参考文章:python import相对导入与绝对导入(python导包)ImportError(python -m测试if name == ‘main‘)python3 -m

Python -m 参数的作用


  1. 直接执行模块代码: 使用python -m命令可以直接在命令行中执行一个Python模块,而不需要编写额外的启动脚本。这对于简单的脚本或工具非常方便,因为它们可以作为独立的可执行文件运行。

  2. 模块自测试: 当一个模块被设计为既可以作为库使用,又可以作为独立脚本运行时,可以将自测试代码放在__main__函数中,并使用python -m来运行该模块以进行测试。这样可以确保模块在被导入时正常运行,同时也能够通过直接执行来验证其功能。

if __name__ == '__main__':



  1. 环境隔离: 使用python -m可以确保在运行指定模块时,使用的是正确版本的Python解释器和所需的依赖项。这对于多个Python环境并存的情况下特别有用,例如在虚拟环境中运行模块。




  1. 避免名称冲突: 使用python -m可以避免与其他具有相同名称的脚本或模块发生名称冲突。通过明确指定模块的完整名称,可以确保执行的是所需的模块。





def main():
    print("Hello, world!")

if __name__ == "__main__":


python -m my_module

这将直接执行my_module.py中的代码,并输出"Hello, world!"。


当一个模块被设计为既可以作为库使用,又可以作为独立脚本运行时,可以将自测试代码放在__main__函数中,并使用python -m来运行该模块以进行测试。



def add(a, b):
    return a + b

def subtract(a, b):
    return a - b

if __name__ == "__main__":
    assert add(2, 3) == 5
    assert subtract(5, 2) == 3
    print("All tests passed!")

在这个例子中,my_module.py定义了两个函数:addsubtract。在__main__函数中,我们编写了一些简单的测试用例,并使用断言语句进行验证。如果所有的断言都通过,就会输出"All tests passed!"。


python -m my_module

这将执行my_module.py中的代码,并运行自测试。如果所有的断言通过,将输出"All tests passed!"。



使用python -m可以确保在运行指定模块时,使用的是正确版本的Python解释器和所需的依赖项。这对于多个Python环境并存的情况下特别有用,例如在虚拟环境中运行模块。

在Python开发中,常常会使用虚拟环境(virtual environment)来隔离不同项目的依赖项。虚拟环境提供了一个独立的Python运行环境,使得每个项目都可以使用其自己的依赖项,而不会相互干扰。

当在虚拟环境中工作时,可以使用python -m来运行模块,以确保使用的是当前激活的虚拟环境中的Python解释器。


import requests

def get_data(url):
    response = requests.get(url)
    return response.json()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = get_data("https://api.example.com/data")


python -m my_module



使用python -m可以避免与其他具有相同名称的脚本或模块发生名称冲突。通过明确指定模块的完整名称,可以确保执行的是所需的模块。

当系统中存在多个具有相同名称的模块或脚本时,直接使用python <module_name>可能会导致执行的是不正确的模块。

例如,假设系统中有一个名为my_module.py的模块,并且还有一个名为my_module.py的脚本。如果我们只使用python my_module.py命令来运行,系统可能无法确定要执行哪个文件。

通过使用python -m,可以明确指定要执行的模块的完整名称。例如:

python -m my_module


总之,python -m提供了一种方便的方式来执行Python模块,并具有环境隔离和名称冲突解决的优势。它是在命令行中直接运行模块的便捷选项,适用于直接执行模块代码、模块自测试、环境隔离和避免名称冲突等场景。

其他:python3 --help

root@nvidia:/ky/tml/ky_ai_factory_test# python3 --help
usage: python3 [option] ... [-c cmd | -m mod | file | -] [arg] ...
Options and arguments (and corresponding environment variables):
-b     : issue warnings about str(bytes_instance), str(bytearray_instance)
         and comparing bytes/bytearray with str. (-bb: issue errors)
-B     : don't write .pyc files on import; also PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=x
-c cmd : program passed in as string (terminates option list)
-d     : debug output from parser; also PYTHONDEBUG=x
-E     : ignore PYTHON* environment variables (such as PYTHONPATH)
-h     : print this help message and exit (also --help)
-i     : inspect interactively after running script; forces a prompt even
         if stdin does not appear to be a terminal; also PYTHONINSPECT=x
-I     : isolate Python from the user's environment (implies -E and -s)
-m mod : run library module as a script (terminates option list)
-O     : remove assert and __debug__-dependent statements; add .opt-1 before
         .pyc extension; also PYTHONOPTIMIZE=x
-OO    : do -O changes and also discard docstrings; add .opt-2 before
         .pyc extension
-q     : don't print version and copyright messages on interactive startup
-s     : don't add user site directory to sys.path; also PYTHONNOUSERSITE
-S     : don't imply 'import site' on initialization
-u     : force the stdout and stderr streams to be unbuffered;
         this option has no effect on stdin; also PYTHONUNBUFFERED=x
-v     : verbose (trace import statements); also PYTHONVERBOSE=x
         can be supplied multiple times to increase verbosity
-V     : print the Python version number and exit (also --version)
         when given twice, print more information about the build
-W arg : warning control; arg is action:message:category:module:lineno
         also PYTHONWARNINGS=arg
-x     : skip first line of source, allowing use of non-Unix forms of #!cmd
-X opt : set implementation-specific option. The following options are available:

         -X faulthandler: enable faulthandler
         -X showrefcount: output the total reference count and number of used
             memory blocks when the program finishes or after each statement in the
             interactive interpreter. This only works on debug builds
         -X tracemalloc: start tracing Python memory allocations using the
             tracemalloc module. By default, only the most recent frame is stored in a
             traceback of a trace. Use -X tracemalloc=NFRAME to start tracing with a
             traceback limit of NFRAME frames
         -X showalloccount: output the total count of allocated objects for each
             type when the program finishes. This only works when Python was built with
             COUNT_ALLOCS defined
         -X importtime: show how long each import takes. It shows module name,
             cumulative time (including nested imports) and self time (excluding
             nested imports). Note that its output may be broken in multi-threaded
             application. Typical usage is python3 -X importtime -c 'import asyncio'
         -X dev: enable CPython's "development mode", introducing additional runtime
             checks which are too expensive to be enabled by default. Effect of the
             developer mode:
                * Add default warning filter, as -W default
                * Install debug hooks on memory allocators: see the PyMem_SetupDebugHooks() C function
                * Enable the faulthandler module to dump the Python traceback on a crash
                * Enable asyncio debug mode
                * Set the dev_mode attribute of sys.flags to True
                * io.IOBase destructor logs close() exceptions
         -X utf8: enable UTF-8 mode for operating system interfaces, overriding the default
             locale-aware mode. -X utf8=0 explicitly disables UTF-8 mode (even when it would
             otherwise activate automatically)
         -X pycache_prefix=PATH: enable writing .pyc files to a parallel tree rooted at the
             given directory instead of to the code tree

--check-hash-based-pycs always|default|never:
    control how Python invalidates hash-based .pyc files
file   : program read from script file
-      : program read from stdin (default; interactive mode if a tty)
arg ...: arguments passed to program in sys.argv[1:]

Other environment variables:
PYTHONSTARTUP: file executed on interactive startup (no default)
PYTHONPATH   : ':'-separated list of directories prefixed to the
               default module search path.  The result is sys.path.
PYTHONHOME   : alternate <prefix> directory (or <prefix>:<exec_prefix>).
               The default module search path uses <prefix>/lib/pythonX.X.
PYTHONCASEOK : ignore case in 'import' statements (Windows).
PYTHONUTF8: if set to 1, enable the UTF-8 mode.
PYTHONIOENCODING: Encoding[:errors] used for stdin/stdout/stderr.
PYTHONFAULTHANDLER: dump the Python traceback on fatal errors.
PYTHONHASHSEED: if this variable is set to 'random', a random value is used
   to seed the hashes of str and bytes objects.  It can also be set to an
   integer in the range [0,4294967295] to get hash values with a
   predictable seed.
PYTHONMALLOC: set the Python memory allocators and/or install debug hooks
   on Python memory allocators. Use PYTHONMALLOC=debug to install debug
PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE: if this variable is set to 0, it disables the locale
   coercion behavior. Use PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE=warn to request display of
   locale coercion and locale compatibility warnings on stderr.
PYTHONBREAKPOINT: if this variable is set to 0, it disables the default
   debugger. It can be set to the callable of your debugger of choice.
PYTHONDEVMODE: enable the development mode.
PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX: root directory for bytecode cache (pyc) files.

root@nvidia:/ky/tml/ky_ai_factory_test# python3 --help
usage: python3 [option] … [-c cmd | -m mod | file | -] [arg] …
Options and arguments (and corresponding environment variables):
-b : issue warnings about str(bytes_instance), str(bytearray_instance)
and comparing bytes/bytearray with str. (-bb: issue errors)
-B : don’t write .pyc files on import; also PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=x
-c cmd : program passed in as string (terminates option list)
-d : debug output from parser; also PYTHONDEBUG=x
-E : ignore PYTHON* environment variables (such as PYTHONPATH)
-h : print this help message and exit (also --help)
-i : inspect interactively after running script; forces a prompt even
if stdin does not appear to be a terminal; also PYTHONINSPECT=x
-I : isolate Python from the user’s environment (implies -E and -s)
-m mod : run library module as a script (terminates option list)
-O : remove assert and debug-dependent statements; add .opt-1 before
.pyc extension; also PYTHONOPTIMIZE=x
-OO : do -O changes and also discard docstrings; add .opt-2 before
.pyc extension
-q : don’t print version and copyright messages on interactive startup
-s : don’t add user site directory to sys.path; also PYTHONNOUSERSITE
-S : don’t imply ‘import site’ on initialization
-u : force the stdout and stderr streams to be unbuffered;
this option has no effect on stdin; also PYTHONUNBUFFERED=x
-v : verbose (trace import statements); also PYTHONVERBOSE=x
can be supplied multiple times to increase verbosity
-V : print the Python version number and exit (also --version)
when given twice, print more information about the build
-W arg : warning control; arg is action:message:category:module:lineno
-x : skip first line of source, allowing use of non-Unix forms of #!cmd
-X opt : set implementation-specific option. The following options are available:
-X faulthandler: enable faulthandler
-X showrefcount: output the total reference count and number of used
memory blocks when the program finishes or after each statement in the
interactive interpreter. This only works on debug builds
-X tracemalloc: start tracing Python memory allocations using the
tracemalloc module. By default, only the most recent frame is stored in a
traceback of a trace. Use -X tracemalloc=NFRAME to start tracing with a
traceback limit of NFRAME frames
-X showalloccount: output the total count of allocated objects for each
type when the program finishes. This only works when Python was built with
-X importtime: show how long each import takes. It shows module name,
cumulative time (including nested imports) and self time (excluding
nested imports). Note that its output may be broken in multi-threaded
application. Typical usage is python3 -X importtime -c ‘import asyncio’
-X dev: enable CPython’s “development mode”, introducing additional runtime
checks which are too expensive to be enabled by default. Effect of the
developer mode:
* Add default warning filter, as -W default
* Install debug hooks on memory allocators: see the PyMem_SetupDebugHooks() C function
* Enable the faulthandler module to dump the Python traceback on a crash
* Enable asyncio debug mode
* Set the dev_mode attribute of sys.flags to True
* io.IOBase destructor logs close() exceptions
-X utf8: enable UTF-8 mode for operating system interfaces, overriding the default
locale-aware mode. -X utf8=0 explicitly disables UTF-8 mode (even when it would
otherwise activate automatically)
-X pycache_prefix=PATH: enable writing .pyc files to a parallel tree rooted at the
given directory instead of to the code tree
–check-hash-based-pycs always|default|never:
control how Python invalidates hash-based .pyc files
file : program read from script file
: program read from stdin (default; interactive mode if a tty)
arg …: arguments passed to program in sys.argv[1:]
Other environment variables:
PYTHONSTARTUP: file executed on interactive startup (no default)
PYTHONPATH : ‘:’-separated list of directories prefixed to the
default module search path. The result is sys.path.
PYTHONHOME : alternate directory (or :<exec_prefix>).
The default module search path uses /lib/pythonX.X.
PYTHONCASEOK : ignore case in ‘import’ statements (Windows).
PYTHONUTF8: if set to 1, enable the UTF-8 mode.
PYTHONIOENCODING: Encoding[:errors] used for stdin/stdout/stderr.
PYTHONFAULTHANDLER: dump the Python traceback on fatal errors.
PYTHONHASHSEED: if this variable is set to ‘random’, a random value is used
to seed the hashes of str and bytes objects. It can also be set to an
integer in the range [0,4294967295] to get hash values with a
predictable seed.
PYTHONMALLOC: set the Python memory allocators and/or install debug hooks
on Python memory allocators. Use PYTHONMALLOC=debug to install debug
PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE: if this variable is set to 0, it disables the locale
coercion behavior. Use PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE=warn to request display of
locale coercion and locale compatibility warnings on stderr.
PYTHONBREAKPOINT: if this variable is set to 0, it disables the default
debugger. It can be set to the callable of your debugger of choice.
PYTHONDEVMODE: enable the development mode.
PYTHONPYCACHEPREFIX: root directory for bytecode cache (pyc) files.


