 0x4,
        MSG_SOL = 0x6,
        MSG_PVT = 0x7,
        MSG_TIMEGPS = 0x20,
        MSG_RELPOSNED = 0x3c,
        MSG_VELNED = 0x12,
        MSG_CFG_CFG = 0x09,
        MSG_CFG_RATE = 0x08,
        MSG_CFG_MSG = 0x01,
        MSG_CFG_NAV_SETTINGS = 0x24,
        MSG_CFG_PRT = 0x00,
        MSG_CFG_SBAS = 0x16,
        MSG_CFG_GNSS = 0x3E,
        MSG_CFG_TP5 = 0x31,
        MSG_CFG_VALSET = 0x8A,
        MSG_CFG_VALGET = 0x8B,
        MSG_MON_HW = 0x09,
        MSG_MON_HW2 = 0x0B,
        MSG_MON_VER = 0x04,
        MSG_NAV_SVINFO = 0x30,
        MSG_RXM_RAW = 0x10,
        MSG_RXM_RAWX = 0x15,
        MSG_TIM_TM2 = 0x03
    enum ubx_gnss_identifier {
        GNSS_GPS     = 0x00,
        GNSS_SBAS    = 0x01,
        GNSS_GALILEO = 0x02,
        GNSS_BEIDOU  = 0x03,
        GNSS_IMES    = 0x04,
        GNSS_QZSS    = 0x05,
        GNSS_GLONASS = 0x06
    enum ubs_nav_fix_type {
        FIX_NONE = 0,
        FIX_2D = 2,
        FIX_3D = 3,
        FIX_TIME = 5
    enum ubx_nav_status_bits {
    enum ubx_hardware_version {
        ANTARIS = 0,
        UBLOX_F9 = 0x80, // comes from MON_VER hwVersion/swVersion strings
        UBLOX_M9 = 0x81, // comes from MON_VER hwVersion/swVersion strings
        UBLOX_M10 = 0x82,
        UBLOX_UNKNOWN_HARDWARE_GENERATION = 0xff // not in the ublox spec used for
                                                 // flagging state in the driver

    enum config_step {
        STEP_PVT = 0,
        STEP_NAV_RATE, // poll NAV rate
        STEP_POLL_SVINFO, // poll svinfo
        STEP_POLL_SBAS, // poll SBAS
        STEP_POLL_NAV, // poll NAV settings
        STEP_POLL_GNSS, // poll GNSS
        STEP_POLL_TP5, // poll TP5
        STEP_TMODE, // set TMODE-MODE
        STEP_RTK_MOVBASE, // setup moving baseline

    // Packet checksum accumulators
    uint8_t         _ck_a;
    uint8_t         _ck_b;

    // State machine state
    uint8_t         _step;
    uint8_t         _msg_id;
    uint16_t        _payload_length;
    uint16_t        _payload_counter;

    uint8_t         _class;
    bool            _cfg_saved;

    uint32_t        _last_vel_time;
    uint32_t        _last_pos_time;
    uint32_t        _last_cfg_sent_time;
    uint8_t         _num_cfg_save_tries;
    uint32_t        _last_config_time;
    uint16_t        _delay_time;
    uint8_t         _next_message;
    uint8_t         _ublox_port;
    bool            _have_version;
    struct ubx_mon_ver _version;
    uint32_t        _unconfigured_messages;
    uint8_t         _hardware_generation;
    uint32_t        _last_pvt_itow;
    uint32_t        _last_relposned_itow;
    uint32_t        _last_relposned_ms;

    // the role set from GPS_TYPE
    AP_GPS::GPS_Role role;

    // do we have new position information?
    bool            _new_position:1;
    // do we have new speed information?
    bool            _new_speed:1;

    uint8_t         _disable_counter;

    // Buffer parse & GPS state update
    bool        _parse_gps();

    // used to update fix between status and position packets
    AP_GPS::GPS_Status next_fix;

    bool _cfg_needs_save;

    bool noReceivedHdop;
    bool havePvtMsg;

    bool        _configure_message_rate(uint8_t msg_class, uint8_t msg_id, uint8_t rate);
    bool        _configure_valset(ConfigKey key, const void *value, uint8_t layers=UBX_VALSET_LAYER_ALL);
    bool        _configure_valget(ConfigKey key);
    void        _configure_rate(void);
    void        _configure_sbas(bool enable);
    void        _update_checksum(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len, uint8_t &ck_a, uint8_t &ck_b);
    bool        _send_message(uint8_t msg_class, uint8_t msg_id, const void *msg, uint16_t size);
    void	send_next_rate_update(void);
    bool        _request_message_rate(uint8_t msg_class, uint8_t msg_id);
    void        _request_next_config(void);
    void        _request_port(void);
    void        _request_version(void);
    void        _save_cfg(void);
    void        _verify_rate(uint8_t msg_class, uint8_t msg_id, uint8_t rate);
    void        _check_new_itow(uint32_t itow);

    void unexpected_message(void);
    void log_mon_hw(void);
    void log_mon_hw2(void);
    void log_tim_tm2(void);
    void log_rxm_raw(const struct ubx_rxm_raw &raw);
    void log_rxm_rawx(const struct ubx_rxm_rawx &raw);

    // see if we should use uart2 for moving baseline config
    bool mb_use_uart2(void) const {
        return option_set(AP_GPS::DriverOptions::UBX_MBUseUart2)?true:false;

    // structure for list of config key/value pairs for
    // specific configurations
    struct PACKED config_list {
        ConfigKey key;
        // support up to 4 byte values, assumes little-endian
        uint32_t value;

    // return size of a config key payload
    uint8_t config_key_size(ConfigKey key) const;

    // configure a set of config key/value pairs. The unconfig_bit corresponds to
    // a bit in _unconfigured_messages
    bool _configure_config_set(const config_list *list, uint8_t count, uint32_t unconfig_bit, uint8_t layers=UBX_VALSET_LAYER_ALL);

    // find index in active_config list
    int8_t find_active_config_index(ConfigKey key) const;

    // return true if GPS is capable of F9 config
    bool supports_F9_config(void) const;

    uint8_t _pps_freq = 1;
    void pps_interrupt(uint8_t pin, bool high, uint32_t timestamp_us);
    void set_pps_desired_freq(uint8_t freq) override;

    // status of active configuration for a role
    struct {
        const config_list *list;
        uint8_t count;
        uint32_t done_mask;
        uint32_t unconfig_bit;
        uint8_t layers;
    } active_config;

    // config for moving baseline base
    static const config_list config_MB_Base_uart1[];
    static const config_list config_MB_Base_uart2[];

    // config for moving baseline rover
    static const config_list config_MB_Rover_uart1[];
    static const config_list config_MB_Rover_uart2[];

    // RTCM3 parser for when in moving baseline base mode
    RTCM3_Parser *rtcm3_parser;

    static const config_list config_M10[];

4.1 AP_GPS_UBLOX::_detect


  detect a Ublox GPS. Adds one byte, and returns true if the stream
  matches a UBlox
AP_GPS_UBLOX::_detect(struct UBLOX_detect_state &state, uint8_t data)
	switch (state.step) {
        case 1:
            if (PREAMBLE2 == data) {
            state.step = 0;
        case 0:
            if (PREAMBLE1 == data)
        case 2:
            state.ck_b = state.ck_a = data;
        case 3:
            state.ck_b += (state.ck_a += data);
        case 4:
            state.ck_b += (state.ck_a += data);
            state.payload_length = data;
        case 5:
            state.ck_b += (state.ck_a += data);
            state.payload_counter = 0;
        case 6:
            state.ck_b += (state.ck_a += data);
            if (++state.payload_counter == state.payload_length)
        case 7:
            if (state.ck_a != data) {
                state.step = 0;
				goto reset;
        case 8:
            state.step = 0;
			if (state.ck_b == data) {
				// a valid UBlox packet
				return true;
			} else {
				goto reset;
    return false;

4.2 AP_GPS_UBLOX::read



// Ensure there is enough space for the largest possible outgoing message
// Process bytes available from the stream
// The stream is assumed to contain only messages we recognise.  If it
// contains other messages, and those messages contain the preamble
// bytes, it is possible for this code to fail to synchronise to the
// stream immediately.  Without buffering the entire message and
// re-processing it from the top, this is unavoidable. The parser
// attempts to avoid this when possible.
    bool parsed = false;
    uint32_t millis_now = AP_HAL::millis();

    // walk through the gps configuration at 1 message per second
    if (millis_now - _last_config_time >= _delay_time) {
        _last_config_time = millis_now;
        if (_unconfigured_messages) { // send the updates faster until fully configured
            if (!havePvtMsg && (_unconfigured_messages & CONFIG_REQUIRED_INITIAL)) {
                _delay_time = 300;
            } else {
                _delay_time = 750;
        } else {
            _delay_time = 2000;

    if(!_unconfigured_messages && gps._save_config && !_cfg_saved &&
       _num_cfg_save_tries < 5 && (millis_now - _last_cfg_sent_time) > 5000 &&
       !hal.util->get_soft_armed()) {
        //save the configuration sent until now
        if (gps._save_config == 1 ||
            (gps._save_config == 2 && _cfg_needs_save)) {

    const uint16_t numc = MIN(port->available(), 8192U);
    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < numc; i++) {        // Process bytes received

        // read the next byte
        const int16_t rdata = port->read();
        if (rdata < 0) {
        const uint8_t data = rdata;
        log_data(&data, 1);

        if (rtcm3_parser) {
            if (rtcm3_parser->read(data)) {
                // we've found a RTCMv3 packet. We stop parsing at
                // this point and reset u-blox parse state. We need to
                // stop parsing to give the higher level driver a
                // chance to send the RTCMv3 packet to another (rover)
                // GPS
                _step = 0;

        switch(_step) {

        // Message preamble detection
        // If we fail to match any of the expected bytes, we reset
        // the state machine and re-consider the failed byte as
        // the first byte of the preamble.  This improves our
        // chances of recovering from a mismatch and makes it less
        // likely that we will be fooled by the preamble appearing
        // as data in some other message.
        case 1:
            if (PREAMBLE2 == data) {
            _step = 0;
            Debug("reset %u", __LINE__);
        case 0:
            if(PREAMBLE1 == data)

        // Message header processing
        // We sniff the class and message ID to decide whether we
        // are going to gather the message bytes or just discard
        // them.
        // We always collect the length so that we can avoid being
        // fooled by preamble bytes in messages.
        case 2:
            _class = data;
            _ck_b = _ck_a = data;                       // reset the checksum accumulators
        case 3:
            _ck_b += (_ck_a += data);                   // checksum byte
            _msg_id = data;
        case 4:
            _ck_b += (_ck_a += data);                   // checksum byte
            _payload_length = data;                     // payload length low byte
        case 5:
            _ck_b += (_ck_a += data);                   // checksum byte

            _payload_length += (uint16_t)(data<<8);
            if (_payload_length > sizeof(_buffer)) {
                Debug("large payload %u", (unsigned)_payload_length);
                // assume any payload bigger then what we know about is noise
                _payload_length = 0;
                _step = 0;
				goto reset;
            _payload_counter = 0;                       // prepare to receive payload
            if (_payload_length == 0) {
                // bypass payload and go straight to checksum

        // Receive message data
        case 6:
            _ck_b += (_ck_a += data);                   // checksum byte
            if (_payload_counter < sizeof(_buffer)) {
                _buffer[_payload_counter] = data;
            if (++_payload_counter == _payload_length)

        // Checksum and message processing
        case 7:
            if (_ck_a != data) {
                Debug("bad cka %x should be %x", data, _ck_a);
                _step = 0;
				goto reset;
        case 8:
            _step = 0;
            if (_ck_b != data) {
                Debug("bad ckb %x should be %x", data, _ck_b);
                break;                                                  // bad checksum

            if (rtcm3_parser) {
                // this is a uBlox packet, discard any partial RTCMv3 state
            if (_parse_gps()) {
                parsed = true;
    return parsed;

4.3 AP_GPS_UBLOX::_parse_gps


    if (_class == CLASS_ACK) {
        Debug("ACK %u", (unsigned)_msg_id);

        if(_msg_id == MSG_ACK_ACK) {
            switch(_buffer.ack.clsID) {
            case CLASS_CFG:
                switch(_buffer.ack.msgID) {
                case MSG_CFG_CFG:
                    _cfg_saved = true;
                    _cfg_needs_save = false;
                case MSG_CFG_GNSS:
                    _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_GNSS;
                case MSG_CFG_MSG:
                    // There is no way to know what MSG config was ack'ed, assume it was the last
                    // one requested. To verify it rerequest the last config we sent. If we miss
                    // the actual ack we will catch it next time through the poll loop, but that
                    // will be a good chunk of time later.
                case MSG_CFG_NAV_SETTINGS:
                    _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_NAV_SETTINGS;
                case MSG_CFG_RATE:
                    // The GPS will ACK a update rate that is invalid. in order to detect this
                    // only accept the rate as configured by reading the settings back and
                    // validating that they all match the target values
                case MSG_CFG_SBAS:
                    _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_SBAS;
                case MSG_CFG_TP5:
                    _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_TP5;
            case CLASS_MON:
                switch(_buffer.ack.msgID) {
                case MSG_MON_HW:
                    _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_RATE_MON_HW;
                case MSG_MON_HW2:
                    _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_RATE_MON_HW2;
        return false;

    if (_class == CLASS_CFG) {
        switch(_msg_id) {
        case  MSG_CFG_NAV_SETTINGS:
	    Debug("Got settings %u min_elev %d drLimit %u\n", 
            _buffer.nav_settings.mask = 0;
            if (gps._navfilter != AP_GPS::GPS_ENGINE_NONE &&
                _buffer.nav_settings.dynModel != gps._navfilter) {
                // we've received the current nav settings, change the engine
                // settings and send them back
                Debug("Changing engine setting from %u to %u\n",
                      (unsigned)_buffer.nav_settings.dynModel, (unsigned)gps._navfilter);
                _buffer.nav_settings.dynModel = gps._navfilter;
                _buffer.nav_settings.mask |= 1;
            if (gps._min_elevation != -100 &&
                _buffer.nav_settings.minElev != gps._min_elevation) {
                Debug("Changing min elevation to %d\n", (int)gps._min_elevation);
                _buffer.nav_settings.minElev = gps._min_elevation;
                _buffer.nav_settings.mask |= 2;
            if (_buffer.nav_settings.mask != 0) {
                _send_message(CLASS_CFG, MSG_CFG_NAV_SETTINGS,
                _unconfigured_messages |= CONFIG_NAV_SETTINGS;
                _cfg_needs_save = true;
            } else {
                _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_NAV_SETTINGS;
            return false;

        case MSG_CFG_GNSS:
            if (gps._gnss_mode[state.instance] != 0) {
                struct ubx_cfg_gnss start_gnss = _buffer.gnss;
                uint8_t gnssCount = 0;
                Debug("Got GNSS Settings %u %u %u %u:\n",
                for(int i = 0; i < _buffer.gnss.numConfigBlocks; i++) {
                    Debug("  %u %u %u 0x%08x\n",

                for(int i = 0; i < UBLOX_MAX_GNSS_CONFIG_BLOCKS; i++) {
                    if((gps._gnss_mode[state.instance] & (1 << i)) && i != GNSS_SBAS) {
                for(int i = 0; i < _buffer.gnss.numConfigBlocks; i++) {
                    // Reserve an equal portion of channels for all enabled systems that supports it
                    if(gps._gnss_mode[state.instance] & (1 << _buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].gnssId)) {
                        if(GNSS_SBAS !=_buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].gnssId && (_hardware_generation > UBLOX_M8 || GNSS_GALILEO !=_buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].gnssId)) {
                            _buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].resTrkCh = (_buffer.gnss.numTrkChHw - 3) / (gnssCount * 2);
                            _buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].maxTrkCh = _buffer.gnss.numTrkChHw;
                        } else {
                            if(GNSS_SBAS ==_buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].gnssId) {
                                _buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].resTrkCh = 1;
                                _buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].maxTrkCh = 3;
                            if(GNSS_GALILEO ==_buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].gnssId) {
                                _buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].resTrkCh = (_buffer.gnss.numTrkChHw - 3) / (gnssCount * 2);
                                _buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].maxTrkCh = 8; //Per the M8 receiver description UBX-13003221 - R16, it is not recommended to set the number of galileo channels higher then eigh
                        _buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].flags = _buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].flags | 0x00000001;
                    } else {
                        _buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].resTrkCh = 0;
                        _buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].maxTrkCh = 0;
                        _buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].flags = _buffer.gnss.configBlock[i].flags & 0xFFFFFFFE;
                if (memcmp(&start_gnss, &_buffer.gnss, sizeof(start_gnss))) {
                    _send_message(CLASS_CFG, MSG_CFG_GNSS, &_buffer.gnss, 4 + (8 * _buffer.gnss.numConfigBlocks));
                    _unconfigured_messages |= CONFIG_GNSS;
                    _cfg_needs_save = true;
                } else {
                    _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_GNSS;
            } else {
                _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_GNSS;
            return false;

        case MSG_CFG_SBAS:
            if (gps._sbas_mode != AP_GPS::SBAS_Mode::DoNotChange) {
	        Debug("Got SBAS settings %u %u %u 0x%x 0x%x\n", 
                if (_buffer.sbas.mode != gps._sbas_mode) {
                    _buffer.sbas.mode = gps._sbas_mode;
                    _send_message(CLASS_CFG, MSG_CFG_SBAS,
                    _unconfigured_messages |= CONFIG_SBAS;
                    _cfg_needs_save = true;
                } else {
                    _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_SBAS;
            } else {
                    _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_SBAS;
            return false;
        case MSG_CFG_MSG:
            if(_payload_length == sizeof(ubx_cfg_msg_rate_6)) {
                // can't verify the setting without knowing the port
                // request the port again
                if(_ublox_port >= UBLOX_MAX_PORTS) {
                    return false;
                _verify_rate(_buffer.msg_rate_6.msg_class, _buffer.msg_rate_6.msg_id,
            } else {
                _verify_rate(_buffer.msg_rate.msg_class, _buffer.msg_rate.msg_id,
            return false;
        case MSG_CFG_PRT:
           _ublox_port = _buffer.prt.portID;
           return false;
        case MSG_CFG_RATE:
            if(_buffer.nav_rate.measure_rate_ms != gps._rate_ms[state.instance] ||
               _buffer.nav_rate.nav_rate != 1 ||
               _buffer.nav_rate.timeref != 0) {
                _unconfigured_messages |= CONFIG_RATE_NAV;
                _cfg_needs_save = true;
            } else {
                _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_RATE_NAV;
            return false;
        case MSG_CFG_TP5: {
            // configure the PPS pin for 1Hz, zero delay
            Debug("Got TP5 ver=%u 0x%04x %u\n", 
            hal.gpio->attach_interrupt(HAL_GPIO_PPS, FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_GPS_UBLOX::pps_interrupt, void, uint8_t, bool, uint32_t), AP_HAL::GPIO::INTERRUPT_FALLING);
            const uint16_t desired_flags = 0x003f;
            const uint16_t desired_period_hz = _pps_freq;

            if (_buffer.nav_tp5.flags != desired_flags ||
                _buffer.nav_tp5.freqPeriod != desired_period_hz) {
                _buffer.nav_tp5.tpIdx = 0;
                _buffer.nav_tp5.reserved1[0] = 0;
                _buffer.nav_tp5.reserved1[1] = 0;
                _buffer.nav_tp5.antCableDelay = 0;
                _buffer.nav_tp5.rfGroupDelay = 0;
                _buffer.nav_tp5.freqPeriod = desired_period_hz;
                _buffer.nav_tp5.freqPeriodLock = desired_period_hz;
                _buffer.nav_tp5.pulseLenRatio = 1;
                _buffer.nav_tp5.pulseLenRatioLock = 2;
                _buffer.nav_tp5.userConfigDelay = 0;
                _buffer.nav_tp5.flags = desired_flags;
                _send_message(CLASS_CFG, MSG_CFG_TP5,
                _unconfigured_messages |= CONFIG_TP5;
                _cfg_needs_save = true;
            } else {
                _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_TP5;
            return false;
        case MSG_CFG_VALGET: {
            uint8_t cfg_len = _payload_length - sizeof(ubx_cfg_valget);
            const uint8_t *cfg_data = (const uint8_t *)(&_buffer) + sizeof(ubx_cfg_valget);
            while (cfg_len >= 5) {
                ConfigKey id;
                memcpy(&id, cfg_data, sizeof(uint32_t));
                cfg_len -= 4;
                cfg_data += 4;
                switch (id) {
                    case ConfigKey::TMODE_MODE: {
                        uint8_t mode = cfg_data[0];
                        if (mode != 0) {
                            // ask for mode 0, to disable TIME mode
                            mode = 0;
                            _configure_valset(ConfigKey::TMODE_MODE, &mode);
                            _cfg_needs_save = true;
                            _unconfigured_messages |= CONFIG_TMODE_MODE;
                        } else {
                            _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_TMODE_MODE;
                // see if it is in active config list
                int8_t cfg_idx = find_active_config_index(id);
                if (cfg_idx >= 0) {
                    const uint8_t key_size = config_key_size(id);
                    if (cfg_len < key_size ||
                        memcmp(&active_config.list[cfg_idx].value, cfg_data, key_size) != 0) {
                        _configure_valset(id, &active_config.list[cfg_idx].value, active_config.layers);
                        _unconfigured_messages |= active_config.unconfig_bit;
                        active_config.done_mask &= ~(1U << cfg_idx);
                        _cfg_needs_save = true;
                    } else {
                        active_config.done_mask |= (1U << cfg_idx);
                        Debug("done %u mask=0x%x",
                        if (active_config.done_mask == (1U<<active_config.count)-1) {
                            // all done!
                            _unconfigured_messages &= ~active_config.unconfig_bit;

                // step over the value
                uint8_t step_size = config_key_size(id);
                if (step_size == 0) {
                    return false;
                cfg_len -= step_size;
                cfg_data += step_size;

    if (_class == CLASS_MON) {
        switch(_msg_id) {
        case MSG_MON_HW:
            if (_payload_length == 60 || _payload_length == 68) {
        case MSG_MON_HW2:
            if (_payload_length == 28) {
        case MSG_MON_VER:
            _have_version = true;
            strncpy(_version.hwVersion, _buffer.mon_ver.hwVersion, sizeof(_version.hwVersion));
            strncpy(_version.swVersion, _buffer.mon_ver.swVersion, sizeof(_version.swVersion));
                                             "u-blox %d HW: %s SW: %s",
                                             state.instance + 1,
            // check for F9 and M9. The F9 does not respond to SVINFO,
            // so we need to use MON_VER for hardware generation
            if (strncmp(_version.hwVersion, "00190000", 8) == 0) {
                if (strncmp(_version.swVersion, "EXT CORE 1", 10) == 0) {
                    // a F9
                    if (_hardware_generation != UBLOX_F9) {
                        // need to ensure time mode is correctly setup on F9
                        _unconfigured_messages |= CONFIG_TMODE_MODE;
                    _hardware_generation = UBLOX_F9;
                if (strncmp(_version.swVersion, "EXT CORE 4", 10) == 0) {
                    // a M9
                    _hardware_generation = UBLOX_M9;
            // check for M10
            if (strncmp(_version.hwVersion, "000A0000", 8) == 0) {
                if (strncmp(_version.swVersion, "ROM SPG 5", 9) == 0) {
                    _hardware_generation = UBLOX_M10;
                    _unconfigured_messages |= CONFIG_M10;
        return false;

    if (_class == CLASS_RXM && _msg_id == MSG_RXM_RAW && gps._raw_data != 0) {
        return false;
    } else if (_class == CLASS_RXM && _msg_id == MSG_RXM_RAWX && gps._raw_data != 0) {
        return false;

    if ((_class == CLASS_TIM) && (_msg_id == MSG_TIM_TM2) && (_payload_length == 28)) {
        return false;

    if (_class != CLASS_NAV) {
        return false;

    switch (_msg_id) {
    case MSG_POSLLH:
        Debug("MSG_POSLLH next_fix=%u", next_fix);
        if (havePvtMsg) {
            _unconfigured_messages |= CONFIG_RATE_POSLLH;
        _last_pos_time        = _buffer.posllh.itow;
        state.location.lng    = _buffer.posllh.longitude;
        state.location.lat    = _buffer.posllh.latitude;
        if (option_set(AP_GPS::HeightEllipsoid)) {
            state.location.alt    = _buffer.posllh.altitude_ellipsoid / 10;
        } else {
            state.location.alt    = _buffer.posllh.altitude_msl / 10;
        state.have_undulation = true;
        state.undulation = (_buffer.posllh.altitude_msl - _buffer.posllh.altitude_ellipsoid) * 0.001;

        state.status          = next_fix;
        _new_position = true;
        state.horizontal_accuracy = _buffer.posllh.horizontal_accuracy*1.0e-3f;
        state.vertical_accuracy = _buffer.posllh.vertical_accuracy*1.0e-3f;
        state.have_horizontal_accuracy = true;
        state.have_vertical_accuracy = true;
        state.location.lng = 1491652300L;
        state.location.lat = -353632610L;
        state.location.alt = 58400;
        state.vertical_accuracy = 0;
        state.horizontal_accuracy = 0;
    case MSG_STATUS:
        Debug("MSG_STATUS fix_status=%u fix_type=%u",
        if (havePvtMsg) {
            _unconfigured_messages |= CONFIG_RATE_STATUS;
        if (_buffer.status.fix_status & NAV_STATUS_FIX_VALID) {
            if( (_buffer.status.fix_type == AP_GPS_UBLOX::FIX_3D) &&
                (_buffer.status.fix_status & AP_GPS_UBLOX::NAV_STATUS_DGPS_USED)) {
                next_fix = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_DGPS;
            }else if( _buffer.status.fix_type == AP_GPS_UBLOX::FIX_3D) {
                next_fix = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D;
            }else if (_buffer.status.fix_type == AP_GPS_UBLOX::FIX_2D) {
                next_fix = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D;
                next_fix = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;
                state.status = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;
            next_fix = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;
            state.status = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;
        state.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D;
        next_fix = state.status;
    case MSG_DOP:
        noReceivedHdop = false;
        state.hdop        = _buffer.dop.hDOP;
        state.vdop        = _buffer.dop.vDOP;
        state.hdop = 130;
        state.hdop = 170;
    case MSG_SOL:
        Debug("MSG_SOL fix_status=%u fix_type=%u",
        if (havePvtMsg) {
            state.time_week = _buffer.solution.week;
        if (_buffer.solution.fix_status & NAV_STATUS_FIX_VALID) {
            if( (_buffer.solution.fix_type == AP_GPS_UBLOX::FIX_3D) &&
                (_buffer.solution.fix_status & AP_GPS_UBLOX::NAV_STATUS_DGPS_USED)) {
                next_fix = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_DGPS;
            }else if( _buffer.solution.fix_type == AP_GPS_UBLOX::FIX_3D) {
                next_fix = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D;
            }else if (_buffer.solution.fix_type == AP_GPS_UBLOX::FIX_2D) {
                next_fix = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D;
                next_fix = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;
                state.status = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;
            next_fix = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;
            state.status = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;
        if(noReceivedHdop) {
            state.hdop = _buffer.solution.position_DOP;
        state.num_sats    = _buffer.solution.satellites;
        if (next_fix >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D) {
            state.last_gps_time_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
            state.time_week_ms    = _buffer.solution.itow;
            state.time_week       = _buffer.solution.week;
        next_fix = state.status;
        state.num_sats = 10;
        state.time_week = 1721;
        state.time_week_ms = AP_HAL::millis() + 3*60*60*1000 + 37000;
        state.last_gps_time_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
        state.hdop = 130;

            if (role != AP_GPS::GPS_ROLE_MB_ROVER) {
                // ignore RELPOSNED if not configured as a rover
            // note that we require the yaw to come from a fixed solution, not a float solution
            // yaw from a float solution would only be acceptable with a very large separation between
            // GPS modules
            const uint32_t valid_mask = static_cast<uint32_t>(RELPOSNED::relPosHeadingValid) |
                                        static_cast<uint32_t>(RELPOSNED::relPosValid) |
                                        static_cast<uint32_t>(RELPOSNED::gnssFixOK) |
                                        static_cast<uint32_t>(RELPOSNED::isMoving) |
            const uint32_t invalid_mask = static_cast<uint32_t>(RELPOSNED::refPosMiss) |
                                          static_cast<uint32_t>(RELPOSNED::refObsMiss) |

            if (_buffer.relposned.iTOW != _last_relposned_itow+200) {
                // useful for looking at packet loss on links
                MB_Debug("RELPOSNED ITOW %u %u\n", unsigned(_buffer.relposned.iTOW), unsigned(_last_relposned_itow));
            _last_relposned_itow = _buffer.relposned.iTOW;
            MB_Debug("RELPOSNED flags: %lx valid: %lx invalid: %lx\n", _buffer.relposned.flags, valid_mask, invalid_mask);
            if (((_buffer.relposned.flags & valid_mask) == valid_mask) &&
                ((_buffer.relposned.flags & invalid_mask) == 0)) {
                if (calculate_moving_base_yaw(_buffer.relposned.relPosHeading * 1e-5,
                                          _buffer.relposned.relPosLength * 0.01,
                                          _buffer.relposned.relPosD*0.01)) {
                    state.have_gps_yaw_accuracy = true;
                    state.gps_yaw_accuracy = _buffer.relposned.accHeading * 1e-5;
                    _last_relposned_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
                state.relPosHeading = _buffer.relposned.relPosHeading * 1e-5;
                state.relPosLength  = _buffer.relposned.relPosLength * 0.01;
                state.relPosD       = _buffer.relposned.relPosD * 0.01;
                state.accHeading    = _buffer.relposned.accHeading * 1e-5;
                state.relposheading_ts = AP_HAL::millis();
            } else {
                state.have_gps_yaw_accuracy = false;

    case MSG_PVT:

        havePvtMsg = true;
        // position
        _last_pvt_itow = _buffer.pvt.itow;
        _last_pos_time        = _buffer.pvt.itow;
        state.location.lng    = _buffer.pvt.lon;
        state.location.lat    = _buffer.pvt.lat;
        if (option_set(AP_GPS::HeightEllipsoid)) {
            state.location.alt    = _buffer.pvt.h_ellipsoid / 10;
        } else {
            state.location.alt    = _buffer.pvt.h_msl / 10;
        state.have_undulation = true;
        state.undulation = (_buffer.pvt.h_msl - _buffer.pvt.h_ellipsoid) * 0.001;
        switch (_buffer.pvt.fix_type)
            case 0:
                state.status = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;
            case 1:
                state.status = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;
            case 2:
                state.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D;
            case 3:
                state.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D;
                if (_buffer.pvt.flags & 0b00000010)  // diffsoln
                    state.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_DGPS;
                if (_buffer.pvt.flags & 0b01000000)  // carrsoln - float
                    state.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FLOAT;
                if (_buffer.pvt.flags & 0b10000000)  // carrsoln - fixed
                    state.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FIXED;
            case 4:
                                "Unexpected state %d", _buffer.pvt.flags);
                state.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D;
            case 5:
                state.status = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;
                state.status = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;
        next_fix = state.status;
        _new_position = true;
        state.horizontal_accuracy = _buffer.pvt.h_acc*1.0e-3f;
        state.vertical_accuracy = _buffer.pvt.v_acc*1.0e-3f;
        state.have_horizontal_accuracy = true;
        state.have_vertical_accuracy = true;
        // SVs
        state.num_sats    = _buffer.pvt.num_sv;
        // velocity     
        _last_vel_time         = _buffer.pvt.itow;
        state.ground_speed     = _buffer.pvt.gspeed*0.001f;          // m/s
        state.ground_course    = wrap_360(_buffer.pvt.head_mot * 1.0e-5f);       // Heading 2D deg * 100000
        state.have_vertical_velocity = true;
        state.velocity.x = _buffer.pvt.velN * 0.001f;
        state.velocity.y = _buffer.pvt.velE * 0.001f;
        state.velocity.z = _buffer.pvt.velD * 0.001f;
        state.have_speed_accuracy = true;
        state.speed_accuracy = _buffer.pvt.s_acc*0.001f;
        _new_speed = true;
        // dop
        if(noReceivedHdop) {
            state.hdop        = _buffer.pvt.p_dop;
            state.vdop        = _buffer.pvt.p_dop;
        state.last_gps_time_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
        // time
        state.time_week_ms    = _buffer.pvt.itow;
        state.location.lng = 1491652300L;
        state.location.lat = -353632610L;
        state.location.alt = 58400;
        state.vertical_accuracy = 0;
        state.horizontal_accuracy = 0;
        state.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D;
        state.num_sats = 10;
        state.time_week = 1721;
        state.time_week_ms = AP_HAL::millis() + 3*60*60*1000 + 37000;
        state.last_gps_time_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
        state.hdop = 130;
        state.speed_accuracy = 0;
        next_fix = state.status;
    case MSG_TIMEGPS:
        if (_buffer.timegps.valid & UBX_TIMEGPS_VALID_WEEK_MASK) {
            state.time_week = _buffer.timegps.week;
    case MSG_VELNED:
        if (havePvtMsg) {
            _unconfigured_messages |= CONFIG_RATE_VELNED;
        _last_vel_time         = _buffer.velned.itow;
        state.ground_speed     = _buffer.velned.speed_2d*0.01f;          // m/s
        state.ground_course    = wrap_360(_buffer.velned.heading_2d * 1.0e-5f);       // Heading 2D deg * 100000
        state.have_vertical_velocity = true;
        state.velocity.x = _buffer.velned.ned_north * 0.01f;
        state.velocity.y = _buffer.velned.ned_east * 0.01f;
        state.velocity.z = _buffer.velned.ned_down * 0.01f;
        state.have_speed_accuracy = true;
        state.speed_accuracy = _buffer.velned.speed_accuracy*0.01f;
        state.speed_accuracy = 0;
        _new_speed = true;
    case MSG_NAV_SVINFO:
        static const uint8_t HardwareGenerationMask = 0x07;
        _hardware_generation = _buffer.svinfo_header.globalFlags & HardwareGenerationMask;
        switch (_hardware_generation) {
            case UBLOX_5:
            case UBLOX_6:
                // only 7 and newer support CONFIG_GNSS
                _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_GNSS;
            case UBLOX_7:
            case UBLOX_M8:
                Debug("Changed speed to 4Mhz for SPI-driven UBlox\n");
                hal.console->printf("Wrong Ublox Hardware Version%u\n", _hardware_generation);
        _unconfigured_messages &= ~CONFIG_VERSION;
        /* We don't need that anymore */
        _configure_message_rate(CLASS_NAV, MSG_NAV_SVINFO, 0);
        Debug("Unexpected NAV message 0x%02x", (unsigned)_msg_id);
        if (++_disable_counter == 0) {
            Debug("Disabling NAV message 0x%02x", (unsigned)_msg_id);
            _configure_message_rate(CLASS_NAV, _msg_id, 0);
        return false;

    if (state.have_gps_yaw) {
        // when we are a rover we want to ensure we have both the new
        // PVT and the new RELPOSNED message so that we give a
        // consistent view
        if (AP_HAL::millis() - _last_relposned_ms > 400) {
            // we have stopped receiving valid RELPOSNED messages, disable yaw reporting
            state.have_gps_yaw = false;
        } else if (_last_relposned_itow != _last_pvt_itow) {
            // wait until ITOW matches
            return false;

    // we only return true when we get new position and speed data
    // this ensures we don't use stale data
    if (_new_position && _new_speed && _last_vel_time == _last_pos_time) {
        _new_speed = _new_position = false;
        return true;
    return false;

5. 总结


  • AP_GPS //应用高层抽象业务
  • AP_GPS_Backend //驱动抽象方法
  • AP_GPS_XXX //具体协议解析


6. 参考资料

【5】ArduPilot飞控之Mission Planner模拟
【8】ArduPilot之开源代码Sensor Drivers设计
【10】ArduPilot之开源代码UARTs and the Console使用


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