2024.07.12 提交UNIAPP 打包的APP上架应用商店审核被拒


Guideline 5.1.2 - Legal - Privacy - Data Use and Sharing
The app privacy information provided in App Store Connect indicates the app collects data in order to track the user, including Phone Number. However, the app does not use App Tracking Transparency to request the user's permission before tracking their activity.

Apps need to receive the user’s permission through the AppTrackingTransparency framework before collecting data used to track them. This requirement protects the privacy of users.

Next Steps

Here are three ways to resolve this issue:

- If the app does not currently track, update the app privacy information in App Store Connect. You must have the Account Holder or Admin role to update app privacy information.

- If this app does not track on the platform associated with this submission, but tracks on other platforms, notify App Review by replying to the rejection in App Store Connect.

- If the app tracks users on all supported platforms, the app must use App Tracking Transparency to request permission before collecting data used to track. When resubmitting, indicate in the Review Notes where the permission request is located.


- Tracking is linking data collected from the app with third-party data for advertising purposes, or sharing the collected data with a data broker. Learn more about tracking.
- See Frequently Asked Questions about the requirements for apps that track users.
- Learn more about designing appropriate permission requests.


- Reply to this message in your preferred language if you need assistance. If you need additional support, use the Contact Us module.
- Consult with fellow developers and Apple engineers on the Apple Developer Forums.
- Help improve the review process or identify a need for clarity in our policies by suggesting guideline changes.


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  • 包含uni-AD功能时 “请放心,开启权限不会获取您在其他站点的隐私信息,该权限仅用于标识设备、第三方广告、并保障服务安全与提示浏览体验”
  • 不包含uni-AD功能时 “请放心,开启权限不会获取您在其他站点的隐私信息,该权限仅用于标识设备并保障服务安全与提示浏览体验”



